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Posts posted by Prydenjoy

  1. Hey all!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

    Just popped in to ask for some obedience recommendations around Kenmore (Brisbane). I miss training with my dogs, and now that my daughter is a little older and can help me out (as opposed to needing a babysitter) I'm keen to get back into it.

    I hear that Oxley is good, although if I can find something equally good a bit closer it would appeal to me! I've also been to the one at the vet in Brookfield, but it is a little exxy.

    I use positive reinforcement training only with my guys. Oh, and we might be interested in starting agility - Would like to see them fly!

    Let me know your experiences!

    Thanks :walkdog:

  2. Thank you all for your thoughts. Yes another reason why I wanted to share this is to give hope to others who have lost their pets. I kept hearing stories of people who knew people whose pets had turned up months down the track. They were only stories though, everyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who has done something. I didn't think I would be so lucky! So for others who hear this story, I hope it gives them a little (much needed) hope and inspiration.

    It is still all very surreal - For the past two months every time I left the house looked out for her everywhere, looking into yards as I drove past, always driving extra slow past the dog park... it is great to be able to leave the house without such suspicion! If it were an option I would probably turn her into a handbag dog so that she never had to leave my side again :laugh:

  3. Hello everyone!!

    As some of you know, two months ago my sweet Angeline went missing. For those of you who I am not friends with on Facebook I will share her story here, because your help and support has not been unnoticed (and many of you have been so incredibly helpful, truly, my heart is warmed by how amazing you all are), and I thank you all for everything!

    On the 15th of July the Berri and Angeline escaped from the yard. This was out of character for Angeline, as she didn't like to be out on her own and even on walks would not let me out of her sight. So I knew someone had taken her as soon as Berri returned home without her. She's a very friendly little dog and would go straight up to anyone for a cuddle, she is also very cute, bouncy and personable. My thoughts immediately drifted to the worst, namely puppy farmers and backyard breeders as, being a show dog, she was not desexed. She is so tiny and fragile such a fate would have been an exceptionally traumatic life for her!

    Straight away I began campaigning to get her home. Within a week I'd hand posted over 200 flyers, as well as hung dozens of posters to local businesses and vets, and to street posts and anywhere else I could think of. I also created the event "Help find Angeline" which I periodically shared on my own wall, as well as posting to a variety of facebook organisation and lost pet walls. I went to several lost pet pages around the internet and put up her photo and offered a reward in a desperate attempt to get her home.

    As the weeks passed my heart grew increasingly pained and I began to accept that I may never see my beloved Angeline again. My four year old daughter, Meika, was heartbroken. Angeline was HER dog, and she just couldn't understand why someone would take what was hers and not return it.

    Despite a feeling that I would never get her back I continued sharing her page and praying for her return. I thought that if there was any chance that I would get her back that chance would be increased if people were aware of her disappearance, the more her photo was spread the more chance I would see her again.

    Then yesterday (two months to the day from when Angeline went missing) I headed off to the Gold Coast with Berri and Meika to see if Berri could find my friend's lost snake (I understood her pain so wanted to do all that I could to help). On my way I was hailed over by a guy a few blocks down the road to see if I had Angeline back yet (the whole neighborhood knows about her disappearance from all of the posters and flyers etc). I said that it appeared whoever had taken her had decided to keep her, and that I'd probably never see her again, unless her microchip got scanned by a vet and my details came up. We spoke about how terrible it was that there are people out there that would take someone's pet and keep it. Then literally two minutes later I got a phone call from a girl saying "I have your dog".

    I can honestly say I was in shock. I didn't know what to say, or do, so just agreed with everything she said... She said she would drop her off on Monday because her mum wanted to come with her and wasn't working on Monday. I didn't question, I was just so overwhelmingly happy and in utter disbelief that this was actually happening!! When I got to the Gold Coast and had a few minutes to sort my head out and process it all I called the girl back and asked her why she wanted to drop her off, and if it was ok for me to pick her up. By some crazy coincidence the reason she had to wait until Monday was because she was on the Gold Coast and had to drive from there, she was less than 10 minutes from my friends house! So, needless to say, I went to get her straight away!! It was all so surreal, and I am still getting my head around the fact that we have our dog back!

    As for the story behind her return, I'm still fuzzy on the truths of it all. The girl said that their mother's friend found her 3 - 4 weeks ago and gave her to them. Angeline has been missing for TWO MONTHS. She said what prompted their search for her owners was their "Australian friend", who suggested they look online to see whether someone had lost her (I'm assuming where they are from this is perhaps not the norm). Also, she said she thinks they found the ad on gumtree, but on later investigation I realised that that ad is now expired. I can't help but wonder whether the reason she ended up at the Gold Coast was because her mothers friend had seen all of the posters around town and received a flyer in her mailbox, and realised she would certainly be recognised here!! Who knows? Important thing - SHE IS HOME!! And I'm glad the girl did the right thing at the end of the day, even if it did take her a while.

    I have learnt from this whole traumatic experience to never EVER take anything in life for granted. Hold on to what you love and make the most of your time together.

    I don't know if dogs can miss and mourn for people, but I believe that they can. Angeline has not let me out of her sight since she arrived home. She snuggles in so close and doesn't want to be put down. Berri is happy to have her home, too. He's a lot more relaxed and happy than he has been for the past two months. And Meika, well I've never seen a child so happy before. She is doting on Angie and keeps giving her kisses, although she is a little bit anxious, every time either of the dogs is out of sight she panics and thinks they have been lost. That is certainly one thing that none of us, ever, want to go through again!!

    So thank you everyone; those who supported me in my darkest hours, shared her page, helped me had out flyers and check with vets and shelters for her, offered inspirational stories to give me hope and faith and strength to keep searching, gave me money to put to her reward (which was honored), and those who just offered an ear when I couldn't take it all any longer and needed to let out a few tears. The ability of people to come together during times of someone's personal tragedy is simply astonishing. You are all wonderful


  4. Thanks Jessica, I contacted the people on Gumtree. Still waiting to hear back with a photo. I'll call them tonight if I haven't heard back (they did email to say the boy had found a home but the girl was still available).

    Went to the pound again today, broke down in tears when the people in front of us who didn't even know what their dog looked like or what breed it was found their dog, and Angeline still wasn't there :(

  5. Thank you all who have shared the page and those who have offered suggestions, I assure you I am working through them all! Have been very busy with the poster/flyer handing out stuff, spoken to the police, council, RSPCA etc etc etc, registered online with various places etc.

    I just can't believe that someone would steal a dog! She didn't make it far, she would have had to go around half a block to get from the back of the yard (where they escaped), to the front, where my neighbor saw Berri arrive but not Angeline. I daresay it was a passer by who took her, either that or someone who received the flyer (which was posted in every single mailbox for several blocks) and was too heartless to reply.

  6. Thank you all who have shared the facebook page. I have put up posters, and will continue to do so, all over the place. I'll get her an ad in the newspaper, her face will be everywhere in the area and surrounding suburbs. I need to find her, my heart can't handle the thought of what may happen to her if I cannot find her :(

  7. Hi all (thank you Brennan's Mum for helping me recover my password for DOL!).

    Still no sign of Angeline.

    Berri found a way to escape, Angeline followed him. She would have stayed with Berri, I'm sure, the fact that he returned and she did not leads me to believe someone has taken her into their home. She hasn't escaped before, so it is possible (although less likely) that she has just become lost.

    She came into season about 3 months ago. I've put on the flyers etc that she is desexed and microchipped, I'm hoping that will deter anyone who has taken her with ill intentions :(

    I've just dropped about 80 flyers into mail boxes and will cover the rest of the neighborhood tomorrow. Hoping someone will have some information on where she is. My heart sunk when the people down the road said that their neighbor's toy poodle went missing 4 months ago and was never returned :(

    I'm so worried, as is my daughter who sobbed all last night saying how much she misses Angeline. As the hours go by I just become more and more worried :(

    Please share her facebook page, if word gets out enough hopefully it will bring her home!

  8. There is one group working to stop breeding too many - what ever that may be - because its cruel and another working to stop purebred breeding because that is cruel another working at showing what ails purebred dogs via a software program pushed to vets.

    All of them have great big fat faults in them which are so easliy squashed but worse what is not condusive to being what is best for the dogs or the people who buy them.

    If in fact we are all in this to ensure what is best for the dogs then we need to work together, get educated on what it is that is really a problem and find solutions. We cant do that if we all just see something we dont agree with without being educated on what it is we are seeing ,assuming what the cause is , assuming what the solution is and not getting to a point where less dogs suffer.


    Yes breeder education is a problem but they shouldnt be hindered by being able to learn what is best for their breeding programs and how they keep them,and select them and how and when they breed them by information whichis assumed to be correct because its pushed so loudly by people who have never bred a dog.

    I should know, I have come up against these people myself! On a group about banning sale of pets in pet shops, I found out the hard way that they condemned not only any kind of breeding whatsoever, but also purebred dogs in general. I tried to explain the difference for pumping out puppies for profit and trying to better a breed, often at a great expense to the breeder. But they all jumped ontop of me and flamed me for adding to "the problem" by breeding my dogs, even though I try so hard to do the right thing in doing so. I left the group, as I didn't want to be a part of such a narrow minded group of extremists!!

  9. The fact is your opinion has been impacted by exposure to the stuff animal rights puts out ,not by valid facts backed up by research and data and you feel its acceptable to pass this around to spread it and undo everything others who are looking at it working at finding solutions which will work , where those presenting it are seen as reasonable fair minded people,credible and not crimminals and rednecks sucked in by animal rights propoganda.

    If we are to be serious and really ever do anything to move Jo public away from buying pets from pet shops we have to stop looking like a bunch of redneck fanatics and present the real provable tangible reasons as to why they should avoid buying pets from them.And there is heaps - which can be proven and used to educate people in a reasonable temperent manner without Jo public and pollies shutting down because we hold no credibility.ivision and more obstacles to progress? [/b]

    You raise some good points, Steve. Things that I hadn't considered with my limited amount of spare time :o

  10. But what of the negative things that can come of it ?

    I suppose it depends on what people get out of reading the article. Based on the assumption that most people will read it, be shocked that these puppy farms exist, and perhaps tell others not to buy from pet shops as a result, then that in itself is not a bad thing. I'm not saying I'm in support of Oscars Law per se, just that I don't agree with puppy farming and believe awareness needs to be raised as far too many people support it without even knowing.

  11. I don't know the ins and outs of this ladies life, but I do know that the story is a good read, and a good eye opener for the lay person who has never heard of a puppy farm and is about to buy a pup from a pet shop. We can pick to bits everything that anyone does, or we can see something positive and just go with it...

    Would it bother you if (a) the story wasn't true; and (b) the lady has a history of attacking and defaming decent breeders?

    Of course it would bother me. But as far as the article itself goes I wouldn't hesitate in passing it on to raise awareness of puppy farms. If it stops people buying puppies from pet shops then at least some good can come from it.

  12. I don't know the ins and outs of this ladies life, but I do know that the story is a good read, and a good eye opener for the lay person who has never heard of a puppy farm and is about to buy a pup from a pet shop. We can pick to bits everything that anyone does, or we can see something positive and just go with it...

  13. Some idiot is offering these dogs as pets in Sydney, we just found an ad. Dreadful for the dogs, it doesn't mention they'll be desexed before rehoming either.

    Don't you need a permit to own them in NSW?

    "In NSW the Dingo comes under the [Animal] Companion Act and if you have the money for a registration fee, you can have one," says Barry. "But unfortunately, when the Dingo pup grows up people realise they’ve got something they cannot handle so the animal gets relocated. And accordingly, the NSW Companion Animal Act — with the word companion in it — gives people the idea that the Dingo is just another domestic dog."


    Hmm I'm not sure why anything would want to own a Dingo anyway, but each to their own...

    It's incredible what you can learn from studying DNA. The possibilities are endless!

  14. Yes, Von Everest is great. We had a lot of fun there on Sunday and are looking forwards to going again this coming Sunday! Their methods are really good, it's great to see so many dogs geared up to work. Little Berri was quite different to all of the other dogs there lol, but I think everyone enjoyed watching my little pocket rocket show 'em what he's capable of ;)

  15. Could I please have some recommendations for dog clubs near Goodna, Qld? I'd like to go somewhere that trains using good, positive, techniques.

    I'm also looking for a puppy pre school.

    Also, I'm looking for a club that would allow me to bring my 3 year old daughter, as, unfortunately I don't know anyone up here who can look after her while I do doggy things.


    Oh, and I don't check here often as I don't have internet access from home right now, so forgive me if I am delayed in my replies!

  16. Thanks Oakway, but not Phalene. It's quite usual for Papillon puppies to go through stages where their ears drop forwards, such as with their ears at the moment, except for this one ear, which actually curls back... It's hard to explain and I wish my SD reader was working so I could upload pics!

    I'm taking mum to the vet in a moment anyway, so will ask them and hopefully get an answer - But I know often experienced breeders have sometimes come across more things like this than a country vet ;)

  17. Is it possible to break a newborns ear while rubbing it vigorously to get it breathing? My sister was here when the pups were born, she's a vet nurse and when the first one was born gasping for air she gave it a good rub for about 10 minutes until it was breathing normally. She joked after that she think she broke its ear, as it was sitting differently afterwards. Now they are 4 weeks old and the little ears have dropped forwards, all but one ear on this one pup (there are only two pups), which kind of curls backwards. Is it possible that she broke it? Should I be doing something to encourage it to sit like the other, like taping or something? Of course their ears aren't supposed to fold over, either (they're Papillons), but it is a normal part of their ear development. I'm just worried this little puppy will have an ear that curls backwards for life!

    Please tell me I'm just being silly :o

  18. She can jump out of the pen. I was thinking more along the lines of puppy's having food readily available through the day. Hopefully when the pups are big enough for kibble mum wont guard their food. Perhaps I will cross that bridge if I come to it

  19. I've never had blood sugar problems with my Paps, but that's not to say it can't happen.

    I'll have to assess the situation next week, before I start going to Uni every day. Mum is a food guarder, she never used to be so bad, but growls when she is eating and can hear the puppies moving around. I can pen the pups separately from the mother while I'm out if needs be, if that is the case - What age should I be penning the pups away from their mother, so that they can have access to food all day rather than mothers milk? Bearing in mind that I will be able to give them access to food at the times I am home, just not while I'm out if mum is going to be a grumpy bum about it.

  20. Thanks all, that's very helpful!

    Is there a way around giving them the required meals whilst being away from home 7 hours a day? Can I leave dry food out for them when this happens? Or should I get a live in puppy sitter?

  21. Can someone please give me a rundown of what/when they introduce foods to their puppies?

    Mango's pups have just started showing an interest in food. Yesterday the bigger one ate a little Innova tinned food, which I offered simply because it was easy, but now that I know she is ready to eat I will start offering more food.

    I like the idea of a part raw/part dry food diet. I soaked some dry food yesterday but she wasn't so keen on that. I'm thinking a little egg and puppy formula, and perhaps some puppy formula with a bit of mince. Am I on the right track? This is my first litter. The little one doesn't seem too interested in eating yet, further to licking a bit of food off my finger.

    They are 2 x 3.5 week old Papillons.

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