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Posts posted by boxmeupboxer

  1. Oh that poor girl, the mental and physical injuries are going to be with her for a very long time. :(

    mita, on 04 June 2012 - 02:42 PM, said:

    When will the basic messages get thro' to people? First, children in that little girl's age group are the most vulnerable for dog bites/attacks.

    Second, dogs like pig dogs are trained and used to killing.....and don't know the difference between a small child and an animal.

    At least the property owners tried to shield the child and may have saved her life. But they desperately need a commonsense transplant after having a pack of pig-killing dogs and a small child in the same space.

    I am sorry, but that statement is ill informed and very untrue!

    Could you back this statement up with some facts please! I myself have had pig dogs most of my nearly 50 years and have alot of acquaintances and family members that have had pig dogs grow up with their children, and amazingly not one of us have had any experiences where these dogs have mistook a child for a pig???

    As with any dog it comes down to RESPONSIBLE OWNERS. That is where the buck stops.

    Oh and my opinion on this heartbreaking story. I would have the dogs put down, regardless of breed, blame or circumstances! There is NEVER an excuse for a dog to viciously attack anyone!

    I completly agree with everything above.

  2. Trinabean - Thanks for your response, this has helped and I will try the things you have mentioned.

    Rebanne - I am def going to try the lamb flaps and porridge, thanks for that advice. Will it matter if the flaps are cooked or raw?

    Spaying may help but if you don't want her desexed don't do it just for the weight angle as there is no way to know if it will make a difference.

    Thanks for your honesty, I really appreciate it.

    I have had her since she was 12 weeks old and she’s 26 months now.

    Danios -

    Have you tried a performance food like Eagle Pack Power or a grain free food like Canidae.

    Is she a nervous/ anxious/ busy dog?

    Otherwise using chicken carcasses and lamb flaps works as well as making porridge with water in the microwave and then adding rice milk to make slushy and cool it down. Parmesan cheese/ normal cheese and full fat cottage cheese and yoghurt on food can help too.

    Hi Danios, No I have not tried Eagle pack power or grain free food, so I appreciate those suggestions, thanks very much.

    She can be an anxious girl at times, she is always on the go when she’s awake but will still have a couple of sleeps through the day.

    I will start adding some of those high fat cheeses to her diet also and hope it helps, it all makes sense.

    Is the rice milk higher in fat than normal full cream cow’s milk?

    Thanks very much for your help.

    ETA: I noticed everyone mentioned chicken carcasses; apart from the obvious is there much nutritional difference between these and chicken necks?

    Both our girls get necks on a regular basis.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I am wondering if anyone can please advise me on how help my 2yr old female boxer gain some weight?

    She has been on the thin side ever since I picked her up from the breeder, so I am desperate.

    She has been to 3 different vets (just for various opinions)

    Blood tests - Clear

    No worms

    Generally fit and healthy just ghastly thin.

    She weighs 23kgs but looks terrible, we can see her ribs and backbone.

    I have tried MANY, MANY different types of foods, diets etc etc She's not fussy as such, just a small eater.

    So I am hoping there maybe some form of a supplement that may help, as well as high fat, protein diet.

    Do you think de-sexing her will help?

    I have come across k9mega Dog Vitamins-Supplements which sounds really good but it’s from the states and I’m sure there would have to be something very similar available in Australia, I just can’t seem to find anything, ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for reading.

  4. Hi Jed. Yes, I tend to agree with you in regards to her being a tad jealous, it seems to be getting better on a daily basis, which is great.

    I’m so glad I never had to deal with her wanting to help with the washing, so in hindsight she properly wasn’t as bad as some boxers can be. lol.

    This may sound a bit daft but what is "bone in chicken mince"?

    Both dogs get table scraps, dry food and plenty of meat. My boxer does tend to get more of the fat off the meat, than my hubbys dog, simply just because she needs it more. This morning they got beef topside roast diced up and fried in butter, nice and warm in their tummies on such a freezing cold morning.

    Is their any supplements that I could possibly add to her tucker that'll fatten her up?

    The vet gave me some paste stuff last time and she hated it, made things worse, so I stopped it.

    Will def try the mutton flaps and sheep’s heart. I've tried the liver before but she doesn’t like it raw, will only eat it cooked.

    Thanks very much for your help, look forward to chatting again soon.

  5. Jed thank you very much for your post, it makes so much sense, especially as most things you said I did end up discovering and implemented with my girl. See below for update. Wonderful. Very wise words.

    Hello fellow Boxer lovers, I'm new here and would love some advice regarding my boxer please.

    She is my very first Boxer and I am really in love with the breed, seems to be the breed that I like the most, although we seem to be having some problems. She is 18months old and HIGHLY DESTRUCTIVE, she is home with me through the day, played with and walked regularly, we also have 4 kids so she gets lots of attention and stimulation within the family and well socialized with other dogs, but no matter what we do she seems to love eating my plants and digging holes. I really don't want to hear "pups and gardens don't go", because there are many families out there with pups and gardens and they don't get destroyed so there HAS to be a solution, I just need to discover what it is :)

    I'm also wondering at what age did you find your boxer "grew up", is it true they stay "puppy like" for about 4yrs??? I have been advised to either get her into pup OR desex her and that may help, but they are extreme measures for the possibility that it won’t make any difference.

    We love her to bits, she's great with the kids and great guard dog and very much a part of our family but we just can't put up with this behaviour much longer as it’s slowly putting a strain on the relationship we have with her. :(

    Thanks for listening and some useful, constructive advice would be really appreciated.

    Thanks again.

    So it’s been 8 months since I posted about my very destructive girl, so thought I would update.

    Since then she has now hit the 2yr mark and has become, let's say, a joy to live with.

    She is a lot less destructive, has ceased eating, chewing and ripping out my plants. (Yet I am still very scared to re-plant things, just in case.)

    She is obedient now, very much a pleaser, affectionate and an even better guard dog than before. We have truly discovered the boxer breed more in depth now and fully appreciate the nature of the boxer.

    She has learnt when it’s time for "play" and when it's "quiet" time, she loves going for runs down the river and can in most cases be controlled by command. She is an absolute beauty to have around now and I am so happy that we perceived with her.

    We are currently working on controlling her over protectiveness of me and my son at the moment and it seems to be working well. We aren’t sure if it's jealousy or being protective, but whenever my husband’s dog comes near my son or myself, in the last 3 weeks, she jumps on her, snarls, growls and depending on how my hubbys dog reacts to her, they "can" get into a scruff. If it even looks like either one of us is going to show my hubbys dog attention and not her, she pushes in front, stands guarded and "can" at times, growl at her. If I am wrestling with my son outside, she shows signs of wanting to protect me also. (My other 3 kids and hubby do not phase her one bit) We have been very stern with her that, that behaviour is unacceptable and give them both attention and she seems to be responding well. We are very aware of these "going-ons" and hope if we continue to discourage this behaviour is will cease very soon, as it's started to diminish already, which is great.

    The only other issue I'd LOVE to resolve with her would be her weight.

    I have had this issue with her since we got her, I have had her to 3 different vets for different opinions, spoken to her breeder, tried many different types of foods/diets and still nothing seems to help. She will generally eat anything you give her, just in small amounts. She currently weighs 23kgs, seems happy and healthy but looks terrible.

    We can see her ribs and backbone and I really don’t like it, people comment and think that it’s the owners fault but I am more than open to suggestions as to how to try and beef her up a bit, if anyone can help that'd be wonderful.

    Anyway thanks for listening.

    Have a great day.

  6. Boxagirl - Thanks so much for your reply, I have also posted in the breed subforum, wasn't sure where to post, so posted in both, thanks again for your reply, its much appreciated and helpful.

  7. Hello fellow Boxer lovers, I'm new here and would love some advice regarding my boxer please.

    She is my very first Boxer and I am really in love with the breed, seems to be the breed that I like the most, although we seem to be having some problems. She is 18months old and HIGHLY DESTRUCTIVE, she is home with me through the day, played with and walked regularly, we also have 4 kids so she gets lots of attention and stimulation within the family and well socialized with other dogs, but no matter what we do she seems to love eating my plants and digging holes. I really don't want to hear "pups and gardens don't go", because there are many families out there with pups and gardens and they don't get destroyed so there HAS to be a solution, I just need to discover what it is :)

    I'm also wondering at what age did you find your boxer "grew up", is it true they stay "puppy like" for about 4yrs??? I have been advised to either get her into pup OR desex her and that may help, but they are extreme measures for the possibility that it wont make any difference.

    We love her to bits, she's great with the kids and great guard dog and very much apart of our family but we just can't put up with this behavior much longer as its slowly putting a strain on the relationship we have with her. :(

    Thanks for listening and some useful, constructive advice would be really appreciated.

    Thanks again.

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