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Posts posted by Snippy

  1. I can see both sides of the coin here. But to be honest I don't think that age is necessarily the topic being debated here. I think it is more a question of ability.

    There are countless threads in the Dogs in the news forum and sub-forum that show people not caring for, abusing, mistreating animals. These people lack the ability to look after animals/dogs... but they are not from any one age-group.

    I have known and still do know people who are in their 20ies and have dogs that they do not care for properly. Sure, they are fed and watered but they are not looked after properly. I am thinking of people with dogs like BCs, Labs and GSDs. They fit the magazine image of a late 20-something with the kids, the new house (mortgage) so they have to have the dog, too. But they don't think past the look of the dog to what they were actually designed for. I find it infuriating explaining to these people time and again that these dogs need reasonable amounts of mental and physical stimulation to be truly happy. IMO, these people are entirely unsuitable as owners of dogs of these and other breeds, REGARDLESS OF THEIR AGE. Now before anyone gets up-in-arms about that, I am aware that there are exceptions to every rule. I am not saying that ALL young people are irresponsible of their pets, indeed many are extremely loving and devoted to their dogs' well-being, including yours truly.

    Plenty of elderly people (or as I prefer, "people of extended experience") are better at looking after their pets than many young and middle aged people. If for no other reason than they generally have more free time to spend on the dog. It depends on the individual circumstances, of course. I know people who are in their late 70ies who would hit you with a stick if you told them they couldn't have another dog. Then in contrast, I know people of the same age that caring for a dog would be too much of a strain. If you are a spritely 70 something y/o and can give your dog the exercise and time, then I say have a dog. If you are frail and sickly then perhaps getting another Rotty etc is not a great idea and you should consider downsizing. Studies show that owning a pet is a great therapy and can extend your life-expectancy. Anyone who has taken a pet into a nursing home or respite centre will be able to attest to the powerful effect it has on otherwise withdrawn residents.

    Certainly I think the welfare of the dog should you become unable to care for it or pass on is a major consideration, I certainly advocate for preparedness in that area. I am young and healthy and I have legal documents stipulating what should happen to my pets (in a variety of circumstances) if something happens to me.

  2. Just to refresh your memory

    In February this year CJ’s owner was caught in public stamping on his head and kicking him when he was just a defenceless puppy. He was arrested by police and CJ has been safe in the care of Animal Welfare League NSW ever since.

    The owner was found guilty of animal cruelty' date=' however despite this the Magistrate found no reason for not returning CJ to his owner.

    Animal Welfare League NSW wants to see this decision overturned, and to be awarded custody of CJ.

    This will ensure Animal Welfare League NSW can find CJ the loving new family he deserves, where he will be safe from future harm.

    We also want to ensure other dogs just like CJ are not placed at the same risk in the future, and are given the protection they deserve following cases of animal abuse and cruelty. Defenceless animals should not be placed back in the hands of those that have harmed them.

    CJ deserves a safe loving home with a new family and we are calling for his custody to be awarded to Animal Welfare League NSW.[/quote']

    Today they received some devastating news:

    "Animal Welfare League NSW is extremely disappointed to announce the outcome of a recent case regarding the beautiful Labrador cross CJ.

    AWL had been holding CJ on behalf of NSW police, while the case was brought before Waverly Court, where CJ’s owner was found guilty of animal cruelty. Despite the guilty verdict, during the sentencing the Magistrate found no reason why CJ should not be returned to his owner.

    At AWL’s request, NSW Police put forward a request to appeal this decision, but the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has declined to appeal the Magistrates decision, despite a strong public outcry and the fact that over 10,000 people had signed AWL’s petition to appeal this decision and award custody of CJ to AWL.

    Animal Welfare League NSW works tirelessly to protect and care for companion animals who cannot speak for themselves, and this outcome is both surprising and bitterly disappointing.

    AWL would like to thank NSW Police for their hard work and for requesting this case be brought to appeal. AWL would also like to thank the media for allowing CJ’s story to be told and most importantly the public for providing a strong and unified voice for CJ.

    AWL Inspectors work diligently to rescue animals from cruelty and bring offenders before the courts. Says Damien Thiele, Chief Inspector “Our job is to protect animals and remove them from situations where they are at risk.”

    CJ has been in the care of AWL for over six months while this case has been ongoing and the League have fought strongly for the right to rehome CJ to a new, loving family. AWL hopes to see changes in the legal system, so that these types of decisions are not handed down in future.

    AWL and NSW Police are bound to comply with the final decision handed down by the Court. AWL will continue to fight for stricter laws and tougher penalties for anyone found guilty of mistreating an animal, so that other animals like CJ are not placed at risk in future.

    We strongly believe that animals should not be placed back in the hands of those who have mistreated them.

    To voice your concerns over this decision, you can contact the NSW Attorney Generals Department.

    I for one am fuming at this decision and have every intention to send them a letter outlining as much.

    Congratulations to that magistrate and the DPP for their complete and utter stupidity. :mad:swear: Silly me, I thought they were there to make sure we are all protected from these morons. I wonder if they would have allowed custody again if a HUMAN baby was involved :confused: I think not. :mad

  3. sparkycat every household has to have one serious dog and one clown. That way the home is balanced and all is right with the Universe. :thumbsup:

    OK so if you wouldn't mind telling my other half that, that would be great. :thumbsup: We have the clown...Samoyed Jester by name, Jester by nature. Now someone find me a serious, non-clowny Samoyed. I'm not sure that's possible :laugh:

  4. I hope what I wrote makes sense. I am pretty tired right now so sorry if it is a bit long-winded. :o

    I would consider introducing a puppy before Bubba goes. It gives Maximus time to bond with the new dog before he loses his mate.

    I agree with this. It's funny, I read the initial post (which is not funny, so please don't think that is what I'm saying) and I thought pretty much the exact things as OSoSwift wrote. OSo, are you using Jedi mind tricks? :laugh:

    I am really sorry to read about this B&M :( It's a terribly sad situation to find yourself in and I applaud you for having the courage to ask for the help of others. It's not always easy to do, especially on a public forum where you might get someone having a bad day who decide to unleash on you.

    IMHO, adding a new member to the family/pack before your beloved Bubba gets his wings is what I would do. Even if it is not a puppy, but a young adult like someone else mentioned, I think it MAY work better. My reasoning behind this is that if Bubba is top dog and is accepting of the newbie, then it would generally follow in canine behaviour that the newbie is "ok." If Maximus depends on Bubba's decision making and guidance and sees that the newbie is accepted by Bubba, then I would think that would make him less likely to become reactive or negatively aroused because Bubba has already decided FOR Maximus that he's not a threat. It also means that Bubba can "chaperone" the newbie into the way of life that Maximus would be used to. I would think the sooner you have a trio, the better. That said I wouldn't like a puppy or more boisterous dog to cause any further upsets to your injured dog so it would be a tricky process if you did go ahead with it.

    Best of luck and Congratulations on being a great canine parent. :)

  5. What is with members of the Medical profession and animal cruelty lately? First the disgusting Nurse dog-pimp and now this low life. Wow, what a big man you are bashing a poor defenceless dog. And over something so trivial, if that indeed was the case. If you have kids that age then surely a you are used to all sorts of bodily fluids...I personally think that "diarrhoea on the carpet" bit was a pathetic attempt by the defence to try to get the sympathy vote or at least the "human's get angry when pets poop" vote.

    I don't care if it's a Papillion or a Great Dane, you do NOT bash a dog. Hell, he broke "over a dozen" of the dog's ribs. And that supposedly happened as "knee jerk" reaction? Sorry but last time my "knee jerked", I didn't bash a poor dog senseless! :mad

    The defence also claims "It was a single act, it wasn't ... repetitious actions." Really? To inflict that much damage... in a single action? Sure it's a small dog, but I highly doubt it.

    This guy should have felt the full force of the law. Yet again a poor defenceless animal who has already been victim, is victim again to a flawed legal system. This BLEEEPS me right off :swear:

  6. Oh! I saw him on the NSW Samoyed Club rescue section on FB. So happy to see he has a home, yippee! From what I read (posted on 21 August) he was still looking for a home

    Milo is now available for adoption, we will be reviewing applications this week.

    Or has some wire got crossed at some point?

  7. I am sad to read the initial post. I'm also sad to say that as someone who has done 3 long term tertiary animal-care courses, I have run into a large portion of people within these courses that I would never, ever want to leave my pet with. Many of them have appalling people skills too, so it makes me wonder what their saving graces are. Sadly, just because a person has a job title doesn't mean they are in the right job or right for the job. I found that one out the hard way.

    I am glad that poor little dog found her way to someone who actually gives a damn enough to do the right thing by her. People who go on about being "animal lovers" and then blatantly mistreat their animals sicken me to the core. :mad

  8. My family bough a lab puppy about 19 years ago and we had similar issues. Turned out the puppy was deaf in both ears. The vet didn't seem all that surprised about it to be honest. the breeder wanted nothing to do with us or the puppy. We ended up moving her to a home where she would get special treatment. Unfortunately for our family at the time, having a special needs dog was not viable. It was really a sad situation we were all heartbroken. I remember it well, I was quite young at the time and my parents had been saving for a puppy as a surprise for us kids.

  9. I do love that look of disdain on the face of Danny. Priceless.

    When we first got jester he wouldn't eat Out of a bowl. He looked at it puzzled. I had to progress him from a plate to a bowl over a week or so. I think he was so used to being fed people food scraps on plates that he didn't realise that a bowl was the usually accepted form of food delivery. He is fine now. A guts and a hoover, but nobody's perfect :laugh:

  10. I had an incident the other day. Actually I have near misses all the time when I go to the beach. But this one really astounded me...

    I specifically go to on-leash beaches for the simple reason: THEY ARE ON-LEASH BEACHES! I have a dog that I am trying to expose to other friendly dogs due to his lack of socialisation as a puppy. He didn't know how to react and was too boisterous and excitable to be polite in his doggy greetings. Either that or he would be terrified and hide/bark. Best way I have found is tire him out and then let him say hello... ON LEASH. hell I would love to be irresponsible and let him do what Samoyeds love doing and running, running, running to his heart's content... but I can't. I'm not going to break the law and potentially have an injured dog, either through his reactivity or another dogs. So I am happily walking along the beach chatting to a friend, a couple of people walk past with leashed dogs and Jester and them have a sniff and a "hey, how you doing?" moment. it was going well. Then I see this Golden Retriever puppy with this guy (who can only be described as exceedingly self absorbed and pompous, without swearing). he saw me being tentative with Jester's introductions... now if you see someone being that way you would surely want to keep your dog away from it or at least introduce it on leash? Nope. he lets the dog off and it starts racing towards us. I had an alarmed look on my face and motioned to him to call his dog back. He didn't. So I change direction and walk the other way saying very loudly "This is an on leash beach. The idea is you have your dog on a leash." I get glared at. "Please call your dog back."

    I turn around and the dog is about 1.5 metres away and I'm thinking "Oh sh*t." I managed to block it from Jester, which was my worry. I didn't want anything to ruin the good meet and greets. Again, "please put your dog on a leash." This guy refused to put his dog on a leash and then, he walks right up to me and says: "It's ok. My dog's ok." I must have given him quite a look because my friend looked taken aback. :o Then he went on to tell me (in a guilt trippy kind of voice) That "this dog is actually a guide dog training puppy and this is the only chance she gets to be off leash." :eek: I glared at him and walked off. So much I could have said but what is the point with a moron like that? If it was ACTUALLY a guide Dog training puppy then they have exercise facilities for off leash running. Heck, they have a heated pool for it I believe. This guy has the gall to say this. And I don't care if it's the Queen's Corgis, THEY SHOULD BE ON A LEASH!!!

  11. Oh Seren, you poor love. I am so, SO sorry to hear of your loss. It is terrible to lose a beloved pet at any age let alone one so young and after all your trying to find a way. I know it is of little consolation when you are so heartbroken, but rainbow bridge sounds like a wonderful place to me. Thinking about it has certainly helped me cope with the loss of my beloved pets. As others have said, be kind to yourself and may each passing day slowly heal your heart of sadness. Take care xx Snippy

  12. Plenty of options around. I am using Joint Guard for my Samoyed at present. It does pay to do your research though. You can find the same products for vastly different prices online and one might be cheaper until you add in postage so be careful for that. I have plenty of spare time at present so I have the luxury of ample research time. Best of luck finding a product that works for Boss :) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  13. Just read this on the SODR Facebook page

    Our old girl. 10 is on the survivors list. Sadly our 12 week old wolfhound x puppy was pts at the scene with untreatable injuries. Her sister, with another rescue group, is fighting for her life

    How terribly sad.

  14. Oh Jebus! Just looking at that trailer has me in tears... *sob*

    Crossing fingers that those that didn't make it went quickly... run free sweet souls...


    Me too. Immediate tears when I saw those pics. How horrific for all involved, my heart goes out to them all and that includes the emergency services personnel and the veterinary teams. I imagine it would have been very confronting for them too.:cry:

  15. Very sorry to hear this happened to your lovely dog. It certainly is scary. I remember seeing it happen to our Bassett Hound when I was younger. My parents rushed off to the vets and luckily she was able to be saved but I recall a friends' dog not being so lucky. It's just so easy to occur and especially so if your pet is a bit of a guts at mealtimes.

    I am so worried about it with my current dog (deep chest Samoyed) I have drummed into my BF so much he mimes what I say to him :o Never let him drink more than a cup of water before or after exercise. No food for 45 mins either side. No exceptions. Once he has settled right down he is allowed to drink more obviously. I'd rather a dog who is a little bit hungry/thirsty for a few extra minutes than the heartache.

    So glad this had a positive ending! :thumbsup: Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

  16. Well Lisa, I'll be honest. I wasn't looking at him for...you know... girth :eek::rofl: All I saw was one hell of a handsome Aussie :)

    Cheers for the info, it's certainly better to find out from people who have the product and road tested it.

    I agree Julius size 2 should be fine, my boy is around 25kg and there is heaps of room for growth and even some room to reduce size.

    Thanks so much for this. I am happy to go ahead and purchase now :)

  17. Thanks Lisa :) I think I will attempt to measure him again just to double check. He is 25.something kg at present. He is 16 months old so he shouldn't gain much if any girth from now on I would have thought. But there is SO MUCH FLUFF which makes it difficult to get an accurate gauge!

    BTW, I just saw your testimonial pop up on the Dogify website. I thought "I swear I know that pic" and then voila, there you are on this very thread! :)

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