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Posts posted by Raemit

  1. We are not aiming for perfection, it was only one that when we first got him the ears were so different from one another. I am aware that Staffordshire ears are supposed to be rose shaped. But as we have no plans to show him in the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter! They have become more symmetrical which is more aesthetically pleasing.

    Here is another photo just because ????


  2. Thanks for the replies. His pricked ear is what I was hoping the other would do, as we have owned a SBT before and his ears were similar to this.

    I haven't yet contacted the breeder, but I will tomorrow. We are not planning on showing him, he is just a very much loved family pet.

    I guess we are just very observant to everything at the moment as he is only new to us and his floppy ear was bothering me.

  3. We have had our boy Ziggy home for 2 days and I have noticed since the last photos from the breeder that his ears have changed. He has one that has pricked up and the other one has stayed floppy. I have read that this could be due to teething, I am wondering if they will stay this way or is it normal that they change at different times?

    This is the last photo we have of him before getting him http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f213/raealex/6C528A64-1253-4AA4-942D-2EB9EB5EBB8C.jpg

    And this is one taken yesterday at 9 weeks http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f213/raealex/B35A62B1-11A1-4AF2-8D6A-471DA9836A42.jpg

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