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Posts posted by honeybun

  1. My dog is on Palladia 15mg with a possibility to drop to 10mg as her white blood cell count has just dropped to lower end of normal . She has no side effects except itchy skin. Eating well, no diarrhoea or weight loss. Her cancer was a malignant carcinoma.

  2. Just saw this topic.

    My sisters 15 year old Cocker Spaniel was lame in one leg and having difficulty getting around from arthritis. She was under a vets care and whilst she was also diagnosed with Cushings, he suggested 4cyte, and there were remarkable results. The lameness improved dramatically and she was able to once again run around and happily walk up and down the paddocks on the farm until she passed away just recently. She was on 4cyte for maybe 2 years.

  3. A few years ago I purchased some Calendula dried herbs from a forum member for a rinse for dogs skin and coat.

    Does anyone know who in this forum it may have been as I would like to purchase some more. Thankyou.

    My dog is on chemo and her skin is very easily irritated and she is limited as to what she can be given or I can use on her.

  4. Is anyone interested in purchasing at well below cost, bottles of Vetmedin 2.5 mg 100s tablets that have a use by date of 2018,unopened that were purchased for a dog but the vet changed the meds when the dog was found to have Cushings so has no use for it now.

    The retail is usually over $100 odd .

    The price we are looking at is $80 plus postage.

  5. I would like to nominate Denise at Paws, she does a brilliant job and has lots of small fluffies where the clippers would be put to good use. :thumbsup:


    Thankyou for your nomination of Denise at PAWS,It is very much appreciated.

    And a big THANKYOU to GrufLife for her kindesses and genorosity.

    I heard of our good luck today via an email.It will be like Christmas opening the box!

    Denise is away overseas at the moment,but I have let her know.

    I am running the rescue in her absence, big shoes to step into!!

    We always need grooming equipment, as a lot of you would know, the fluffies usually come

    to rescue very knotted and always in need of a good clip and a bath so they look their best,

    and more importantly,they feel better and are much more comfortable and happy.

  6. Quite a bit of interest but not from Tibbie owners as yet., and some not suitable.

    Isabella has a heart murmur that doesnt require treament as yet and a bit of arthritis,and has had cartrophen,It is because of her slightly bandy legs.

    Sadly these are seen as a negative, and I have had elderly people whom I am sure have worse health issues than these,reject her, because of those two issues.

    Some others believe they would get her to walk and have plans on doing virtual mini marathons, so I have told them she isnt for them.

    Others want her as a cuddle bunny for their very young children,so not for them.

    A couple of others had poor or no fencing and didnt want to repair.. so she's not for them

    So she is still with us, and looking for the perfect Tibbie home.

  7. I am all in favour of rules and regulations in all walks of life.....if well set up,policed and relevant, and if it achieves the purpose for which these regulations were intentioned.As a policemans daughter I have an inherited desire to follow the rules.

    However,having worked for government departments I have seen a lot of bureacratic red tape, just for the sake of it, and those policing the regulations having little

    empathy for those affected and sometimes no real understanding of the purpose for the regulations.It was just a job to them.

    It may sound good on paper, but the devil would be in the detail.

    Who would regulate it,who would draw up the regulations, what would be the penalties for non compliance etc etc

    There are in all avenues of life, people who operate outside the mainstream or the law and even if rescue were regulated this would continue there as well.

    Some members of the public would do the research and look for regulation compliant rescues, and any logos,but a lot would not.

    Whilst education would be needed,the public are slow to absorb it, across any number of issues, regulated rescues would be the same.

    How hard has it been to get across about no pet shop puchases of live animals, no backyard breeders etc.

    The public are continually taken in by scams run by con artists and send millions to these crooks both here and overseas each year,so even when it comes to spending thousands of dollars the public dont do their homework or listen to warnings.

    A lot of Rescues already have to satisfy a good number of regulations as it is, and report to different government departments.But I bet a lot dont bother, and they just continue to function without the heavy hand of the law coming down upon them to force them to comply or close down.

    If regulations did come in, the well run rescues would comply and do the right thing, but those that are not would still continue to operate until something happens, close down and then start up again under another name etc etc Happens in every facet of life.

    This would all take a lot of money to bring in, and all layers of government are crying poor so I cant see it being well run or well set up, if it did come in.

    If it did,I would hope the end result would be more animals saved and rehomed properly.

    But I just have my doubts these would be achieved by government intervention

  8. If an adoption doesnt work out,I consider it is more important to get our dogs back and find them another home than worry about withholding adoption fees, part or the lot.

    It is better for the rescue's reputation that the whole fee is refunded,as there is the risk the people will bad mouth the rescue if they feel they have been

    badly done by, and there are arguments with them about the refund.

    It is better to refund the money and let them just go on their way.

    There is also the chance the people will make up some very adverse stories about the dog to support their reason for returning the dog,to make it seem the dogs fault

    and not that they have had a change of mind and regretted getting the dog,if they feel this would convince a rescue to refund their money.

    Worse still they may just hang onto the dog if they cant get their money back, and this would be a dreadful situation for a dog,in a home where it wasn't really wanted.It would

    probably be dumped in a few months, and you wouldnt get your dog back and a chance to rehome it.

    There is also the chance the people may just donate the part or all of the fee in the end,which sometimes happens.

    Of course there would be a time frame,it couldnt be after 6 months or a year,but you would always want your dogs back if an adoption did not work out.

  9. In a perfect world there would be proper management and control,and only good well run rescue would exist,but in a perfect world rescue wouldnt be needed.

    If a government cannot even protect children in their own homes or in foster homes/institutions,then they'll be even more slack when animals are involved.

    All the legislation in the world cant be everywhere 24/7,looking over everyones shoulder etc.

    Even if it was decided it was possible there would be so many committess,enquiries,then when they had something to go with,the lobby groups would step in and water it all down to just about useless.

    There are laws about animal cruelty and yet, there is still animal cruelty,and even when it is prosecuted, there is only a slap on the wrist.

    Another layer of government intervention,reports to write,forms to fill in,probably fees imposed wouldnt help either.

    One just has to hope and pray the well run rescues continue to prosper and the badly run ones will fall by the wayside and the harsh light of critisism will get them to cease their operation.

  10. I have been lucky enough to have a black dog.She was gorgeous, and her coat shone in the sunlight.Onlly issue is you cant see them in the dark and we would sometimes trip over her in a hallway.

    Sadly she has now gone to God, and we miss her dearly.

    I wouldn't hesitate to have another.

    Although, when we were in the USA last year and stayed near by to the Best Friends Animal Sanctary Utah,in the town of Kanab, there was a flashing advertising sign with one of the adverts for the sanctuary and their "adopt a black pet free for the month of November." So as I am well aware, there are those in the community that do not share my love of black pets.

  11. The promotion got publicity in a major Sunday newspaper, and a golden opprtunity to promote the organisation.

    If you keep your name out there it must transalate into donations, and increased interest in what you do.

    After the RSPCA and AWL this rescue would probably get the most publicity in newspapers and magazines, and when a comment is needed from a rescue group then it is usually sourced from this group.

  12. It has been said that perhaps the adoption process is a factor in why dogs are there for so long.

    Those interested in a dog are often put through too many hoops and often treated abruptly or rudely.This has come from those that then turn to other rescue groups,and although they may have a responsible adoption process, the people are treated more politley or reasonably by those running the rescue.

    A matter of courtesy perhaps.

    In addition, a lot of the dogs taken are what are left after other rescue groups have taken their selections, and the dogs are taken without being checked by anyone from this rescue group as to whether the dogs have major health or behaviour issues.

    They have a reputation for taking any small dog so that it doesnt have to be put down. So their incoming numbers are greater than their rehomings each week.Numbers soon build up.

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