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Posts posted by Dobermanic

  1. Hi Scottsmum

    I'm not sure what area you live in but I can tell you where i'm from in NZ it is not common practice to chain dogs up. In Christchurch dogs are allowed off lead at most beaches except around the surf life saving buildings. Dogs are allowed off lead at most parks but must be under effective controll. When I visit my family we take their dogs to a cafe that allows the dogs in the cafe and they have special treats for them. It is a really dog friendy city compare to where I live in Sydney. I can't let my dog off lead anywhere here except designated dog parks and a few beaches.

    NZ does have a big problem with people just letting their dogs roam. My JRT was attacked several times while we were out walking and our pet cat was killed in our yard by roaming dogs. But these things do happen in Australia as well. Microchipping is usually free through the council and desexing is fairly cheap.

  2. Haha, true about the dickheads, microchips and gonads. :laugh:Dog ownership culture seems a lot different in NZ from what you've been saying here and in other threads. I think it was you who mentioned that a lot of New Zealanders seem to keep their dogs on chains in their yard? I wonder if/how that may influence the number or severity of dog biting incidents.

    I can't stress that it's just my initial view of the dog culture. *My incredibly varied and extensive 5 months worth of experience* AND while I wasn't always an inner westie - I call myself a country girl - I have most recently spent 4 years living in Sydney's inner west.

    BUT yes - I am finding the dog culture here in my region VERY differnt. We have whole parts of town where dogs are restricted, lots of markets and "CBDs" of towns of all sizes, cafes too (link) I can count 10-14 dogs on my street and I'm sure only one (other than Scott) is walked often - I see it out every 3-4 days. Someone casually mentioned to hubby at work the other day that they thought it was odd he walked his dog so much... and so on. But I do want to stress - this is one persons view of one area - and I think my suburb is a bit different again. It would be remiss of me to say that the whole country is like my little 'burb. The flip side to that is I can count at least 3 independent pet food shops, a few groomers, a petbarn (its animates here) + a tonne of feed shops in town and a huge number of vets in a town of 90,000- the animal industry is very well serviced - so maybe I'm just missing something.

    Just another council ignoring the evidence regarding the effectiveness of Breed Specific Legislation (it's not effective, it's really expensive, it draws precious resources away from other areas that would be much better at preventing dog attacks) and barging on ahead anyway. They're waiving the amnesty so people register and then they can track them and enforce BSL - while you've got BSL in the mix no one's going to take them up on it. Much better to just offer and promote the $25 chip and desex to ALL community members with no threat of enforcement afterwards..

    Annual rego is compulsory here - not sure if that weighs in to your comments but - just FYI.

    I see what you're saying. However, I think in this case it's more of a a knee-jerk reaction - there's been a few really horrific attacks here in the few months I've been here - and the most recent ones have both been "pitty types".

    I've thought about this a lot - and often thought I'd put my flack jacket on and ask. Maybe today's the day....

    If its OK to select a breed based on it's type or traits why is it not OK to also base legislation or controls on them for the same reasons?

    I own fox terrier types because I like what they offer - in terms of temperament and looks.

    I think malinois and weimaraners are incredibly handsome dogs but I would never own a Mal based on their breed specific traits - and a good mal breeder would NOT sell one to me. One day I might have another Weim in my life - but I'd have to think long and hard about it

    I'd never own a Maremma either - based entirely on their breed specific characteristics

    Greyhounds / sight hounds are muzzled in some cases. Yes- I know that's pretty old fashioned and we've moved away from it

    I get this is a huge over simplification - but why is one kind of breed selection or discrimination OK but BSL is not? Why is it not OK to ask for Greys to be in muzzles or ...

  3. I have a Dobermann and I think they are the best dogs. I probably wouldn't get another breed i'm addicted now lol. They are intelligent and very trainable and are extremely loyal. My girl always sits at my feet leaning on me in the evenings. They are clean and don't drool. They really are inside dogs and don't like to be left alone out in the yard. They love long walks and playing. They do take a bit of time to mature and as puppy's and teenagers are not very calm. But they do calm down around 2-3 years.

  4. You could try putting Advantix on him it keeps flys alway as well as fleas and ticks. You can get cream for the ears cetrigene or septicide they are antiseptic plus repellent. Repel x is a good spray to use to keep the flys away but you can't use it with Advantix as they contain some of the same ingredients and you can over do it with both.

    You can get the sprays and cream at Petbarn or horse land.

  5. The Petlife play system ones you can get at most pet supply stores. I had a look on the Nina Ottosson web site and it says they ship world wide.

    The busy buddy toys are really good. I think Petstock have them.

    I find the kong toys are great if you get creative. My dog loves them filled with chicken necks and mince and then frozen. If I don't freeze them she has any treats out in a few seconds. The Aussie dog toys are very strong and interactive. They have a home alone range. You can hang it up in a tree and the dog pulls on a bungee and treats come out of a ball.

    I hope some of my suggestions help. Good luck.

  6. Looks like the Chillybuddy is the most popular. How do the Chamios ones work? Sorry for all the questions. I wanted to get one last summer but was so confused by all the options. I won't be getting a swamp cooler now thanks for the advice against that one.

    My dog really hates the heat. She slows down a lot in the summer.

  7. Do you know how it works? I had a look on the web page but couldn't work it out. Most of the cool coats I have looked at work by evaporation. You wet them and they draw the heat away from the dog.

    They are a great price. Please let me know if they work well I may have to get one. I was looking at the swamp cooler by ruffwear but it is $99 so a bit expensive.

  8. I had the same problem with my JRT who has now passed away. She was a total nutter who never stopped. We left her on puppy food for a lot longer than a year as she was always very lean and hyperactive.

    You could try giving her Royal Canine Energy or Proplan Performance. Both are higher in fat and protein than the normal formulas. My JRT loved the taste of Royal Canine.

    Maybe try and add in some raw food as well . Lamb flaps are fattening.

    Just remember a lean dog is healthier than a fat one and will live longer.

  9. I have a Oster nail grinder and find it quite useless. It is not powerful enough and takes a long time to do all the nails which stresses my girl.

    What brand is the most powerful out of all that has been suggested? My dogs breeder uses a Dremel and seems to by happy with it.

    My dog has very thick black nails so they are hard to cut and I have cut the quick once which was terrible :(


  10. Hi DobieMum

    It's nice to chat with another Dobermann mum I don't meet many out and about.

    Does your girl enjoy k9 nose work? I think mine would love it. I already hide her toys around the house and ask her to search for them. She can find them in cupboards and in some very tricky hiding spots.

    Sledding also sounds like fun and great for fitness.

    In the lure coursing do you race against all breeds or is it broken up in to groups?

    Agility seems to be very technical and a lot to teach. I think my girl would enjoy it but am a bit unsure on how she would go off lead. The temptation to play with the other dogs would be hard for her as she is very social.

    I suppose they would get used to training on lead around the other dogs to begin with. She is getting better in obedience and can do some work with out the lead.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with your dogs :)

  11. Hi Dobermanic, I'm a dobie Mum too. Depends on your individual dog and what you think they'll be interested in. All of my dogs go through obedience, but we don't go onto competition. My boy, I tried through agility and for training (on the same grounds week after week) he was good, but as soon as he got to trailing level, he was too busy trying to do everything else. Whereas my girl is a month younger than yours and already I can see she's going to be great, she loves it. With my girl I have done the beginning of nose work (stopped going to that club for family reasons, timing) and when I can get money to get gear, I'll start to teach both at home. With both of them I do lure coursing and this year I have started dry land sledding with them, my girl only does the puppy runs. The other thing my kids love is swimming and jumping in, so if I had dock diving near me I'd give that a go. Have a look at what you want to do and have a go at it, your dogs will let you know if it's the right thing for them and above all else always enjoy yourself!! ????????

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