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Posts posted by Castiel

  1. Ok so this might sounds silly but it's just a small thing I'm curious about. When my dog (mini fox terrier cross) lies down next to or near me, he always lies facing away from me. Like in bed, he'll always have his head towards the foot of the bed, or if we're lying on the couch he will always face in the opposite direction. And if I try to turn him around he'll stay in the position I put him in for a minute, then go back to facing away from me again. It's obviously not a big deal or anything but I was just wondering if it's a thing that all dogs do or if there's a reason behind it? :)

  2. I plead roo out by the front door and he was looking at it :laugh: He was in a sit/stay for the photo and didn't break to go to the window to look out :rofl:

    What a good boy :thumbsup:

    Merry Christmas from Nelsson everyone :)


    Naaaaw Merry Xmas Nelsson!

    Castiel your little guy is gorgeous ,love the last one he looks like he's waving :)

    He was trying to get the hat off in that one haha!

  3. I usually just lurk these forums, but I had to make an account to post this - I was having breakfast at a cafe the other day with my dog,and the waitress was telling me that she wanted to get a 'puggle.' I thought perhaps I had misheard her so I replied "sorry, a what?" and she then went on to explain "A puggle! It's a cross between a pug and a jack russell, but because it's crossed that means that it will be friendlier and won't be deformed like a normal pug!" Unfortunately it was pretty busy at the cafe so I didn't get the chance to say anything else to her.

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