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Posts posted by Izcherie

  1. Hey I’ve got a 13 week old English staffy and he has been really good with people and other dogs as most puppies are ,we have been socialising him as much as possible with other trustworthy dogs his met about 5 different dogs the last 2 weeks that have been mostly between the ages of 7 months to 2 or 3 years old and my families 13 year old dog and haven’t had any problems, but today we met a 9 week old English staffy puppy just happened to have walked by out the front of our place and thought we would introduce them and he was alright for the first 5 or so minutes and than started growling and being aggressive towards him growling and and barking and went to go him and not in a puppy play way ,where the bow and jump around I’ve never seen him do such a thing, when the other pup was standing there quietly not baiting him or anything, should I be worried, is it a dominance thing since he hasn’t played with any pups smaller than him since we have had him or maybe was he tired, it’s just the last thing I want is my pup to be aggressive to any other dog or person!? 

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