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Sore Eyes

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Posts posted by Sore Eyes

  1. Compound pharmacies are a rip off.! I ran out of tacrolimus eye drops for our little girl when we were travelling in QLD. Meant that we would have to hang around for our script to be made and sent to us. Went to a vet hoping they would make the drops at there surgery! But woman we saw was awesome! She gave me a script for Tacrolimus capsules . And told me to purchase "tears naturale" . The tablets cost me about $80 for 100 hundred tablets and the tears naturale was $24 up there. Here at home the drops are only around $13 . So subsequently I now make our own drops just like the compound pharmacy does all for about $21 per month. Very easy to empty powder from the capsule into the bottle of tears and that's it. And l have 100 months of medication for her. Shop around and ask vets if they make there own meds. Much much cheaper for us all. Our little girls eyes are not perfect but 90% better than they were with optimmune ointment! That seemed to feed them and make her eyes worse. Very rarely do her eyes have redness in the white of her eyes. Good luck in your search for cheaper medication.

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