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Posts posted by monday_bloody_monday

  1. When one of my dogs was in puppy preschool the trainer suggested Wild Forage as a solution. Not long after, my puppy decided that she was a bit keen on eating poo. We got some Wild Forage from the vets and just added 5ml to both dogs' food each day. It didn't take long to be effective and we only needed to persist with it for about a month. It was quite expensive for us because we got just a small bottle from the vet, but it is available much cheaper online and probably from stockfeeds too.

  2. Biozet is a good one for washing too - it contains an enzyme which breaks down the ammonia so it gets rid of the smell. Both of mine had times when they peed on their bedding as puppies - I got through it with lots of washing and plenty of patience.

  3. Just wondering if anyone out there has had much experience with corns on dogs' pads? Although they are almost exclusively found in greyhounds, my basenji developed a couple of corns on the pad of her front left paw. They started off just as little rough patches but over a period of a few months they began to irritate her more and more, indicated by her regular licking of just that one paw. She would pull away in pain if we applied any pressure to the particular spots when checking it. Generally she was fine when walking, but occasionally would limp on it after a good run at the dog park. Initially we had no idea what it was so after a couple of trips to the vet, she had them surgically removed at the end of July. At this time we were advised that there was a possibility that they could come back. Less than 2 months later we had her back at the vet with another corn.

    We have now been presented with a couple of options for treating her a second time. I have to say, I'm a little sceptical that the corns were all removed during the surgery the first time - I kept a close eye on her paw since the surgery and whilst the wound where the incision was made healed rather quickly, there was one rough patch that remained and is where the "new" corn has appeared. Anyway, the options we have been given are:

    - Do nothing. This is what we have decided to do for the moment as it is not bothering her too much (again, she is licking it sometimes and it hurts her if it is pressed and she occasionally limps on it after a good run). As soon as it becomes an issue for her we will decide on another treatment

    - Give her anti-inflammatories on a daily basis. We started her on some tablets but they didn't agree with her and gave her an upset tummy so have stopped again

    - Surgery again... it seems too soon to be operating again and surely it is not suitable in the long term to keep operating each time one appears?

    - In addition to the surgery, have a topical retinoid treatment applied in an attempt to prevent them from coming back

    Of course, we just want to do whatever is best for her so if anyone has any experience or advice it would be greatly appreciated!

  4. Thanks for the replies everyone! As my other dog is a basenji, I'm pretty new to the barking thing. There are a couple of reasons we were keeping her inside for now. One of which was the fact that she is a play barker and if she is barking outside it is going to be a whole lot louder for the neighbours. But since she is barking inside and disturbing the neighbours anyway I think the plan of attack is to put her outside with Akili and see how she goes. I have spoken with another neighbour who is going to keep an ear out for her and let me know if she keeps the barking up outside. That might be the next thread... :rolleyes:

    Anyway, here are a couple of pics of my beautiful girls - Taru the lappie and Akili the basenji.


  5. Today I received a letter from a neighbour advising that my 4 month old puppy has been barking "relentlessly" during the day whilst I am out at work. I am hoping that someone has some advice as to how I can control this problem barking.

    I have a 2 1/2 year old basenji who is also home during the day but for the moment 2 dogs are separated whilst they are unsupervised. The puppy (a finnish lapphund) is in the laundry and my other dog is in the backyard. Both have a selection of toys which I rotate daily to maintain their interest, including kongs and treat dispensing balls. They also have daily walks.

    I am willing to put in the time and effort to train the puppy out of this barking habit (which I was unaware of until today). The problem is that I'm not sure how I can train her when the problem is occuring when I am not at home. I'm keen to get working on this as soon as possible since it is obviously already causing issues for my neighbour. Any suggestions?! Thanks in advance :)

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