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Posts posted by tarabombara

  1. 46 minutes ago, persephone said:

    I understood he wore this at night  

    . in that case , he may need his jumper on ..he doesn't have much of his own coat to keep him warm , and unless he's covered at night, or on top of a heating vent , he may be a bit cool . Does he sleep curled up, or laid out flat ?  If he's curled up tight, he is cool . Lying flatter ...warm enough  ( rule of thumb) 
    he IS still a baby :)

    Oh sorry, no sorry the jumper is worn outside if its to cold, but if its really cold and he needs to go outside the jacket. Um that's a good questions, when I wake up he is curled up and then he laying on his back feet up lol

    ill take more notice, thanks for that :)

  2. 4 hours ago, Powerlegs said:

    Apart from a vet check. Have you changed his diet? If you're feeding him kibble at night you'll get more night-time drinking and more toilet breaks. 

    No, nothing has changed. which was why I was little worried. During the day he doesn't wee or pooh anymore then normal, just the last 3 -4 days its every 2-3 hours at night. If I feed him earlier will that help? 

  3. Wally is a LUA so he shouldn't ever get kidney stones, well that's what the breeder and the vet said. He is on Royal Canine Maxi puppy, morning, small bit in the afternoon and then his dinner. we sleep with the heater on as one of our sons has Asthma so we cant have him breathing in cold air. Wally doesn't sleep with a coat on at night, just if he is outside or the house feels cool. its so stressful lol I feel like a new mum again. Thank you again so much for your reply and all the advice. Vet said his fine, maybe he is just going through a stage, I just don't want it to become a habit :confused: lol


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  4. Thank you so much for all your replies. He is inside with us at night and during the day, he wears a coat outside and on walks and he has a knitted jumper for the house. His diet is the same as the breeder, we didn't want to change it. I took him to the vet, no UTI just one of those things. But I will remove the water at night, even though he sleeps with us when we does go to the toilet he always gets a drink. He is 14 weeks old and we have had him for three nearly four weeks, I know his young but It has just come out of the blue and I was just wanting some advice from people. 

  5. Good afternoon,


    I am wondering if you can please help me. We have a Liver Dalmatian named Wally he was born on the  10/02/2019 and we got him at 3 months old. Basically from day one he was toilet trained through the night, but for the last 3 night we have been getting up 2.5 to 3 hourly like clock work. He is inside with us when we are home, and we had started leaving him outside for short periods from the day we got him, till now, where we can leave him outside with his food, water toys and kennel for 3 hours while I am at work and my husdabd gets home 2-3 times a week ,as I don't work fulltime. 

    The broken sleep is so hard, I don't know what we have done wrong. He goes outside after each nap, food, and when we play inside. He cries at the back door when we needs the bathroom and as he sleeps with us in our room in his bed, he will also get out of bed and cry at the door to go to the toilet. 


    do you have any suggestions or any idea why we he is now going so much through the night when we never has done it before. 

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