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Posts posted by Things

  1. Gee thanks for the warning Things and Snippy - I haven't ever seen anyone giving out dog treats at any dog park but you can't be too careful and I'll be wary if it ever happens.

    My Mac is a foodaholic, would take anything food-like from anyone and is almost 15 years - something like happened to you Snippy would probably have killed him.frown.gif

    Yeah it's a sad world we live in sometimes. There has been a few cases of people throwing baits and such over peoples fences and ultimately killing their pets. Out in the dog park is a sure fire way to get yourself caught out, but I guess if these people are stupid enough to do such a thing in the first place, they're not the sharpest tools in the shed that's for sure.

  2. I can understand maybe bringing some treats quietly in your pocket so you can reward your own dog if it does something good, but throwing them on the ground around all the other dogs, what was he expecting to happen?? Crazy .. Glad Ronin was safe though. I would like to try a dog park one day but I'm waiting for the harness, as finding his collar under all the fur if he got into a situation like that is far too tricky :)

  3. A good breeder won't let the pups go until they're at least 12 weeks - but in QLD at least there's no legislation on it.

    8 weeks for any medium to large breed is quite fine and there is no issue with it. We cannot let them go before 8 weeks of age. 8 weeks is actually a good age. It is in between two fear periods and gives time for the pup to settle into a routine before the next fear period starts. Owners just have to be careful about taking their pups out in public until at least the second course of vaccinations at 12 weeks.

    Some small or toy breeds there may be a need to hold them longer due to size/weight.

    I guess if you're sure the person you're giving the pup to has half an idea about owning a dog/puppy then 8 weeks would be fine - but it's clear there's people out there that wouldn't have any idea about exposure before the 12 week shots, so it's safer for the breeder to hold onto them until that at least :)

  4. My boy sleeps on his bed, which is at the end of my bed in my room. I always close the door at night just to keep the noise down a bit. Some nights I'll wander off to bed and find him already fast sleep on his bed. It makes me feel good knowing he finds that a safe spot and is happy to be there. He is also very considerate when I'm sleeping. I can usually tell when he wakes up as his collar tags jingle, but if not he sits beside my bed and prods me with his nose until I acknowledge him. Thing is he only does this if he needs to go outside. If not he'll happily just lay in his bed and wait for me to sleep in a bit :D

    He also does this stretch where he basically leans down forward and goes "wooooooooo" while looking up at you. I always feel obliged to woooo back at him so he keeps doing it cos it's so damn cute :D

  5. I think this is your best bet: http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/maintop/view/inforce/act+87+1998+cd+0+N

    Part 3, section 13:

    (1) A dog that is in a public place must be under the effective control of some competent person by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog and that is being held by (or secured to) the person.

    (2) If this section is contravened:

    (a) the owner of the dog, or

    (b) if the owner is not present at the time of the offence and another person who is of or above the age of 16 years is in charge of the dog at that time—that other person,

    is guilty of an offence.

    16 is a pretty safe bet anyway as usually maturity has kicked in a bit by then. That said I think NSW it's 18 to register a dog under your name? Regardless it's pretty irresponsible of the parent(s) to let their kids walk the streets alone, with or without a dog.

  6. I wouldn't take it on as i'd be concerned that it could be a trait that would be passed on, and that would be undesirable. I show one of my dogs for fun, as a neuter (so obviously no breeding happening there) and although she is not being bred from, she fits the standard and has no serious faults.

    Yeah, like I said I probably wouldn't breed said dog at the risk of passing it on, but like in your case you could show just for fun. Then again I don't know if there's different "categories" that could allow a dog for showing, but not breeding (if the owner chose not to neuter, that is).

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