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Panzer Attack

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Posts posted by Panzer Attack

  1. I'm a strict vegan and my dogs are both fed a meat-based diet via dog kibble. I can't handle raw meat anymore, the smell makes me gag. When I pet sit one of my clients cooks meat for her dog and mine, and I'm happy to (hold my breath and) feed them the meat. If someone at works gives them meat once again I don't care. My boss is vegetarian and feeds her dog meat-based kibble.

    I think any vegan that feeds their cat a vegan diet is an utter moron and those who do it do their dogs are a bit misguided. I've been in so many arguments with vegans about it that I don't bother anymore. My latest rescue bub has really bad skin and isn't doing well on her current food. The only thing she eats with gusto is the Veganpet canned food, which is a bad long term plan, but for now I'm just trying to keep weight on her and get her skin sorted out.

    The kibble isn't a great solution as far as I'm concerned as I'm sure the meat is factory farmed and the animals live terrible lives, but I don't exactly have a choice in the matter :( I chose to bring the dogs into my life and it is my responsibility to care for them properly.

    And FWIW many vegans transition and get sucked into the hive mind that dogs can live long happy and healthy lives as vegans. A guy I briefly dated is going through it at the moment. People will call you a bad vegan if you feed your dog meat, it's ridiculous but at the same time if I could stomach raw meat I'd only feed them culled kangaroo and rabbits and stuff that was going to be wasted (chicken frames, lamb bones etc).

  2. We haven't been to Kepala in years so I have a few questions!

    Are undesexed dogs allowed to come along? My best friend has a whippet that would die for a zoom around but he's still got his danglies.

    Is there generally a mix of different sized and aged dogs? We've got a bunch ranging from 1 - 11 haha.

    Aaaand is it ok if I bring vegan food because I am vegan and I will make something delicious that everyone can eat.

    If so...

    List of dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy (and an OH)

    deadsheep and OH - Bronson, Cassie, Kane

    Panzer and friend - Scooter, Myf, Tucker & Arrow

    List of food

    Snout Girl- Something vego, meatballs, tomato sauce

    deadsheep - soft drink, chicken skewers

    Panzer - salad + cake

  3. My dog is so similar to yours, Simply Grand, he hasn't got any balance issues but he's always been a bit spesh (said with love!) and the ex and I used to joke he had Aspergers. A behaviourist told me something similar too.

    Having said that, he's a great dog and I wouldn't swap him for the world. He had a normal upbringing and was from an amazing breeder that cared a LOT about the litter, so it's a bit odd.

  4. I spoilt the crap out of Penny because she was never going to live forever and coming from a cage in a horrible puppy farm, she got everything she wanted and I basically put my life on hold to make hers worthwhile. I don't regret it for a second, Cavaliers are a companion breed and she was so happy to be included in a life that wasn't her prior. I went into debt due to her constant vet visits and heart meds, but I would have paid anything to have her here today :(

    Scooter is a bit spoiled at the moment since Penny died as my heart is totally crushed and I miss her so much. He is not a cuddly cliche toy dog though, so I don't think he even *could* be spoilt haha. He hates jackets (he needs one when it's freezing cold on a walk) and has never liked being picked up or cuddled. He walks on a normal lead and collar, eats normal food, but never wants for anything.

  5. My ex had a cocker spaniel from a puppy in his apartment and it was fine.

    I live in apartment with a toy breed and it's fine. I had a Cavalier until very recently (RIP Pen :() and they were both fine, my Cav was a rescue and was frantic the first few months but with training and routine she was totally fine in her last months.

    I work full time but my Papillon comes to work with me. He is just as happy to spend the day at home with a puppy pad down if I have stuff on, and I will leave the TV on for him and a couple of chews that will hoard until I get home lol. He is not a typical toy and is quite energetic, so we walk twice a day and I will take him to the toilet 3 times a day. It's really not that big a deal unless it's raining. Generally if it's raining he touches grass and goes immediately because he's so keen to get back inside LOL. We've lived here for a year and he's never lived in an apartment before now, he adjusted very quickly and barely ever alert barks.

    Downstairs from me there is an older retired dude with a Border Collie mix. He walks him for over 3 hours a day and they are a perfect match for each other. I think any dog can work in an apartment - the only difference between a house and an apartment is that the dog will poop in and destroy your living area instead of your backyard if it's bored, really. I live in a heavily populated area full of apartments and EVERYONE has a dog around here.

    Have you considered a smaller dog with energy like a terrier mix or a purebred?

  6. We've been selling this food at the salon I work at for the entire time I've been there (over a year) and it's by FAR the most popular food and so many people have had fabulous success on it, we've had a lot of people swap onto it from Holistic Select, Canidae etc. My allergy Cavalier did really well on it too. The only issue I have with it is the size of the kibble, as my Pap is a hoover, so I mix it up with a bit of Nutro to slow him down.

    I was told the food is manufactured in Melbourne but I could be wrong on that, so don't take my word for it!

  7. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    He is already on monthly preventative treatment, as I said in my original post. I don't want to double up by using a spot-on as well. I have a flea bomb here that I will set off tomorrow morning as we leave for work for the day. He's almost due again so I guess I can buy the spot-on as well and see if it works better than the Panoramis.

    I'll suss out the spray option. Do you guys find if you treat your dogs and spray and bomb that they will still bring fleas home? We have to walk past the apartment with the flea infested dog every day, and even when I was carrying Scooter out of the building and over the grass, he would still end up with a traveller once we got home.

  8. So about a month ago myself and my Papillon moved into an apartment. It's awesome, we're both so happy and loving life.

    We live in a fairly small building, most of the people here have pets. Downstairs my neighbour has a beautiful BC mix. He unfortunately has fleas 24/7. I've tried to politely talk to him about prevention, but he's adamant that they die when he takes him to the beach for a swim.

    Now, Scooter comes to work with me (dog groomer) 5 days a week and never used to get fleas before we moved in here, despite living with four other dogs at our last place! I'm convinced he's catching them from the grass outside the building. He's on Panoramis but still manages to get fleas on him when we get home. Yesterday I wasn't even at work and he had them when I brought him back upstairs after a toilet break.

    What can I do? I have been bathing him once a week with flea shampoo at work but I worry about the chemicals. That, and it only seems to keep them at bay for a couple of days. He's on pill form flea control, as I said above, since I would wash something like Advocate off in two weeks! I don't want to give him Capstar as it would send me broke. Bad dog owner alert, haha.

    Would a flea bomb work? I know flea collars are generally poo-pooed but would it work in this scenario? It's driving me bonkers, he's never had fleas before, and they keep crawling around his face :( I bought a small bottle of the Fidos flea-rinse concentrate and was considering putting it in a spray bottle and spraying him every day, but once again I'm worried this will do more harm than good.


  9. Totally late to the party, but...

    Scooter had a patella op as I'm sure you remember me whining about! His went from OK to crap in about 3 days, and we went ahead with the op almost straight away as I worked at a vet clinic at the time. I am SO glad I had it done. His other one is perfectly fine almost a year later and he doesn't miss a beat. His muscle tone has improved heaps, and even though recovery was our worst period together, I don't regret it for a second!

    Poor Bon Bon. :(

  10. I'm obviously not reading this correctly - but the way I see it, the Scottish Folds are banned (?) from being bred because they are guaranteed to be born with a genetic defect? And a law had to be put into place - the cat fancy couldn't see this for themselves?! This sounds horrifying to me. Why would anyone, ANYONE, be surprised or angry that the law had to be placed if the people that profess to love the animals so much keep breeding them despite this huge painful fault? If they're not banned from breeding something that will live in pain it's whole life on purpose, they should be. Disgusting.

    We have 2 mains register dogs. We did not have trouble purchasing either of them. I know people IRL that show, they all developed relationships with breeders and got the dogs they wanted on mains.

    I've also worked for a few vets now and not one of them would pressure someone with a undesexed show dog to desex ~just because~. When we took Arrow in to get his shots last week, we alerted the vet and he put a note on his file so we wouldn't be asked again in the future. We barely see show dogs anyway, it's usually Joe Blow that wants to put a poodle to his pet shop Cavalier and make $$$ - are you suggesting that vets stop recommending desexing just in case they offend someone with the right intentions one time?

    If the PB dog world was even half as worried about it's public image as places like (insert puppy farm name here), we would have a much better chance at fighting against mass breeding. Ask anyone who has a CavxPoo, for example, from (biggest Vic puppy farm) and they will GUSH about the awesome "breeders" and how their friends recommended them and they were so nice and caring and the dogs run around in fields or whatever. Meanwhile a lot of people that go to breeders get the cold shoulder, or told the breed "isn't right for them", or that they haven't had enough experience or whatever.

    Face it, today is a lot different when it comes to pet ownership - like everything else in the world, people want it and want it now. Breeders like the ones on this forum need to evolve and start to promote themselves and purebred dogs in general, or perish. I'm not saying stoop to the level of "here is a mass produced dog you can buy on the internet now with your credit card and have it in 3 days", but you've gotta do SOMETHING.

    Corvus has two purebred dogs and works in the animal field, I don't see what attacking her (as usual) is going to do. :(

  11. I hated Scooter for a really long time. I got him when I was still grieving for Bambi, and my ex took Tucker when we stopped living together. BOY I HATED HIM.

    He drove me crazy for a really long time, but I love him to death now, I miss him when he's not around, he actually perks up when he sees me. We're both broken, but we mostly understand each other now.

    Pics of your new doggie please? :D

  12. Once Arrow is vaccinated we will have 3 dogs to bring along :) I had an incident the last time I was there that scared the hell out of me and one of mine, so we decided not to go back for a while. Scootie won't be going back, but Tucker and Ru will be very happy to have a romp :)

  13. If I didn't work at a vet clinic I would not be without pet insurance. I was SO lucky that Scooter's leg surgery was able to be done at work, I saved around $1000! I also have an emergency credit card with a $10,000 limit that I would struggle to pay back if something ever happened, but it's there if they ever need it. $10k would be my limit for one surgery/accident. I adore my dogs, but I can't imagine much that would cost over ten grand to fix for a Papillon that didn't have lasting repercussions.

    I'm definitely going to press my bestie to get insurance for the puppy.

  14. NO. Stupid instructors like this are one massive part of why my Pap is so dog aggressive now. It's taken almost a year of solid training to get him to the point where he won't go mental whenever he sees another dog - he'll most likely never be 100%. Knowing what I know now, I would have told the instructor that shoved her dog (and other dogs) in Scooter's face to shove it, and complained to the admin office. I wish I had. :(

  15. Dory and Elsie are soooo cute!

    Rudy, he's such a soft, sweet dog that just wants to love you 24/7.


    Tucky at the Lort Smith when he was having fits - still perfectly happy to hang out and be patted by 3 different people despite being scared and us freaking out over him. Best Dog in the World.

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/737757_10151265534552758_1292138749_o.jpg (linking this one cos the tables are messing up)

    Scooter - feral and full of beans and never happier than when he's got something to do


  16. I'm a groomer and dog hair drives me crazy. Unfortunately during my quest to find a rescue poodle, I ended up coming home with a Cavalier. OMG NEVER AGAIN. He sheds SO MUCH it drives me INSANE. I adore him, he's the sweetest little dog in the entire world, but the hair. We have an ancient Poodle that I clip every couple of months (a 3 comb, so not toooo short, but nothing difficult to keep on top of), the Cav and my Papillon who never sheds unless he's scared. When he was recovering from his leg operation he shed constantly, but I ended up clipping him short as he would attack me whenever I tried to brush him.

    My first dog is a JRT x and I was not even thinking when we got him - he sheds like no one's business. I looooove him sooooooo much and miss him like crazy when he's not here, but I don't miss the hair! The Whippet doesn't shed yet, but we shall see!

    My next dog will either be a Bedlington or a Mini Poodle.

  17. If it had any hope of fitting on Scooter I'd give it a burl, haha.

    Speaking of the little turd, my bestie had his whippet puppy over again tonight and Scooter was SO intolerant of him. I don't get my dog at all. He growled at him the entire time and then avoided ME after Arrow had a bit of a snooze on my lap. :( I haaaaaaaaate how he ignores me whenever he gets the shits with something. Most frustrating bloody dog in the entire world.

  18. This is my constant dilema! Doing agility is one of the times I actually do get brilliant focus from her (on the whole), but then there is that rare occasion. And the problem is that rare occasion can have us black listed. I've tossed up the idea of just doing something else with her, but we both love it so much. At the moment I figure it;s a risk that I'll take. But we are trying other dog sports so I think for her having some variety is a good thing. And I have to just keep reminding myself of where we've come from and how much progress she has made. Tonight when we lef work there was a dog on the lawn outside our building, which I hadn't seen (as it was almost dark); it was only about 10m away from us; she saw it, the tail went up, and then she immediately sat beside me while I was locking the door and kept looking from the dog to me but primarily trying to focus on me. 12 months ago there would have been psycho spins and a barking mad lunatic dog. Moments like this are great for me just to remind me that no matter what happens sometimes on the off chance we've both made so much progress and while she is still a work in progress she has just come so so far!

    Thanks for thinking of us though!!

    Is it really that common for a reactive dog to get black listed? When we were doing agility (might be going back to it now Noodle's leg is better :)) HEAPS of the dogs were aggressive/reactive! From what I've read on here, it seems almost like the majority of sports dogs have issues... what other sports could you try where she's not immersed in other dogs? Herding?

  19. I see this a fair bit in my line of work, and with a fear aggressive midget of my own its no laughing matter! I find small dog owners tend to view aggression as funny/cute, where as large dog owners think it's awesome that their dog is "protecting" them.

    Some people are just stupid, and you KNOW it's not only small dog owners. I tell people it's a reportable offense now, and don't particularly care if they get upset. My dog's safety comes first.

  20. Good luck PME :)

    Hehe, I have a bright green "in training" bandana for Scootie.

    Since the partner and I broke up he's gone really funny, become super overprotective and hates Ru. My housemate and I have had long talks about what to do, and she's started taking Ru everywhere with her (she's not home that often) while I've been taking Poots to work. Since her current dog is 17 and we plan on living together for ages anyway, she's kind of become Ru's primary "mum" and the change in him is extraordinary. Scooter is so much happier now he's alone on my bed, gets walked on his own, blah blah. He's still definitely got issues, but both dogs are much happier with the new arrangement (as much as it kills me too see Rudy love someone else more :().

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