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Posts posted by Samantha113

  1. On 7/6/2018 at 8:48 PM, sandgrubber said:

    I'm a food skeptic.  Can't see the need to buy anything fancy.  So much hype out there.  I feed Coprice working dog at $55 to $60 for a 20 kg bag. My dogs love it (they're Labbies and there's not much they don't love).  Their coats are lovely.  Their poos are firm.  They have no allergies.  My old Girl will be 14 in August, and she's still pretty healthy.

    I had the same attitude before we discovered food allergy. I guess some dogs are more sensitive and some not, as long as it's all fine with your pup, that's probably the right way of thinking.


    I feed only natural :) I was writing earlier about the issues that my pup had with a small Vitamine B deficiency, when our vet suggested to switch to more 'natural' and more Australian food. We tried with several brands, it was more or less successful, currently we are on Applaws dog food and we are completely satisfied :)

    As long as there's nothing artificial added or hidden, no colours or preservatives or flavours -  we are good <3 

  3. On 4/20/2018 at 6:59 PM, Gettehlife said:

    This does make me feel a lot better as he rarely ever complains being left in his crate unless he feels like he's not a part of the family, but with travelling, sleeping, eating, etc. He has no complaints at all. This whole time I thought I was doing the crate training thing wrong as so many people have said that the dog should see it as it's den, a comparison to a bedroom for us, and I never really saw that behaviour and thought I was doing something wrong. He is more than happy for it to be there and for him to play around his area, I think now the aim is for him to get comfortable with the playpen as he did with the crate. I need to get a more robust pen as he's managed to damage the cheapo one I've got already 

    That small creature you sent us picture of was able to damage anything? :D I am joking, I know how energetic they can be :)

    Anyways, I am glad that you find a solution for him, I just wanted to mention that you need a looooot of patience. I mean, 10 weeks old <3

    I am not a professional, but as far as I can remember from my experience, with my dog, when he was little, he wanted attention not only at his potty breaks, but literally - all the time :D

    He wasn't asking for attention only when he ate I think, or when played with something/someone else and used to forget about the surroundings, including me :D

    I understand it may be annoying, especially when he barks in the middle of the night, but every training takes time. At the end, you will be happy with the result, because the more time you invest in your pup, the more you will be satisfied and happy with his behaviour. 

    If you, however, don't succeed in training him the way you want, you can always ask a professional for advice. I adopted a rescue pup and to be honest, I wasn't sure if I treat him well or no, so I decided to look for professional help. I took him to the professional dog training in Sydney and never regreted. Liarne works with so much passion with dogs, she really helped a lot in the development of our pup!  The most important for me was that Liarne used positive, reward-based methods, as I don't trust any aggressive methods. So if you decide to look for a professional training, choose wisely and research well what said those who experienced it already...

  4. I stick to Comfortis and sometimes Brevecto, and we are satisfied. If you need it these days, here they offer Comfortis at the discounted price. When I saw busymum01 saying that she is looking for a quick question as a 'first time dog owner', I remembered me at my 'very beginnings'. I thought that I could avoid all the fleas and ticks treatments if I don't let my dog hang out a lot with other dogs and if I stick to well known trails etc. Of course, after a while, i faced with the flea issue -  what a surprise! :D

    Than I discovered that they live almost everywhere and recently I read that "Outdoors, fleas prefer moist, shady, cool places. They especially like shrubs, leaves, and trees, and don’t fare well in sunny areas or open grass. By trimming back shrubs, raking out leaves, and, in effect, limiting the amount of areas where fleas thrive, you can help prevent infestations out of doors." so, yes, they do live almost everywhere :/

  5. On 12/5/2017 at 8:16 AM, chrlsrand said:

    How's your pup doing lately? 

    Hi, thanks for asking,

    Saturday I went to vet again because I panicked a bit, was checking other forums too and saw a lot of stuff :/

    Anyhow, I insisted to do a bit more examinations, so they checked his pancreas ( as it may be the cause too :/ ), and luckily it was all ok with that.

    Than we discussed anxiety and compulsive chewing (never heard of it before) and the vet concluded that's not the case either, huh! No parasites either, we take care of that regularly :)

    The blood results were also pretty ok, but, BUT with a small Vitamine B deficiency. As he explained, it's nothing serious, the deficit is really small and he can't even say if that's the exact reason why my pup decided to eat feces a couple of times, since everything else is ok. He is not lethargic at all (my dog, not the vet :) ), no changes in behavior, still cheerful, still crazy <3 As tdierikx said, maybe it's simply because he liked it (rhrrrhr...).

    However, of course I took it seriously, I changed his diet right after the first vet check (before I found out for that B issue) and now I added some supplements too. I was usually feeding him Royal canin, Proplan, but the vet suggested to switch to something more 'natural' and more Australian (because of protein source)... So now I feed him Ivorycoat grain free and we will see how it all goes, I can say that these few days we are doing fine... If anyone else has any recommendations for well balanced food and supplements, I am listening :)

    The good news is that he didn't eat any more of his poop (omg, how it sounds....) after that first vet check, but I insisted on further examinations just to make sure it's all gonna be ok, to make myself more calm :) 

    I hope that Meg will come back soon with an update about her Labradoodle...



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  6. Maybe he just wanted to imply that dog ownership won't cost him a lot...Since he mentioned only chicken and veges leftovers (if you have them?)...?

    However, I believe that it has to be more balanced than that, the food I choose usually contain duck, kangaroo, chicken, and except meat there are carrot, kale, broccoli etc....

  7. On 12/1/2017 at 8:13 AM, karen15 said:

    And because they aren't digesting their food, even though they're being fed, they starve unless the issue can be fixed.

    Exactly :( I mean, vet didn't say it that way, but it just seems like a logical conclusion..

  8. On 12/1/2017 at 2:19 AM, Powerlegs said:

    Have you looked at slippery elm as a supplement? Very commonly used for gut issues in dogs and horses. :)

    I used to give it to my other dog years ago, when he had diarrhea and it helped in solving that issue, but I had no idea that it could be helpful with this too! Thanks a lot for reminding me, will definitely do a little research about it :) 

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  9. 23 hours ago, Powerlegs said:

    if it looks the same coming out as it does going in. 

    Our vet explained that right there might be an issue :/ The food goes all the way trough animal's stomachs and it comes out without much change... 

    Like there is no body reaction to the ingredients ...

  10. Hi, I came here for the same reason.. Had no that problem in his early days, but I caught my dog eating his poop 2 times in the past two weeks. Our vet said the same thing, nutrition issue, so we are now trying out different food. If you come up with solution, keep us updated here please !

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