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Posts posted by charlottearmstrong

  1. Buy a clicker from a pet shop and every 30 mins go outside with your pup and come up with a word for going to the toilet; e.g 'toliet' 'wee' 'pottie' etc... When you see her go to the toliet, click the clicker and say the 'word' and keep repeating this until she gets it. Remember to praise her afterwards and say good toliet, good pottie or whatever and give her a pat. It took our pup 7 days to toilet train and this is an average.

    Puppies go to the toilet a lot, they have small bladders remember and cannot hold for long periods. I would take your pup out every 30 mins literally. When in the house i would put her in a pen/fenced area with a bed and newspaper but make sure you let her out regularly. As soon as you let her out, take her outside straight away and do as above. Eventually she'll learn to associate the clicker and sound of your word/voice with going to the loo.You will have accidents along the way in the house, but as soon as you see her attempt to go, pick her up and again go outside. You have to be persistent and encouraging. Good luck :)

  2. I am going overseas for 5 weeks in august and usually friends are able to look after my labrador, however on this occasion they are not.

    Can anyone recommend any dog sitter companies or good, well recommended kennels in Perth, WA? I am kind of relunctant to put our dog in a kennel, as i have heard some pretty shocking abused stories about a few (West Coast, Julies) in Perth, i also dont like the idea of my dog being locked up the majority of the time. She has never been to a kennel before and i can imagine as a slightly nervous dog this may have an negative effect.

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