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Every Greyhound

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Posts posted by Every Greyhound


    Bloated belly, excessive panting, drinking lots of water, lethargic, hair not growing back for a long time after being shaved for tests/poor coat


    2 abdominal ultrasounds (I needed more than one opinion :) ), and a number of stim tests. The ultrasound showed adrenal glands were the same size and normal. I was told it was likely the issue was in the pituitary gland and that there was no test to be able to allow me to "see" this tiny tumour and that I was better of spending the money on treatment.


    Yes - trilostane 120mg ordered from the compounding pharmacy and regular stim tests were done for my boy. I managed his movement, which got worse, with regular visits to the animal chiropractor. He had laryngeal paralysis at the age of 11 and had a laryngeal tie back operation which lead to the identification of heart issues, he then went on Sotalol and Vetmedin. Cushings levelled out and stim tests became less frequent (much to my boys disappointment because he loved his vet visits), and this issue faded into the background.


    Was great! Only because I managed the other problems (mainly movement was the thing that deterioriated).

    Hope this helps! With supportive vets and specialists, after the initial panic shock and upset my boy got through from 10yrs old to 12yrs old and did very well - they were the best years of our lives! I lost him just before his 12th birthday, most likely because of changes with the pituitary gland, his breathing was perfect, his heart issues were addressed well, his movement slowed a little more but his entire wellbeing dropped off and I had to let him go

  2. There's some great information here, fantastic to be able to compare products. The only one I didnt try was Rosehip with my old dog. He was a large rotti and had hip and elbow displaysia.. Thankfully I found a great animal chiropractor and he worked miracles - my boy had no symptoms of aging movement wise until he was 12 and then I used Onsior (through my vet) when needed.

  3. Make sure you see an animal chiropractor. Lots of these signs can be blamed on arthritis but really it is from them being out of alignment with pinched nerves causing them pain after years of living in our homes that are not suited to their bodies (eg stairs, slippery floors, jumping up and down off furniture, rough play or even the bitch stepping on them in the litter when they are young)

  4. Sorry for the delay. Sheridan it seems I need to find a REALLY big dog to match the medication. I have capsules which were made up at a compounding pharmacy ordered by the vet...much harder than a tablet to cut/divide otherwise they'd have come your way in an instant first up :( I hope your little one is still going well. Jaeger how did you go? I have been in touch with no less than 20 vets now aiming to find a patient on this dose so they can pass the medication on but no word yet. Hoping to hear back today though

  5. It certainly is a hard one and expensive one to diagnose and to continually test and treat. Unfortunately that combined with heart problems and a completely collapsed airway requiring emergency surgery etc ran my credit card up to $18k in the last year for my boy but worth every cent. I definitely know what you're going through.

    I definitely need a large dog on trilostane to give my medication to. 150mg is the dose my big guy was on. Its worth about $500 and is nearly a full bottle. Think I thought if I kept buying more medication he'd live forever....I tried :'(

  6. Why do you ask? Cos I'm not sure what the difference is between a rescue with Cushings on Trilostane and any other dog with Cushings on Trilostane. Are you asking about cost? Issues with the medication?

    Only asking so I can find a rescue to donate to a dog in need.

    I'm searching for a dog who is being cared for by a rescue organisation who has been diagnosed with Cushings disease and requires the drug Trilostane - I have some left over after the passing of my old boy and would like to donate to a rescue dog in need to help them through a little longer.

    I have found a rescue dog with Monika's Doggie Rescue who requires Vetmedin for heart issues so Drayton will be the recipient of that....still searching for a rescue cushings boy/girl in need.

  7. Such a sad story about the loss of 4 beautiful greyhounds which an autopsy has found was due to a combination of worming and flea products. Is anyone aware of what not to combine, as in which particular products dont go with others? I'm sure worming and flea treatments are something that many dog owners have done fairly close together at some point in time

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    Every Greyhound

    "its not about the people behind it but the dogs in front of it"

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  8. So many great tips, greyhounds coming into care after being retired from racing means there are a lot of things that are "new" to them that would not be new to other breeds at this age. Given time, love, understanding and nurturing/training (from great foster carers) they become very sound all round dogs. There are the exceptions with any breed of course and it takes seeking advice and other opinions to make decisions that are best for the dogs, new owners and community. Support networks are very important, especially to know about particular breed issues

    Every Greyhound

    "its not about the people behind it but the dogs in front of it"

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  9. There are several rescue groups who are greyhound specific rescues who may have some advice to help too, given they would have dealt with prey drive mthat some retired racing greyhounds have, like other sight hounds. Greyhound Angels, Greyhound Adoptions WA, GAPWA. Feel free to check out their contact details on our website, they are all very helpful people and I'm sure they'll have some great advice too :)

    Every Greyhound

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    "Its not about the people behind it, but the dogs in front of it"

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  10. We list every greyhound that is purebred on our website, with the aim of the website being to help retired racing dogs find loving pet homes sooner by being easier to find. There have been a couple of requests to put greyhound cross breeds on the site however we have declined due to the main aim being to list retired racing dogs only. With these dogs being earbranded most of the time if they were registered to race it is clear that they are pure bred dogs without seeing their racing papers though

    Every Greyhound

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    "Its not about the people behind it, but the dogs in front of it"

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