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Posts posted by Riddick

  1. In todays world people who own dog know the law and this is that they must be behind a fence unless with the owner on lead or in one of those of leash parks for dogs.

    I do the right thing by going to the council and registaring my dog. I keep him in the backyard behind a fence that keeps him contained.

    I clean up his dropping's in the back yard. If I have to follow the law so should everyone else.

    It isn't that hard to do.

    So ring the council and tell them your problems. Why should you have to change where you walk because some noncaring owner can't keep their dog behind a fence.

    It's not your fault so you are in your rights to ring.

    I do get peed at these owner who think they can do what they like. Ring, Ring, Ring, they deserve it.

  2. Our son has a German Shepard and he normally take his boy for at least a half hour run.

    But a lot of this is due to him being a copper, so I don't know if this is too much or just right.

    I would think at least a half hour walk a doy might just cut it.

  3. So then to this answer above is like a taxi driver not knowing his/her around the city they live in.

    This really isn't good enough then.

    A ranger should know all the laws that go with the area he/she is in.

    No excuses, they have to have a better standard than as I can gather by the replies is I think that is correct.

    Back to school council Rangers and learn your job.

  4. All the dogs we have had were later in their lives were on the teatime meal only.

    But we had a big bowl where the dogs could go to at any time to have a nibble.

    Never did they over eat even with the food there all the time.

    It only stopped when our last Heeler became possessive over it.

    So we put them on a 1 feed a day.

    So this is really quite new to us actually making the time to feed.

    Not that I am saying I don't like it, I love feeding him.

    As now after his feeds we have a big cuddle then I put him out just like when he was a pup.

    He really looks forwards to these.

  5. If you have a sign saying beware of the dog, enter at own risk & someone enters your yard & gets bitten, then you will be sued. I was told that by my local Ranger, he said you are admitting liabilty, by knowingly having a vicious dog on the premises.

    This is what I thought to but I don't know where I got my info from so I have got nothing to back it up.

    As it would have just been hear say.

  6. Is it true if you post one of these signs up telling others that your dog will bite.

    is opening yourself to be sued as you are knowingly keeping a viscous dog.

    And you are advertising it with the sign.

    It could be more of one of these snival libratarians acts though.

    But I did hear that you can get in trouble with one of those signs up.

  7. Thanks for your replies it was something that I needed to know.

    I don't feel to bad in keeping his 2 meals a day going now.

    I watched him today while I was welding and he was jumping up into one of the trees we have out the backback.

    And he was jumping up to about 4 foot off the ground. from a standing start.

    So the weight issue I think won't happen as he keeps himself busy all day long.

  8. My boy has turn 1 year old a week or so ago and we are still giving him his morning and night meal.

    So I was wondering just when should we stop one of these meals.

    If we do stop one to which one would you say to cut.

    We don't mind feeding him twice a day and he is not anywhere close to being over weight either.

    This just to see if we should cut it out or if it is okay to keep going the way we are.

    He is on the dry food that Dr. Harry has got his head on it.

    And he gets a cup in each meal, which I think works out to be 200 grams or something like that.

    Every now and then we mix in an egg with his meal to.

    No table scraps, but the odd bone or treat is his only extra's.

  9. When he had the Heelers was a long while ago so maybe new control officers, I really don't know.

    But I know a few people did file complaints about his dogs at that time but for some reason he always got the dogs out of his place when they went to see him.

    We all think that he has someone in the council feeding him the info, and this might have been why he did get awya with it.

    But it is only a guess.

    And him coming down the road at 7 am then taking him back home and failing to lock him away as he was out once more was purely him being unresponsible.

    His favourite thing to do and the most important thing we all think is most important is his grog.

    He will walk the dog off lead all the time with a beer in hand every night.

    Well the dog is getting a walk so that has to be a plus.

    It isn't too hard to keep a dog behind a fence as the rest of the street can do it.

    And the rest of the street also clean up after their own dogs, as this is the other side of these dogs roaming.

    But is it the dog across the road or his dog. Both are big so it would be hard to lay the blame on only one.

  10. This wasn't a story about it being a problem more so that this is coming after the W.A thing.

    This is a big dog and even being a friendly dog there was always the threat that he could turn nasty and the size of him made it a real threat.

    We were happy to see the ranger get here as quick as he did.

    The owner has always had dogs that have roamed the streets and his last ones were Red Heeler who had bite a few people.

    But somehow he got away with it.

    His new dog which he took in as it was a pup roaming the main street for about a week.

    So he done the nice thing and took him in. I don't know if he has been desexed.

    Though we are thinking he hadn't as he was calling the new girl in the street which is right across from us.

    They as far as we think got a warning about their dogs roaming.

    But this is the new dog to the street and has to be the one that got all this going.

    So it wasn't as people think a problem as such more of what had happened here.

    As quite a few of us down our end of the street are happy to finally see him having to be more responsible.

    Apparently he pick his dog up at 7am and at 2 pm he was taken by the dog catcher.

    So he knew of the problem but done nothing about it.

    A fine for him finally to.

  11. Today a dog that is actually owned by a person up the street got taken away by the dog catcher.

    The dog was reported by someone who we know and has and will report anything at the drop of a hat.

    But this was not the case here. It had to be done and yes I feel sorry for the dog as it is the loser here.

    To put you in the story.

    New people have moved in across the street from us and they came from a lot of space to a normal backyard.

    And the place they moved into has got some really good fencing but some that is really too low.

    The dog they arrived with is a female Boxer/Bullmastiff.

    And there has not been a day that this dog has not been roaming the streets.

    The the dog that got taken away somehow had got out of his yard.

    He normally is only ever seen with his owner and it has to be this new dog that has got his interest going.

    He has now also been roaming each and everyday also.

    He is a Mastiff/? and friendly to boot.

    Well last night he was out in front of our place just giving out a bark every 10 or so seconds as to tell the girl to come on out and play.

    I never heard it but the wife did as did the person who made the phone call.

    So I think fair enough as they both had to work that morning and to listen to this isn't fair.

    Then this morning he was back out there at 9.30am or close to it.

    I heard this woof then 10 seconds later another. I went out to see this male out the front doing the barking.

    I told it to go home and it move but came right back.

    The call was made and this dog just happened to be out in the middle of the road.

    The dog catcher drove past it then back up our street and parked where the dog actually lives.

    He got dog and gestured to the dog to go to him and it did.

    It was in the back of the Van and then he went to the people with the other female dog.

    I think this was to tell them that they must keep their dog locked up.

    Well that was the story to why this all had happened.

    I should say that both these dogs are friendly but roaming dogs you just never know.

  12. 1. What is my relationship with the breed?

    This ins't my 1st Heeler, we have had them before and this is why we have decided to go to what we know.

    2. Where and why was the breed first developed?

    This is not a true answer but as far as I know they were developed in N.S.W. as well as Queensland.

    And by a couple of different people who were after the same thing.

    They have a few breeds in them to get them to what they are today. Bred to heard cattle, hence the name.

    The White mark on their head is call the Bentley mark after one of the breeders.

    3. How common is it in Australia?

    You can see these in all area's of the country. This is city as well. They are becoming a popular dog now.

    4. What is the average lifespan?

    Our last Heeler was with us for 1 month short of 14 years and this is the typical answer. Though 1 has lived for 29 years.

    5. What is the general temperament/personality?

    A Heeler can be a shy and watchful and its own sibling can also be very up front. A lot depends on the actual dog.

    They can be clowns while also being reserved. They tend to pick a member in your family who they make a strong bond with

    over and above everyone else, while still listening to the others, they will take more commands for that one person easier first.

    6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult?

    A daily walk is needed and if you can get to a park where it can run then this would be really good.

    Walks should be for at least a half an hour.

    7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with?

    I don't think this is the idea dog as your 1st dog.

    Not to say they are hard but you have to know a little about dogs in general.

    They are no fools and if you are a weak leader they will run all over you.

    They need training and they need a firm but fair leader.

    8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods?

    I have found that as pups this is a definite NO.

    As Adults it is yes.

    9. How much grooming is required?

    This is minimal like once a week or so but during the shredding period it isn't a bad idea to do it daily.

    10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)?

    Don't kid yourself about them be boisterous as it is so true. Little kids should not be left with them.

    They are a powerful dog and a kid in the way will just be ran right through. The same applies for older people.

    11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of?

    As far as I know there are none, though I do think that later they can go deaf and blind.

    Though I have been lucky as none of these has happened to me.

    12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result

    To those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be)

    Being Heeler I think the main question I would asked is about its injections and worming.

    Apart from that maybe what has its diet been so you can keep it like that and slowly bring in what you want to feed it.

  13. I think this has got more questions to be answered before anyone can give a full and honest answer.

    And I do actually think if you have bought a pup that it can be trained out of the separation anxiety.

    I do think it might be a slow thing to do but really most pups are an open slate.

    No I am not a trainer or anything like that but I have had pups and they do learn.

  14. We bought a crate when we had our last dog and decided to use it again.

    What we were after was for him to be an inside dog, so a crate would give him his own place to be.

    He was doing just so well then one night he decided he wanted nothing more to do with it.

    Better say that the crate was for a medium dog and Murphy at that time had plenty of room.

    We put up with his crying for 2 nights after the first 3 months of loving it.

    One night I took him out to go to the toilet and called him after he had finished as I always did.

    He just looked at me and really showed me that he didn't want to come back in.

    So I went inside and I heard no running paw sounds on the veranda, so I knew this was his idea and not mine.

    Yes I could have forced him in but I just thought he wants it this way.

    He has been outside since this night.

    He still comes inside during the day but a lot of his time is outside as he wished for.

    Crates are a good thing to use and I know in America they use them more than we do.

    I would have liked it to have been a place for him inside, but no.

    So if you want to use it just make sure this is their safe place to be.

    If you have kids make sure they leave the dog alone while in there.

  15. The part what I don't like is that they maybe killed.

    They should be killed no matter if they have attack a person once they will do it again.

    I think this comes down to the mob mentality of us humams.

    As soon as one starts the other just blindly join in.

    So put them all down as it is what I would be demanding if it happen to one on my grandkids.

    If my dog bit one on mine I know for sure he will not last that day out.

  16. He wasn't smiling today as I locked him in the back yard as we have got 2 back yards.

    He just can't be trusted to be alone with any hose.

    Well last night I put the hose over the fence so he couldn't get to it.

    Well I thought I did.

    Some how he got his paws under the gate and some how dragged the hose into the yard he is in.

    We got up to about 8 pieces of hose and some were totally usless.

    So I put him in the backback as we call it for a couple of hours.

    Fixed the hose with joiners then made sure it didn't leak.

    More teenager things are yet to happen as we know it will do.

  17. Heeler can stand at 50 cm so this would still be okay for the Heeler side.

    But his body develpoment make him look to me more on the Keplie side.

    I ahve seen more leaner Kelpies than Heeler and Koolies.

    Though this isn't concrete evidence.

    I had a read about Koolies and in their discribtion read sort of like this.

    They can be as large as a Border Collie, their weight can range from a thinner Kelpie to a heavy Heeler.

    Kooies has such a wide rande in their breed that it is hard to work out ( for me it is).

    So readiing into Koolies could make you wonder even more.

    My thought at this time is that he is a Heeler /Kelpie cross.

    I might be proved wrong and this is okay.

    This is only my judgment.

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