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Posts posted by Collie92

  1. Thankyou for your thoughts guys I honestly appreciate it

    Nope I did not specifier either sex, I was open minded, the sex of the breed honestly does not matter to me. I have no intention of breeding anyway so she will be de-sexed.

    The breed is boarder collie, fingers crossed all works out. 

    I can understand keeping the males for breeders, I kinda wish they had been more open and honest though.

    Karen15 I'm so sorry about your dog, I know that wouldnt mean much coming from a stranger. 


  2. My apologies for the lack of info 

    Mrs rusty bucket thankyou for all of that information, the breeders website states that they are registed with 'dogs nsw'. 

    Karen15 thankyou also. I completely understand that breeders would want too keep some of thier line, If the breeder had stated that, then id understand. basically the breeder stated before the litter was born that they was taking deposits from people interested, I did a bit of researching to try to make sure they where legit. I also asked how many other people had put deposits down so that I new where I stood (they basically had a first in best dressed deal) they stated that only one other person put a deposit down, they said they had 3 breeders interested but they didnt put deposits down. So I told them if i was second pick then I'd like to put down a deposit (so i did). 2 days after the litter was born I get this 

    ' ....has had her pups, only 2 girls unfortunately, one blue, one lilac' (I took out the dogs name). 

    I thought it was a little odd but I understand very rare it can happen I suppose. So being second pick I got the choice on whether or not to take the remaining girl. So in a few days I get to go pick up my baby girl (hopefully she actually exists). And I have to be honest after recently seeing the entire litter posted on thier fb page (I say entire because there are actually 4 boys and 2 girl) out of that entire litter even if I had first pick of the lot id still choose my girl, theres just something about her. They had 2 of the males listed on thier as available too. So this isnt a rant on being unhappy about a 'product purchase' for lack of better word. Im mearly worried and upset that these breeders can play people like that. Intentionally with holding information is still lying in my eyes, im a very honest person and it upsets me that others are not the same. I understand that most of you on here are most likely breeders and its understanding that bredders will want to stick up for fellow breeders. And i know that not all breeders are unprofessional. But this type of thing does give breeders a bad name unfortunatly. Honesty! Thats all i wanted. And I'm a bit worried for other people, I mean do they do this often? I see it like a hazard in the work place, people see it but no one reports it, then all of a sudden an accident happens that could have been avoided. 

    and for the record show dog, Ive worked in hospitality, believe me, I know better then most how absolutly, sorry for the language but, shitty some people can be, you wont believe some of the things people come up with when they are loosing on a gaming floor. So understand alot of people are full of it. Unfortunatly your just going to have to take my word on my honesty. Im the type of person that usually keeps my opinions to myself. So Im amazing that Im even posting here, asking for peoples thoughts. 

    regardless though, I understand everyones comments and I thankyou for your time 


  3. Here's another question for everyone.

    Surely its not okay for breeders to lie to a customer by telling them they have 2nd pick of the litter in order to get said customer to put down a deposit, then continue the lie by telling the customer that the mother only had 2 pups. I mean we go through registered dog breeders in the hopes that we know what we are in for, so that we can have peace of mind that we are hopefully getting a healthy pup. So when a breeder miss leads a person like this it makes you wonder..... what else have they lied about. I have everything in writing and evidence that there where more pups to the litter. I also dont really expect anything to be done about this but it is something I strongly feel should at least be reported as its coming across as a dodgy business.

    General Thoughts on who to report this to? 

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