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Posts posted by Kinkdogg

  1. When Ruskee drinks for longer than usual, we know soon a paw will go in. I distract her with noise, get her to sit, then lift the bowl up just enough, until she has quenched her first. She is starting to grow out of it at 15 weeks.

  2. If you trust random people on a message board more than your vet, it's time to find a vet that you trust more.

    You must not have understood what I said. I was asking people for their experiences and opinions. There is nothing wrong with our vet, he is really good.

    Also as I have experienced with other types of forums, a lot of the people on them actually do know more. Don't sell DOL short...

  3. My parents and sister just got back from our vet for her second to last vaccinations. It was just a few things he said that have pricked my ears. Firstly, he said after 2 weeks we can give her short walks, not letting her sniff anything and didn't recommend taking her anywhere with other dogs. She is 12 weeks old now, and we still haven't taken her for a walk out of our property yet. We have to wait another 6 weeks until the final vaccination to do that. We only have a small backyard and we want to give her a good walk. Plus my sister works at the RSPCA and he said that she shouldn't work, or if so to leave all clothes and shoes she wears at work there. So my sister doesn't want to work for 6 weeks just in case she carries something home. Which makes sense.

    Secondly. Feeding wise, he said, we should just feed her dry food because everything she needs is in there. Hmm, breeder said to feed her mince with the dry food. Vet says you could freeze mince as a treat, but not for the meal. Interesting. Also, no bones. Um really? If we have to give her bones, they must be big so she can't swallow it, and take all the marrow out as it is too fatty. Really? Bones help clean teeth, but he said we can brush them as she matures...

    I'm not criticising the vet as it does make sense in a way what he said (I'm sure he has more of an idea then me). I'm just wondering what people have experienced with vets, or if they have any opinions themselves on what I have said.


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