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Posts posted by Beckybecbec

  1. We tried a pee pad once.... and once only.

    Came home to it chewed to a billion pieces...

    Then we just we more diligent on taking them outside to pee.

    I can now proudly say my stafford poo's and pees on command... outside

  2. I am so paranoid over our two getting out... (currently 10mth old mini schnauzer and 8 1/2mth stafford)

    We made them a kennel/pen/yard from a kit we bought from K&D hardware and some extra panels to make it bigger


    Theyre only in it 4-6 hours maybe 3 times a week... and when we go out.

    They were getting so 'destructo' in the house alone.

    We started putting them in there once the eldest got to 6mths and the youngest got desexed.

    As you can see, we have a large yard but I really dont want my rascals getting out.

    Its totally covered in shade cloth now and I have a hanging herb garden off the right hand side now :thumbsup:

    Here they are when I get home :D


  3. Small victories with Sansa and her sleeping...

    I tried the technique of putting her back in her crate... yeah nah... that hasnt worked at. all!

    I swapped their crates over... Saxons is slightly bigger.... well the next day and there after we've had 6:30-6:45am wake ups :D Happy days!

    We're working on it though... definitely a work in progress...

  4. I work with technology, I embrace technology and I use technology - A LOT.

    I was searching for updates on a kickstarter Im keen to get onboard with Whistle - http://www.whistle.com/

    Its a device you attach to your dogs collar to track his/her activity through the day

    Which led me to look at Tagg - http://www.pettracker.com/pet-gps - US only atm but interesting

    But THEN I found:


    Thank Dog! welcomes you to the world’s first mobile app that combines cardio training, strength training and dog training for you and your dog to do together! You heard that right…we’ve taken 2 of the most needed daily tasks, exercise and an obedience routine and combined them into one mobile app to make your quality of life with your dog…that much greater!

    Only for iPhone/iPod though 99c... has anyone tried it? Says in app purchases but I cant find any more info about that.

    Really keen to try this out one-on-one with my 7.5mth old SBT... hard to leave the mini schnauzer at home though

    Those that use MapMyWalk/MapMyRun - well I didnt realise there is now a MapMyDogWalk and its free

    iDevice - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mapmydogwalk-brought-to-you/id492760186

    Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mapmydogwalk.android2&hl=en

    Im keen to try them out in the next few months...

    Gosh I want one of those Whistle devices!

  5. How adorable are all the furbaby pics :D VERY creative!

    Sansa was being a right shite with the antlers that I ended up just putting a christmas hair band on her collar. Im making up a Christmas card for each of their respective breeders with the below pics :)




    (No, Saxon doesnt have naturally brown eyebrows... he just loves to be a jerk and dig holes)

  6. Thanks peeps :D

    Im attempting to make a Christmas card for their respective breeders... oh gosh.

    Sansa HATES the antlers... Saxon looks dead set adorable in his antlers!


    Due to the shape of Sansas head... the antlers either sit too far back - making her eyes all 'almond shaped' or all pushed fwd like a sharpei! She HATES them and wants to destroy them!

  7. Thanks Lisa :)

    I'll give that a shot.

    We've tried ignoring her but staffy voice gets louder and louder.

    Sometimes we'll leave them both outside for an hour or so but various neighbours leave for work or walk by with their dogs and Saxon, being the alert one that he is, barks at them all 'GOOD MORNING'!

  8. Im at my wits end and I really think I have no hope.

    My 7mth old staffordshire likes to wake really really early.

    For the last few days its been 5.30am on. the. dot.

    For weeks and weeks before this it was 6am on. the. dot.

    Its uncanny! There was a time it was 7am... there was even a time I was waking HER up!

    She has been crated (covered), for night time only, since the day she came home to us. She sleeps next to her separately crated older brother, 8mth old, mini schnauzer. And most days I can tell hes only awake because of her!

    She doesnt cry... she doest paw at the door... she doesnt bark. She just lets out this ridiculously loud sound like an audible yawn. She doesnt pee in there, infact its another 10min or so after acting like a loony toon before she'll go outside to pee.

    Environmentally: We live in Tassie which practices Day Light Savings... its light at 5am!

  9. Our two (staffy 7mths, mini schnauzer 8.5mths) get lotsa different toys about the yard, assorted Kong toys tbh...

    - Tubba Wubba - http://www.kongcompany.com/products/for-dogs/wubba/wubba/tugga-wubba/

    - Safestix - http://www.kongcompany.com/products/for-dogs/interactive/safestix/safestix/

    - Pull & Squeak - http://www.kongcompany.com/products/for-dogs/plush-toys/kong-pull-squeak/pull-squeak-football/ (still cant make it squeak)

    and a newly added Bumi dog toy - https://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.php/products_id/3372

    They have a Karlie Action Ball which they are only just, in the last week, starting to pick up and run with - http://search.vetproductsdirect.com.au/vet/Karlie%20Action%20Ball

    Empty plastic water bottles are a huge hit! Especially those Mount Franklin ones that are so noisy!

    During the day they go into a huge kennel rather than the yard while we're at work. The USED to get a Kong Wobbler in there... but I got home the other night to find it cracked. I was a bit pissed and quite miffed about that. Still cant figure out how they broke it?

    I want to get them a Home Alone soon though... Maybe Santa Paws will get it from them :D


  10. I havent updated in a bit but here are a few:

    Sansa at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months old:


    Now today she is 7 months old :D (pictured below)

    Her head size hasnt changed. Her body has... shes almost 14kgs


    Saxon is 8 and a half months now. Just shy of 10kgs

    Hes clearly busted for being a keen digger! I should have washed them eyebrows first!


    Here is the terrible twosome together just now :D


  11. Im my infinite wisdom last night I applied Advocate on my pups neck while she was sleeping on the couch.

    Then the little devil rolled over on her back to me and got it on the couch.

    The couches are microfibre material and had a stain guard treatment, so I immediately grabbed a wet cloth and wiped all over and left it - like we do with any other mark on the couch.

    Well this morning it was very clearly still there :( Can anyone offer any advice? (Short of buying a throw rug to casually drape over the corner like you see in a Better Homes & Gardens magazine? :laugh: )

  12. Oh some posts have made me lol.

    My little devil likes to take off with dirty socks, underwear and bras.

    Our itty bitty bathroom (and laziness) means we throw our clothes in the bathtub till we take them to the laundry... well the SBT has figured out she can jump in there now and dig for the best buried treasure! :laugh:

    I dread the day she starts on the kitchen bin. Coffee and bedside tables are her recent conquests

  13. Ive, just recently actualy, taken both our pups to puppy preschool/classes... whichever people want to call it... is it them same thing?

    I enjoyed it, they enjoyed it and we got some invaluable skills and techniques that websites and forums cant give.

    We dont have access to other pups or dogs or even kids so puppy classes were our best option

  14. I'm sure my neighbours loooove watching me daily recalling the pups hoping they'll return with my bra or socks or unidies. Laziness means we throw our dirty washing in the bathtub... my little red devil has now learnt to jump in and find the best buried treasure! :laugh:

  15. Oh yes, I know the difference on paper... but I guess I meant in the household. That would suck getting rid of your new baby just because you can't show them...?

    The OP has specifically said she will do other sports with the dog if she can't show it, so where did you get the idea of getting rid of it?

    But she bought it to participate in the sport of showing, and she should get the registration that was promised.

    In the household the difference between main reg or not may be nothing, but my dogs spend a lot of time out in the world doing stuff, where depending on what we do it makes a lot of difference

    Sorry... this bit from the OP... "I dont want to get rid of church and we will still compete in agility and nose work"

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