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Posts posted by madonmunsters

  1. Hi ILG, as much as the idea appealls I would prehaps let her settle in her new home first. Remember she will have had major things happening in her very short life.I know you are very excited, but it is better that she spends her intial few weeks bonding with you and your partner. There is plenty of time for playdates, which by the way is a very good idea. Don't forget that there is puppy pre school to think about as well.

  2. Hi ILG, holding your puppy on your lap is not a good option, they wiggle to much.If there was an accident, your baby would become a missile Your puppy should travel on the back seat in a suitable crate or in the back, back of a station wagon in a crate if you have on,start this from day one. Your puppy shouldn't go out for a walk until it has had it's vaccinations, but a good puupy school is very important.Remi is a lovely name. As to the nipping,when she nips give a loud squeal and walk away end the game, that is what her litter mates would do. Also don't get her over excited as this can lead to nipping and it won't be her fault! Be guided by your breeder they are a wealth of imformation and they are usally very keen to help their puppy. buyers.Ask as many questions as you want.That is the only way to learn. Good luck with your new baby.

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