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Posts posted by Bullybreedlover

  1. Sorry...but I am worried about this...you want an ugly looking bull breed dog that you can chain up & will be a good guard dog, & at the same time you want your 2 year old little girl to like him & pat him & interact with him. Please don't let your little girl just walk up to any strange dog. Maybe this little girl knows more about self-preservation than her dad. If you are going to chain the dog up, then I doubt any responsible breeder would sell to you. If she is scared of the little dog you have now...she is going to be absolutely petrified of one of those :eek: I would hate to see your little girl become a statistic :(


  2. 6 foot colour bond fencing contains most dogs safely.

    I'd put a dog in a run before I'd put it on a chain.

    I have just had a look at the runs and they look like the dog is in prison, I think maybe people mis interpreted what I meant by a dog on on a chain. I feel that at least the dog isn't looking out of his cage feeling like he's alone. At least these dogs on chains can have a run around and enter their kennels if need be.

  3. Thanks guys for all the help, before starting this forum I was determined that I was going to get a bulldog puppy for my baby, my mother and I. But i have come to realize with the help of this community that maybe my daughter isn't into dogs and just let her get use to them over time maybe and that I should let my mum choose her own dog even though I really want one and just seen the opportunity to get one. Hopefully in a couple years my living situation will be a bit better and my daughter will be older and then I can finally get the dog I really wants. Cheers and thank you, any other info on bully breeds will be good. Seems you're so helpful I will let you know what kind of dog my mother ends up going for and maybe someone will have some poiters in raising it. Thank you

  4. True??that's good as I don't like seeing dogs live on chains but can also understand them being on one while at work because you never know what they will get up to. But good luck on the campaign. I can truly see everyone who is a part of this community is a die hard dog lover. Cheers

    Very die hard LOL

    And yes, there is a lot of work in NZ improving the lives of dogs and getting them off chains. What tends to happen with chained dogs is they go on it as pups and live on till they die. That is NO life for a social animal.

    Yes I can see how that is bad but my friends dogs are only on chains while at work. Not just dogs there to make the place look nice. This is all good info and by the time I'm ready to get a dog hopefully this forum will help me to be a good owner and more aware of a dog's needs.

    I'm really glad that you're open to learning and possibly changing your views on how to keep a dog. :)

    Yes I definitely am. I remember as a child my grandfather farming and I would always get upset when animals were getting hurt. I believe every living thing has feelngs and should have an equal chance to live a good life

  5. ;) if your mum wants a dog - maybe let her choose what will suit her abilities & living arrangements? Then there will be no pressure on your toddler - the dog will be Grandma's , which may be helpful.

    if your daughter just isn't keen on most dogs - then that is her choice . :) Doesn't really sound as though she is scared, like I read originally .

    If you read some of what is on this site while you are deciding.... It has lots of good info, like the following excerpt :

    No matter how well chosen your dog is and how good the source, if your child is behaving in ways that stress, threaten, challenge, or tease a dog, that dog could develop issues.

    Remember, a dog will react to his environment. There is no magic pill or surgery that will stop undesired behaviors. No matter what you will be told; there is no such thing as a non-biting dog. Therefore, my questions to you are: how much work are you willing to do to find the best canine match? How much work are you willing to put into your child/children to help create a harmonious relationship? Even the most tolerant dog can be pushed into a bite. The best dog for a family with children is carefully chosen, from a caring source, entering a family that is fully prepared to meet the needs of the dog and with adults willing to work to create a harmonious child-dog relationship.

    Yes I think maybe scared was a bad word to use. Maybe dislike would have been a wiser choice???

  6. I know I said chain and I'm not to sure what kind of situation every has jumped to but the dogs we have here are on a chain which is attached to some thick wire which will be about 20metres long running down the side of our section with plenty of trees for shade a bowl of fresh water and a kennel with a blanket in it and they get fed. Would this be still classed as bad ownership?

  7. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Because if your dog gets off your property the man from the pound will get it and then you will have to pay to get it back again so why not have it on a chain???

    Why not have proper fencing and treat your dog like a family member, unless of course you having working dogs on a rural property?

    What's the difference between a working dog and a pet dog?

    Working dogs on rural properties have a job to do and aren't usually expected to live in close quarters with children or see strange dogs on a regular basis, such as on walks or at the park, and often don't need to be socialised in the way that suburban dogs are. They spend all day working and are mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day so would mostly sleep in the evening, so being chained during that time would be less of an issue. It's also much harder to fence a rural property to prevent escapes unless you make it a normal yard sized enclosure within the property and you may need the dogs to be able to see the surrounds and bark when there is a threat to livestock on the property, so that may not be feasible. A pet dog's life pretty much revolves around it's people and a working dog's life revolves around working.

    Yes we do a lot of work for farmers and those poor dogs will bark all day if they could, stuck in their cage. They seem to listen very well and are very skilled at what they do. They are actually quite amazing I have also seen farmers with children who own their own dogs and seem pretty good with the kids and work.

  8. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Because if your dog gets off your property the man from the pound will get it and then you will have to pay to get it back again so why not have it on a chain???

    Why not have proper fencing and treat your dog like a family member, unless of course you having working dogs on a rural property?

    What's the difference between a working dog and a pet dog?

    Working dogs on rural properties have a job to do and aren't usually expected to live in close quarters with children or see strange dogs on a regular basis, such as on walks or at the park, and often don't need to be socialised in the way that suburban dogs are. They spend all day working and are mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day so would mostly sleep in the evening, so being chained during that time would be less of an issue. It's also much harder to fence a rural property to prevent escapes unless you make it a normal yard sized enclosure within the property and you may need the dogs to be able to see the surrounds and bark when there is a threat to livestock on the property, so that may not be feasible. A pet dog's life pretty much revolves around it's people and a working dog's life revolves around working.

    Yes we do a lot of work for farmers and those poor dogs will bark all day if they could, stuck in their cage. They seem to listen very well and are very skilled at what they do. They are actually quite amazing I have also seen farmers with children who own their own dogs and seem pretty good with the kids and work.

  9. Maybe your daughter's perception is being influenced by the fact so many of the dogs she meets are chained up?

    My son is 2 in June and he adores all dogs, they are the highlight of his day. He has been raised to see them as a family member to love, enjoy and respect. I imagine mostly seeing them chained up outside would not have encouraged him to develop the same level of interest.

    The only dogs she will actually see on a chain are the ones at home when we visit my friends In the weekends the dogs will be off the chain I think maybe she just isn't interested in dogs. My son who is 4 never had a problem with dogs and he has been brought up and raised in the same house with the same dogs on the same chains. Her cousin was the same and got use to dogs from her dad buying her a pup which was a rottweiler, but people didn't recommend my mum getting a pup as it will not help my daughters dislike/fear or what ever it is.

  10. True??that's good as I don't like seeing dogs live on chains but can also understand them being on one while at work because you never know what they will get up to. But good luck on the campaign. I can truly see everyone who is a part of this community is a die hard dog lover. Cheers

    Very die hard LOL

    And yes, there is a lot of work in NZ improving the lives of dogs and getting them off chains. What tends to happen with chained dogs is they go on it as pups and live on till they die. That is NO life for a social animal.

    Yes I can see how that is bad but my friends dogs are only on chains while at work. Not just dogs there to make the place look nice. This is all good info and by the time I'm ready to get a dog hopefully this forum will help me to be a good owner and more aware of a dog's needs.

  11. Another one against dogs on chains, poor creatures :( proper fences and entertainment are much kinder.

    All the dogs you have mentioned are boofy things (my favourite type). Is there a reason you want that type of dog?

    I work full-time and have nice well adjusted dogs because I put time into them. I know people who think they're backyard, limited human interaction, rarely walked dogs are fine. If they're happy with barking, jumping ill mannered menaces, then good for them. I like well socialised well mannered dogs. Dogs that don't beg for food everytime someone eats.

    I haven't met a chained dog that doesn't have some sort of neurotic issue - barking, licking, poor interaction with others. I used to have one that lived near me. You'd hear her coming, dragging her chain down the footpath. I would put her in my yard with my well socialised staffy and call her people to come and get her. Fu ny enough, she never wanted to escape my yard. More than happy to stay loose in my yard until she was picked up.

    I like bully breeds for some reason, not so much pit bull but more bulldogs and bull mastiffs. I just like the way they look but have had no real experience with them. How hard were they to bring up as pups with a full time job. My job Is pretty Cruzy so I would be able to take to work with me and would continue to do so as much as I could once they are older. Yes one of the chained dogs does always lick me, doesn't bark or beg for food but will lick me and want attention which makes sense now. I may have to go to my friends houses and see the different behaviors between these dogs. Good info on raising a dog with a full time job would be good? Cheers

  12. If the dog will be a resident of your mother's home, why not ask her what sort of dog she wants?

    Yes I think at this point I will be steering clear of dog decisions and will just have to wait till I can get a dog for myself that I can care for

    Sounds like a great idea, and when you have a secure yard and won't need to leave it on a chain...

    Yes I know but to be honest out of all the dogs I know they get put on chains when no one is home. Maybe need a place out the rural areas but my girlfriend wouldn't like that.

  13. If the dog will be a resident of your mother's home, why not ask her what sort of dog she wants?

    Yes I think at this point I will be steering clear of dog decisions and will just have to wait till I can get a dog for myself that I can care for

    Maybe your daughter is a cat person. It happens.

    You would think so but she has the same reaction to cats as she does to dogs except she will chase around kittens and puppies oh and ducks haha. Or dogs that are on leashes for some reason she doesn't mind. I think that dogs that are roaming freely are the ones that freak her out but with good training would you not be able to produce a dog that's chilled out around??I may have to invest in a duck lol

  14. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Because if your dog gets off your property the man from the pound will get it and then you will have to pay to get it back again so why not have it on a chain???

    How about you build a proper fence to keep it in it's own yard. Bloody pathetic.

    How high do you recommend building a fence to keep a dog in and how low beneath soil do you go? Are there requirements to this? Cheers

  15. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Seems kinda redundant to me too.

    No friend or father figure of mine keeps me on a chain either.

    I think letting your dog wonder around freely getting taken to the pound every day would get pretty tiring after a few weeks

  16. If the dog will be a resident of your mother's home, why not ask her what sort of dog she wants?

    Yes that's what I will do now and get the bully I want when my daughter is older and my life is little bit more suited to having a dog. Cheers

  17. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Because if your dog gets off your property the man from the pound will get it and then you will have to pay to get it back again so why not have it on a chain???

    Why not have proper fencing and treat your dog like a family member, unless of course you having working dogs on a rural property?

    What's the difference between a working dog and a pet dog?

  18. Why on earth would you get a dog and then keep it on a chain?

    Because if your dog gets off your property the man from the pound will get it and then you will have to pay to get it back again so why not have it on a chain???

    Because chained dogs are MASSIVELY over represented in dog attack statistics and when kids are around this is a license for tragedy.

    Also because such dogs are often poorly socialised and frankly, a bit nuts.

    Get some decent fencing or don't get a dog. Problem solved.

    Chaining of dogs is banned in whole states in the USA and I know in NZ there are campaigns to get dogs off chains for good.

    True??that's good as I don't like seeing dogs live on chains but can also understand them being on one while at work because you never know what they will get up to. But good luck on the campaign. I can truly see everyone who is a part of this community is a die hard dog lover. Cheers

  19. If the dog will be a resident of your mother's home, why not ask her what sort of dog she wants?

    Yes I think at this point I will be steering clear of dog decisions and will just have to wait till I can get a dog for myself that I can care for

  20. All I am going to suggest is to maybe look into a small/medium breed that is fairly gentle rather than a bully type breed, just because bully type breeds can be a bit bulldozer like, very friendly but barge into things and people. To build your daughter's confidence a gentle breed may be better

    Yes a chilled out toy dog may be the one as the dog doesnt have to be big to be a guard dog just a barking can warn you of an intruder. I think maybe my daughter will just have to get use to dogs in her own time and maybe rushing her into it isn't the way to go. I thought maybe little dogs wouldn't be more aggressive as they may have the whole small man syndrome lol

  21. Thanks for the info guys, obviously I'm new to this and welcome all criticism. From what I've gathered getting a pup will not help my daughter get use to dogs, puppy's will destroy your house and shit every where and will jump up on people most importantly my daughter.Even though it has helped one of my nieces get over her fear of dogs. It also sounds to me like you have to be at home 24/7 to look after your dog which I am not as I have a job and also if it a bully breed it needs a strong leader and plenty of walking so maybe rottweilers neopolitan mastiffs, bull mastiff, American bulldogs and put bulls are different as I have friends with these breeds who also have jobs and are not what I would call a leader to their dogs but a father or friend like figure. These dogs are also mainly on chains but are good around people and good with kids and we're raised from pups around children. What I have been told in real life from people I know and from what I've seen seems alot different to the information iv received, maybe my friends are bad dog owners but their dogs seem to be very fine to me and the dogs seem as happy as any other dog I've seen. Can yous help explain this maybe they were just lucky with the dogs they got but I doubt that. Cheers

  22. Your daughter is two. Kids aren't really into animals until they're older IME. Not having the pup live with you means she'd have little exposure to it. It sounds like your mother is going to be the sole carer of the dog. Does she want a dog, particularly a puppy? Does she have the time to raise a nice well mannered dog?

    Yes she is looking for a dog and agreed to getting a bulldog

  23. Perhaps she just isn't interested? Maybe she isn't big on dogs? It might come on later or not, but sounds like the dog isn't really for her.

    Doesn't make the decision any less important, but might pay to examine why you do want a dog. If its for you, that's totally cool but better to work it out now and tailor the decision to that.

    The choice off getting a dog was because I wanted one. We already have 2 where I live which is with my girlfriend and her parents. My mother has moved into a new place where she is allowed pets. So she was looking at getting a dog for security and companion reasons as she lives alone. I thought that seems she was looking we might as well get a pup to help my daughter get use to dogs. The choice in getting a bulldog was mine because I have fond memory's of my mums exs bulldogs from when I was little and because I like the look of them. That changed when I seen all the health problems they have so I looked in to alternative bulldogs which led me to the renascene bulldog.

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