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Posts posted by ajj_32

  1. Hi all,

    Just wondering how you got your puppy to stop pulling on the lead. My 6 month old Dalmatian gets way too excited on walks and will pull to get to smells, dogs, people etc. At dog school we get them walking in the other direction and then offer rewards when they are walking in the right direction without pulling which only works for a little while but she gets over the treats.

    I won't use a correction collar but anyone tried the Ezydog check mate collar? It looks a lot more gentle than a correction collar but seems it would still give a little correction when she pulls.

    After any advice before she gets even stronger!!

    Thanks so much


  2. Hi all,

    So my five month old puppy was spayed last Thursday and she's is already driving me crazy with trying to keep her calm!! Just how much is she allowed to/not allowed to do? Is playing with a toy ok? I'm not letting her jump, even though she jumped on the couch via the tiny section that wasn't blocked off. Is it a matter of making sure the stitches stay intact or could she be doing internal damage I won't see??

    Thanks for all your help:)

  3. I did a bit of research on this a few months ago for my pup. Pet plan give you the best cover but you pay for it. I found bowwowmeow the best value for money and they were really good when I contacted them asking questions. Thankfully I haven't had to claim anything but from the reviews I've read, they seem pretty good. Good luck :)

  4. Thanks so much everyone. It doesn't sound too bad at all. I think my problem will be keeping her quiet!! I think I'm going to have to give her some bones and let her eat them inside:) But I might get some extra pain medication just incase too.

    Thanks again, I'm definitely feeling a lot more at ease now :)

  5. Hi all,

    Getting my 5.5 month old Dalmatian pup spayed in a few weeks and was just wanting to know what to expect during the recovery?? How long will she be lethargic for? How long does the e collar need to on? Has anyone tried the Pro collar?? Any advice is greatly appreciated :)


  6. My 4.5 month old Dalmatian was and still is to some extent a very bad biter. Yelping and growling didn't work, stopping play kind of did but she start biting again when we'd start playing again. Putting her in the sin bin has worked best. She still bites a little bit when excited but is much less frequent and not as hard. Some of her puppy teeth have fallen out too which is nice!!

    Good luck with your beautiful new puppy:)

  7. I was just looking into the same thing this morning!!

    What size did they recommend for your puppy? Mine is about the same age but 4-5kgs heavier (dalmatian). I was thinking the large.

    I haven't had any experience with either but I really like the look of the tether tug. You could always put peanut butter or something on it if you want to make it extra special but I'm sure your puppy will have a ball just playing with it as is. I assume the Aussie dog one hangs from a tree as I can't see a pole that comes with it??

    Thanks for the post:)

  8. It's while we are at work 7am-5pm. She's nearly 4 months. I don't like the idea of leaving her outside all day because I'm so scared of dog nappers!!

    We get a dog walker 3 times a week and we try to walk her in the mornings we don't get the walkers but she's scared of the dark so don't get too far. I drive her to walk around the shops where there's much more light which helps.

    TSD how do you use the milk cartons? Just pop there kibble in there with the lid open?

  9. We took our puppy to the puppy pre-school that was run at the vet that we take her too. Now she absolutely loves going to the vet because she associates it with all the fun she had at school. It was the best idea:)

    Good luck with your beautiful new puppy:)

  10. We both work full time and are gone for approx. 12 hours per day, sometimes longer on Fridays.

    We have a dog door and Kira can stay in the back yard which has an undercover pergola or come inside as far as the kitchen.

    I don't feel guilty at all. I have to work and I'm not going to not have a dog so I do the best I can in my circumstances and I don't get hung up comparing what we do to what other people do. She gets walked and gets lots of attention when we get home and spends lots of time with us on the weekends.

    When we had a puppy many moons ago family members helped up out by coming to do the midday feed.

    How big is your dog door Malamum? Do you get worried that people could break in through it? I've considered it but I'm just a bit worried about anyone being able to fit through it. Thanks :)

  11. The Diamond Creek dog park does have a smaller section in the park that is enclosed. You do have to walk through the main dog park section to get to it so not sure if that would work for your fur baby. But I think it's a really nice dog park:)

    Good luck

  12. Thanks everyone. It's all great advice. I'll lay of trying to get her to walk for a while and hopefully she'll be right when the longer days come around.

    Thanks for the advice Spinner, I was wondering what else I could do other than the common tricks: sit, stay etc. This forum is so awesome for good ideas:)

    As requested, here's a pic of my cutie pie just taken the other day:)post-53731-0-49124100-1435023805_thumb.jpg

  13. Hi all,

    I need some more advice for my 3 month old dallie. When we started walking her outside she was pretty scared at the start. Now she's much better at walking but she hates walking away from home in the dark. I can drive her somewhere different and take her for a walk in the dark and she is much better but I really want her to feel comfortable leaving the house and walking in the dark since its the only time we can walk her in winter (she has dog walkers three days a week that come during the day). She is fine leaving the house and walking in the light and sunset/dusk period. We've tried leaving through the front door, garage door and side gates and nothing helps. She just sits down and shakes. We take food and toys too but same reaction. Any suggestions??

    Thanks so much

  14. Welcome! I run the only Spotted dog in agility in Victoria! If you are serious about competing in agility you will need to train with a club that understands competitive agility rather than doing a few jumps/tunnels "for fun." Don't get me wrong - my dogs and I have a BALL but it takes a lot of skills beyond just taking a jump!

    Would love the details if you don't mind:):)

    There's nothing really near you unfortunately BUT I did travel to Hastings from Brighton for agility for a few years! Now I live in the Eastern Suburbs I go to Croydon & Districts Obedience Dog Club which is probably your closest. My absolute pick would be private small classes or one-on-one with Awesome Paws. They are a long drive to Cranbourne for me but seriously worth it. Agility is about relationship building and lots of flat work (ie no equipment) and the jumps etc are the icing on the cake!

    Thanks so much, I'll keep that in mind:)

  15. Welcome! I run the only Spotted dog in agility in Victoria! If you are serious about competing in agility you will need to train with a club that understands competitive agility rather than doing a few jumps/tunnels "for fun." Don't get me wrong - my dogs and I have a BALL but it takes a lot of skills beyond just taking a jump!

    Would love the details if you don't mind:):)

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