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Posts posted by Ricllou

  1. You need to find someone close to where you live to help you. Not easy to groom a miniature schnauzer for show. I suggest you go to the schnauzer specialities and you will get plenty of help there. We all had to start this way. Watch, listen and learn from the experienced! There is plenty of information on grooming and showing on the internet.

  2. Hi yonjuro

    I give up going to parks or fields to walk my dogs. Too many idiots let their dogs off leash. I take them on pathways around my house street with a large stick for protection. I hope your dog as it is only young is not damaged by this incident. I prefer to go to dog training or obedience with the younger dogs to socialise and make it a happy experience.

  3. Should judges dress for the weather or the job they are doing. Was watching the working dogs being judged today (mostly large dogs in this group) are examined on ground level and judges often have to bend over. Today's judge was wearing a lovely short above the knee dress. Unfortunately we were on the opposite side of the ring!

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