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Posts posted by Jade~Harley~Bella

  1. If you can't simple put him inside for the short time you're out a kennel & run would be the quickest and easiest.

    Thing is, with Staffords especially - once they learn that fences can be breeched they will usually keep doing it so even if you stop him there he will probably turn his attention elsewhere if he has got in to the habit of knowing he can get out if he tries hard enough.

    They really need to learn very early on that "all" fences are escape-proof or you are in for a life time of issues - some can can jump/climb/scramble over 8 foot colourbond (yes I have seen it) so not something to encourage!

    Those invisible barriers might work, but remember that Staffords are very determined and he might decide a moment's pain is worth the benefit - and once he's through the barrier he has much less incentive to come back through.

    I agree with this! my littlest girl went through a stage of constantly escaping no matter what we did. We ended up having to replace 100m of fence line and built a dog run for her to go in when we left the house as well as constant walks etc. She doesn't do it any more thank god but we still use the run for when I walk them as I have to do it separately and she isn't a fan of being left behind so tries to jump the regular fence to come too.

  2. How else can you explain it?

    With evidence, not unsubstantiated claims that not only give owners misinformation, but also continue to malign certain breeds.

    Specific breeds get stolen because they're popular. It's also worth noting that almost every time there are sudden crime waves that are suspected to be dog fighting rings, there are instances of it happening all over the world at the exact same time. Whether it be England, the USA, Canada, etc. The common denominator is always hysterical people and social networks.

    It's the whole sticker thing all over again (or, should I say, continued?). There's no doubt in my mind dogs get stolen for dog fighting - it's a very real thing - but it's not around every corner, in every suburb, of every city, of every state. It's not as common as people like to make out. And I'd put money on the fact that so many dogs who are reported as stolen, have actually just escaped, and the owner isn't clued-in enough to realise how the dog got out.

    In one article, Hawkesbury MP Ray Williams was quoted as saying:

    "These bastards normally like the more aggressive dogs like staffys or cross breeds but they will still take the little ones as well to bait and blood the more ferocious ones before they get into a ring,"

    That's an article that has been shared countless times. An article with ignorant, damaging words that further perpetuate a dangerous stereotype that sees certain breeds killed, based on looks alone. And an article that has absolutely no evidence to back up any of what has been claimed.

    Unsubstantiated articles like these are never a good thing.

    If it helps encourage people to ensure their pets are more securely kept though what's so bad about that? I know there is a dog fighting ring in my area, plenty of bull breeds also seem to disappear as well. Must be a coincidence ;)

  3. recently I read about a woman in the UK who was walking her King Charles down a path when it was set upon by a Pit Bull.

    Apparently the attack went on for 25 minutes - all of which she filmed FFS!! (I've seen the film and it is a Pitty for those who will insist it couldn't have been plus the other owner had told the owner that too)

    I couldn't get over that, I'd have been trying to kick the crap out of the other dog or insisting it's owners grab it.

    It was all a bit strange. Eventually another walker came along and separated the dogs. Why the owner filmed it and did nothing to help her dog, I simply cannot fathom.

    As for this case, it would have been terrifying to have tried to intervene with those large dogs in attack mode but perhaps I'd have driven at them or something ...

    WTF! I'd have just picked the cavvie up. I've had to do it before when we had a cattle dog mix rush Bella and I while the owner just stood there watching.

  4. I'm sorry but where is the evidence that the dogs are being stolen for dogfighting? I'm so sick of these constant articles coming out with absolutely no evidence of such activities occurring.

    How else can you explain it? Specific breeds being stolen and in such high numbers is pretty suspicious and would point to dog fighting... if not that than could be by BYB's etc.

  5. God either that guy is short or those are some big "AmStaffs".

    I don't think I would be able to run in and help unless I had a weapon (maybe not even then). If it were a frenzied attack and the dogs were acting in a pack like structure there is nothing stopping them from attacking you as well.

    I wouldn't stand there and record the incident on my phone though. Its all good for people to be disgusted that the guy did film it, but until you are in that position you can't really say how you would react.

    The whole incident seems strange to me though, quite random.

  6. My top family recommends are:



    Staffordshire Bull Terrier


    If trainability is an issue, I'd probably knock out the Beagle but what to they actually want to train the dog to do?

    I honestly don't think a people oriented dog is going to be happy watching family life through the back windows but if they can be a bit flexible about that, any of the aforementioned breeds is worth a look.

    I'd think a stafford would be pretty miffed at having to be outside a majority of the time and not having access to the full house/family. And if it only has a small yard getting half an hour of exercise probably wouldn't be enough IMO.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. I saw an ad today for purebred staffys... 6 males and 4 female puppies.

    The father is a purebred American Staffy and the mother is a purebred English Staffy.

    Both parents are purebred, so it seems the pups must be to.. OMFG!!! Are people really that stupid???

    Lol maybe they don't know the difference, the AmStaffy... Just a long leg version of the stafford right ;) lol

    I know one person that posted on another forum, she decided to breed her dog a rescue wolfhound cross (why the pound sold an entire bitch, I don't know). She had so many issues it was not funny, and they all conveniently happened on the weekend or public holidays. In the end it cost her $5,000.00 in vet fees alone which took all of their savings and then still put them into debt. They lost a couple of pups and the bitch had so many health issues which required surgery etc and they nearly lost her as well. The guy who put his dog over theirs didn't contribute a cent but still expected the pick of the litter.

    Of course, if this person has it in their head that they want to breed because it's going to make them a fortune, I doubt anything you say or do will change their mind. Just have to hope nothing goes wrong for the sake of the dogs.

  8. What do the pups' ANKC papers say they are?

    Easy solution really :D

    If there are questions on breed I'm just going to assume there aren't any...

    I would say it is more AmStaffy to me. But I would really steer clear of buying off of a back yard breeder, you really don't know what you are getting.

  9. thanks so much that's really useful info.

    I'm not sure what constitutes a novice dog owner; I owned a border collie myself for 16years until he passed on and, as stated above have been living with an english stafford for the last two years, so I'm very confortable with dogs in the home.

    Anyway, your comments are valued and certainly I will be going to a registered breeder and asking to meet the parents of the pups and choosing based on gut feel in terms of temperament, I don't even care which colour I get.

    Again, thanks everybody !

    Lol I wouldn't call you a novice owner then. (I'll use myself as an example lol) By novice I mean getting them as a first dog like I did. I should have picked something easier but I didn't do my research and liked the breed without knowing much about it.

  10. breed standard says between 28-40kg so I wouldn't call them small. They do make fantastic pets, so long as you keep up with training, exercise and socialisation. They aren't really for novice owners though, they need someone who is experienced with dogs which was a mistake I made.

    I am not normally one to correct other people <img src='http://www.dolforums.com.au/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embarrass.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://www.dolforums.com.au/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embarrass.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />' /> , but the breed standard actually says

    Sizes: Height and weight should be in proportion.


    Dogs approx 46-48 cms (18-19 ins) at shoulders

    Bitches approx 43-46 cms (17-18 ins) at shoulders is considered preferable.

    And from the Extended Breed Standard of THE AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER

    The historical dog the Standard was written to describe averaged approximately 46-48 cms (18 to 19 inches) and 21.75-27.2 kgs (48-60 Ibs), with bitches 43-46 cms

    (17 to 18 inches) and 19.0-25.0 kgs (42-55 Ibs). These are approximately the

    proportions that should be considered preferable

    Personally I think 40kg is WAY too heavy/big <img src='http://www.dolforums.com.au/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embarrass.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://www.dolforums.com.au/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/embarrass.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />' />

    That's just what I got from the Interwebs. I certainly don't think they should be 40kg either, I think that would relate to those over muscular physiques some breeders go for.

    ETA- thought I read that somewhere reputable, but just went back through and looked again and it wasn't... Wikipedia I think! Lol stupid baby brain!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. I don't have much experience with Staffords, but own to AmStaffs so can help you with them.

    In my opinion AmStaffs do not respond well with the whole "Dominance alpha male" way of thinking. The best training method is reward based training. They are fairly intelligent and do need continuous training.

    Both of my dogs are alone between 7.30 - 4.30-5.30 Monday to Friday and they do fine, but I leave bones etc for them during the day. We are on acreage so one walk a day is also plenty exercise wise. When we only had Harley in a small yard, he destroyed it though being alone in the day.

    If you go for an AmStaff make sure your breeder is breeding for temperament not looks. It will make a difference with the dog when it is older. Also starting socialisation from as early as possible (8 weeks when you get the pup) is important as they are more susceptible to dog aggression. In some cases no amount of socialisation will help stop aggression.

    Male v female is all personal preference. I find Harley to be more laid back and happy to just chill where as Bella always needs to be doing something, she is a naughty little witch of a dog! lol I don't like the way males have to pee on everything and are territorial etc so I'll stick with females from now on.

    AmStaff Breed Standard says:

    The American Staffordshire Terrier should give the impression of great strength for his size, a well put-together dog, muscular, but agile and graceful, keenly alive to his surroundings. He should be stocky, not long-legged or racy in outline. His courage is proverbial.

    Harley weights around 29kg, breed standard says between 28-40kg so I wouldn't call them small. They do make fantastic pets, so long as you keep up with training, exercise and socialisation. They aren't really for novice owners though, they need someone who is experienced with dogs which was a mistake I made.

  12. I went to a dog day out at the Nudgee dog park. it wasn't to bad but there were no toilets and all of the tables were taken while we were there. We all ended up going to the beach up the road (not fenced) for a BBQ and took the dogs out on the mudflats for a play in the water, it was much better there than the actual dog park.

  13. What a stupid woman. If the dogs had not been with him anything could have happened. They were the best protection he could have had. I would be so grateful to those dogs for staying with my boy if I was dumb enough to lose them all in the first place.

    Unreal ,callous & uncalled for. Why even think it let alone say it.


    I get the feeling the woman is actually blaming the dogs for the child going off??? :mad ....so glad the kid is okay.

    She said (I think) on today this morning that the dogs ran out of the open gate and the little boy followed. I personally found the whole thing odd watching it this morning. The way she was acting and things she was saying were just interesting for someone who's disabled son had wandered off :/

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. Stupid little girls. Imagine if there were DA or HA dogs released or ones that suffered from extreme anxiety which I know a lot of shelter dogs would. They are so lucky that nothing happened and all of the dogs and cats were brought back and safe. They do need more than a slap on the wrist, if they were my children they would not be leaving the house for a very long time, disgusting behavior.

  15. :( poor lizard. I've come home twice now to 3 dead wild brown ducklings. Their little family have to cross our yard to get from one dam to the other and unfortunately these guys weren't quick enough.

    Makes me mad as hell because I hate to see any animal die, specially by my dogs. But it's what they do! No point being cranky at them about it.... Well for a long time anyway. I did make my dogs stay outside most of the night! Lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. Why should we admire them though? They have done nothing but be born into that family, and that family is only where it is through violence and oppression.

    Why should that demand respect? What do they give back to their community?

    They are parasites, leaching money from the tax payers and living a disgustingy lavish lifestyle....for what?

    When did they do something that actually benefited anyone but themselves? Sincere question.....

    They display an astonishing arrogance and indifference (unless a tv interview offers them the opportunity to gain some brownie points) towards the welfare of the very people their crumbling, defunct empire was (and, in some cases, still is) supposed to be protecting/in charge of.

    Northern Ireland - needs no elaboration...

    ETA: Not to mention Prince Phillip and his racist vitriol....good god.

    I though they were involved in a fair bit of charity work not to mention the family members that serve in the armed forces. Also wouldn't it be the responsibility of the PM and other members of parliament to run the country not the queen. We don't blame the royals when Australia is going through tough times do we?

    No we don't, because they have practically nothing to do with us and I'd bet we'll be rid of them soon enough anyway.

    You are correct in that they really don't have the power they used to, and that is a good thing, but if you are interested do some research on the history of the British royal family, you may feel differently. You may not.

    And as for charity, I bloody well hope they give something at least, they've been living off taxpayers money for years.

    Exactly, the Royals don't make the rules. Sure they live of of the tax payer, but look at the life time packages all of our MP's get, aside from welfare (those that use the system) its one of the biggest wastes of money for the country. It is of no benefit to the rest of us. I'm quite happy to keep old Queeny as head of the country... the thought of having Julia Gillard as president sends shivers down my spine :scared:

  17. Why should we admire them though? They have done nothing but be born into that family, and that family is only where it is through violence and oppression.

    Why should that demand respect? What do they give back to their community?

    They are parasites, leaching money from the tax payers and living a disgustingy lavish lifestyle....for what?

    When did they do something that actually benefited anyone but themselves? Sincere question.....

    They display an astonishing arrogance and indifference (unless a tv interview offers them the opportunity to gain some brownie points) towards the welfare of the very people their crumbling, defunct empire was (and, in some cases, still is) supposed to be protecting/in charge of.

    Northern Ireland - needs no elaboration...

    ETA: Not to mention Prince Phillip and his racist vitriol....good god.

    I though they were involved in a fair bit of charity work not to mention the family members that serve in the armed forces. Also wouldn't it be the responsibility of the PM and other members of parliament to run the country not the queen. We don't blame the royals when Australia is going through tough times do we?

  18. We just did this for our houdini today. I got my other girl on a lead and went out the front, she then showed OH exactly how she was getting out

    This is how we found out how Bella was escaping. Took Harley for a "walk" and went and hid behind a bush. It didn't take long for her to get out and we seen it all. Although be careful of how desperately your dog wants to get out, Bella tried jumping one of the fences and got her collar caught on the pole, lucky we were right there or she would have died.

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