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Posts posted by Kiara&Heidi

  1. I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a Chihuahua, both female. I also live with two male poodle x cocker spaniels, (they are not "mine"). All four get along fine, but my two bond more don't really take notice of the poodle crosses. We also occasionally look after an old female maltese. So in my experience it doesn't really matter what sex or breed.

  2. Is this right?:

    1. I see something I know my dog will react to

    2. I say "look at that" to alert my dog to the stimulus

    3. Dog looks at stimulus

    3. I click

    4. Dog looks at me

    5. I give my dog a treat

    But then, what do I do if my dog looks back at the stimulus as soon as I give the treat? Click and treat again? I'm kind of worried I'm doing it wrong and encouraging her to be reactive...

  3. I am not sure if you can buy the berries that haven't had Sulphur Dioxide added, I'd be interested in knowing if I can buy them somewhere that they are truly organic


    and more bad news here... http://www.health24.com/child/Allergy/833-3475,14452.asp

    and scroll down 2/3 of the page here... http://mychristianhealthcoach.com/articles.asp

    The brand I buy is only from the super market but the only ingredient listed is Goji berries. I'm pretty sure (but not 100% sure) that it needs to be listed in the ingredients as a preservative in Australia. I know a lot of dried fruit has sulphur dioxide added, but it is listed in the ingredients and I never buy it. Either way, I don't feed them often enough that it would be a problem, it would be less than once a month that she gets them. The blueberries I feed are fresh, so no preservatives there.

    I tried to grow a Goji berry plant once so we could have fresh berries, but Kiara ate the whole plant :laugh:

  4. If he likes the chicken necks I would look into a raw diet - in my opinion there is no better diet for dogs but that's for you to decide. Otherwise I can recommend BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) patties which are quite expensive if you are feeding anything bigger than a Chihuahua, but you could mix one in with his dry food (it is a mushy texture). My Chihuahua is fussy but she will not turn down her BARF - it smells quite strong which I suppose dogs love.

    ETA: Can you post some pictures of him :D

  5. Itchy skin is quite common in young Staffords unfortunately. Kiara had such bad skin that it looked like mange and she was red raw in places :( We had tests at the vet and they couldn't find out what was wrong so she was put on antibiotics. The antibiotics worked until they ran out and she was off them for a few days. The vets recommended that she just stays on antibiotics for the rest of her life which I was not happy with. I switched her to a raw diet and it cleared up within a week :thumbsup: . You don't have to feed raw because I know it can be a hassle for some people, but as others have said try eliminating grains and beef from his diet and see how that goes. Ideally try eliminating all red meats at the beginning and add new things gradually until you find the culprit. Also try and stop him from rolling in grass because that can cause itchy skin too. Give the diet change a go and if there is no diffrence or it gets worse you really should see a vet regardless of how much they charge or it's not really fair on Oscar. Good luck :)

  6. I have had multiple problems with vets:

    - Trying to convince me that RAW feeding is dangerous

    - Trying to sell me Science Diet

    - Trying to change my mind about yearly vaccinations

    - Trying to convince me to give my dogs the heartworm injection

    - Not listening to my concerns - because I am young maybe or because I'm not a vet, who knows :confused:

    - Not explaining all options properly when it comes to decision making

    - Calling me in the middle of class to tell me I have to quickly make a decision about what type of surgery I want my dog to have while she is under anaesthetic because they miscalculated and now I have more than one option, forcing me to make a decision based on very little information

    - Telling me my Stafford, who this particular vet had never met, was likely to be aggressive and hurt my Chihuahua

    - Getting frustrated when I ask questions because they are clearly in a rush

    - Looking at me like I am an idiot when I ask for something to be explained further

    - Giving general (opinionated) advice that I didn't ask for

    - Or even if they are good that usually means they are not available when I need them

    The list goes on...

    Needless to say I don't really stick with any one vet and usually the vets I do like end up moving away or there is some other problem :(

    I don't think it's anal, you naturally just want the best you can find. I do envy people who have one vet for years and never have any problems with them.

  7. I plan to call my next dog Rocco or Rocky if it's a boy... although I think other non-dog people might find that sad :laugh:

    ETA: I probably won't be getting another dog for 3 years

  8. My chihuahua is 5 months old and still has accidents in the house. We just came inside after I stood with her for half an hour trying to get her to do a wee before bed but she refused :laugh: . I don't see what the big deal is when she goes in the wrong place - I just clean it up and since she's so small it's only a tiny mess anyway. She will learn eventually, just like your puppy.

    sorry a bit off topic, but talking about house training its along the same theme at least :laugh: are you in the chi thread i can't remember. but just to address this, we've had some buyers come back after giving them a pup or young dog and they've come back with, "the dog isn't toilet trained". basically doing what you described up top.

    my advice to one person was, don't stand there with the dog they never do anything when you are with them as they would see you as their one way ticket back inside the house and because they are dying to go they will wait until they are back inside then go. so what we do with our young pups is either have an area that they can always use that already has their own smells there or don't stand with them leave them for 5-10 mins outside by themselves. usually works better when you have other dogs around going too though. this lady that told me that, only had the one bitch but it did work what i told her to do. we usually have a word like outside now or out and they know its the toilet break, so we do that every hour or so after them being inside, works like a charm for us. but then again our dogs are trained from day dot to do this and also the young pups do follow the adults and learn that way. bit more difficult when you only have one dog. or puppy.

    Last night Heidi was not happy being outside because it was cold and the grass was wet. A while after I brought her back in she went on the pee pad inside which is fine. I don't like leaving her outside at night because there are owls and she is very small, so I have to stand with her.

    I am in the chi thread - Heidi is the one with patchy hair if you remember :laugh: . I have also PM'd you before re: patella luxation - I have changed my display name from Arielle to Kiara&Heidi.

    Sorry to the OP for going off topic.

  9. If you don't want to use stock you can just mix the blood from some raw meat with water and even better mix in a bit on mince as well. As for what else to put in it, you can use pretty much anything you can think of that your dog likes. I have used chunks of meat, offal, apple, blueberries, goji berries, raw egg, cheese (small amount), chicken, fish... you get the idea ;)

  10. My chihuahua is 5 months old and still has accidents in the house. We just came inside after I stood with her for half an hour trying to get her to do a wee before bed but she refused :laugh: . I don't see what the big deal is when she goes in the wrong place - I just clean it up and since she's so small it's only a tiny mess anyway. She will learn eventually, just like your puppy.

  11. Have a read of this site. Have my boy booked in this week


    Yep, I'm saving up for it at the moment. It's very exciting! I was only a little disheartened when I spoke to my vet about it (this was before Kiara had surgery when her cruciate had ruptured), I asked him if it would be useful when Kiara starts to develop arthritis and he talked it down a bit, saying 'don't expect to get a new joint out of it', which I know, but he didn't say anything good about it. After hearing about other people's good expiriences though, I'm back to being keen.

    P.S. The vet I spoke to was not just any vet who had no idea by the way, he was one of the main vets to have done trials at the time.

    ETA: Good luck with your boy, hope all goes well. I wasn't meaning to make the stem cell treatment sound like a bad idea by the way, I think it is fantastic. I was just a little disappointed after speaking to my vet, that's all.

  12. I also use whole chicken hearts that are great for big dogs.

    Where do you get them from? I can only get beef and sheep hearts.

    Some chicken shops sell them. If your local one doesn't have them, maybe ask if they can get them in. I know the nearest chicken shop to me is happy to order things they don't stock, e.g. turkey necks.

    Whole chicken hearts are great for small dogs too! The little guy here gets two as part of his raw diet once a week, while the bigger dogs get five times that.

    Oh thanks, I hadn't thought of going to a chicken shop for some reason. Will try it.

    Sheena - your kitchen must smell nice after that :vomit::laugh:

  13. Inevitablue - if they use cultured cells does the dog have to have immunosuppressant drugs, and is there any difference apart from the fact that the dog doesn't need an opeartion to harvest fat first? Thanks :)

    No, as pure mesenchymal stem cells are immuno privileged, they don't trigger the immune system. They really are multi functional cells.

    The difference is, apart from the dog not having to have a 4-6inch scar, the cultured system is just pure stem cells. Harvesting the fat produces a mix of cells, with on average (depending on age) 30% stem cells. Hence why that system cannot transfer between dogs.

    As stem cells are finite, just like the entire body, we believe it makes sense to take cells from a young healthy dog, whose cells have not been through multiple mitotic divisions.

    We did a Bull Mastiff two weeks ago, severe arthritis in the hips, and now already he is vastly improved. I need to start taking before and after videos! :) His two hips cost $1100 - final cost to the owner :thumbsup:

    That's great news, thanks!

  14. But you didn't actually see your dog do anything wrong, did you? Chances are the people with the little dog are just wary of bigger dogs after their little one had been attacked. Personally I don't take my Stafford or Chihuahua to dog parks because if I can't be 100% sure that nothing will happen I don't think it's worth it. If you do go to dog parks there are a lot of people with strange ideas about dogs and who can't necessarily read dogs body language at all, so you just have to be careful around those people.

  15. has she done it before? I would be starting her on low equipment and all on lead, just a few minutes at a time. She has to relearn how to use her body and what to do before being off lead or running about with equipment.

    She has never done it before. We will be doing it at a dog training club so I would assume they would start easy and on lead anyway? From what I've seen, in that sort of environment you would only get a few minutes at a time so all the other dogs can have a go. If not I will let them know that I need to take everything very gradually with her. Thanks for your input :)

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