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Posts posted by MAZNAT

  1. bcf93238623183ee36786e0c57346d6a.jpg

    This is my first dog, (a ridgeback) he's 20 weeks tomorrow. It looks like he has a pimple on his nose. He doesn't seem bothered by it. Should I just keep an eye on it or give it a wash with something specific?


  2. I'd get a couple of pieces of unbacked vet bed and stack them. It doesn't hold water, it's easy to wash when it gets dragged out onto the lawn and it will last forever.

    When you say 'unbacked' I see they have ones that are either ribbed or 'green' backing. Is there another version or which one would be best for my needs?

  3. I put a piece of thick rubber flooring to fit the floor - the type used in horse loose boxes that has holes in it and lets the water through. Over the top of that I put an offcut of thick sheepskin - all super cosy!

    Also I make sure that the door of the kennel is offset so that the dog can snuggle round the corner out of the draft.

    Another great idea. Thanks JRG.

  4. I'd get a couple of pieces of unbacked vet bed and stack them. It doesn't hold water, it's easy to wash when it gets dragged out onto the lawn and it will last forever.

    Thanks Maddy, do you know where I can purchase this from? Australian Online seller?

    I would recommend Wolf's Den. (If you have ad's enabled, you may see their ad on top of the forum)....


    Higly recommended.

    And may I say, one lucky puppy to have such a grand kennel.

    Photos eagerly awaited! (when you are ready, of course)...


    Thank you Vizsla Momma. What's the benefits of the different backings?

    Hope the pic comes through of our very quickly growing bundle of puppy joy.


  5. Can anyone suggest what type/brand of bed/mat would be suitable for an outside dog kennel please.

    Would like something that water would roll off I guess so if our dear puppy (who's not going to be a puppy for too long) was wet, that it won't stay wet and make him cold.

    This is my first dog, so its all a bit new to me still. Thanks in advance.

  6. MazNat is it possible to start the pup off with very small sessions in the enclosure?

    Pop him in there with a treat or a special toy and do very quick sessions of him being alone, as soon as the crying /fussing stops lift him out and have a bit of a cuddle/play etc. Look up crate games for a fun way to get pup used to being alone.

    With a baby puppy I wouldn't be leaving him in the pen for any extended periods until he's a bit bigger and he's used to it..

    He's in a weird place, his mum isn't around, his siblings are missing. He's going to need some extra comfort until he gets used to his new life.

    Do you have a crate, or can you set the pen up in your living room?

    That way he can't get into mischief, but he'll still be close and able to see you.

    We have an indoor crate, and an outside area which is safely enclosed -- it has a shell pool, a dog bed, a kennel and we put toys in there with him. It has a grassed area where he is using to go to the toilet. He just gets really distressed when we are not with him. We play with him before we leave in the hope he thinks its a fun place, but then gets upset when we leave. We are doing the 10 - 15 minute thing, then going to get him when he is quiet.

  7. How are your pups going with your enclosures?

    We only just bought our boy home last night so he's not a fan yet of his outdoor area. Just wondering how long we should leave him cry and whimper until we go out and comfort him. I'm concerned about the neighbours, but know you have to do the hard yards at the start to make for a content dog.

    He just wants to be nears us constantly, which I understand is fairly expected. Heartbreaking time....


  8. What is the general consensus for creating a puppy safe area, as opposed to letting him have access to the entire back yard. (Yep, it's my first dog)

    I guess we want to avoid him becoming a digger and destroyer of the garden/plants/outdoor furniture etc, but also understand he needs to get to learn good and not so good behaviour. I just want to make sure we give him the best opportunity to create good habits but also want him to be content in his new world. Then there is the dilemma of a changing environment and confusing him. I'm confused....

    Thank you kindly.

  9. I saw recently a quote from a guy who is into dog fighting, stating that he gets his wife to dress up all fancy and pretend that the dog will be going to a good home, only to be taken for fights -- please, please be sure he is going to a legitimate, loving home.

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