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Posts posted by MarieEvans

  1. A few years back, my dog had 5 puppies but 1 died a few hours after birth because the mom accidentally stepped on her. The other three pups died with an interval of a day and then a week. I was told that they probably got poisoned as they were last seen by our visiting friends eating off the stuff we left off to kill mice running around the house. However, when we found them lying around the yard dead, we didn't really think of getting them autopsied. It was heartbreaking as it is anyway.

  2. Dark yellow urine could only mean that it has stayed in the bladder for too long, just like that of the human. If your dog has a lot of water supply, then maybe he has been keeping in his urine? You might want to go to a vet and mention that your dog is doing such a thing. Maybe that would help in figuring out what the problem is.

  3. I had a friend whose little Lab pup had blocked tear ducts, but that isn't the case now. I had asked her how she did it, she told me that she kept on applying the ointment her vet gave and massaged the ducts. It didn't take effect immediately but after a month or so, the tear ducts had unblocked.

  4. I've tried withholding my dog's treats for a time and later giving it to her once she could wait for about more than 5 seconds. Although that doesn't work the whole time, it kind of taught my dog to wait for a while. I've also seen an article saying that placing a treat on your dog's nose and rewarding him when he doesn't eat it immediately works. I haven't tested that out though.

  5. Not giving her access to things to steal is a good step, and I'd be restricting her access further so she isn't left in a position to steal something. So you can catch her and correct the behaviour on the spot, catch her "in the act" so to speak.

    I have to say that swapping on her own is kind of cute but it really doesn't stop her from stealing, does it? So I guess, yes, it's important that you keep your eye on her so you could interfere when she's about to steal something and drop her favorite ball in its place.

  6. Whenever there are fireworks and your dog looks scared, don't make him see that you seem scared as well. Also, make sure that you find something else to do so his attention wouldn't be directed to the fireworks. Most importantly, don't try to soothe him as he would think that you are reinforcing his behavior - and that wouldn't help you at all.

  7. That's great that you're getting a new puppy. It seems so long ago that you have had a tiny dog around your house, which is why you should probably start reading on training puppies, how to help them to stop crying at night (as they usually would when separated from their pack for the first time), as well as gaining your puppy's trust.

  8. Oh my God, I was bracing myself for the worst. How could those parents be so irresponsible and allow their kid to do that to the dog. Dogs can get hurt too just as much as any human being would if someone would be jumping up and down on their ribs. I am just amazed at how patient the dog was to let the child go on with all of those things.

  9. It seems to me like your dog wants your attention to be all on him all the time. As with your mentioning that he would sometimes run off with the ball in tow, it's as if he is testing you. He's trying to figure out how long it would take before you guys go and get him.

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