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Posts posted by openarms

  1. Has anyone here ever tried a spray for your house called Indorex? My vet suggested I try using that. I haven't got any yet because I had hoped the other measures I've taken would have worked. But I think I'm going to get some tomorrow. I am really interested to know if it worked for other people.

  2. Arghh why can't I get rid of them?! I am giving my dogs comfortis AND advantage (?) spot treatment. I vacuum twice, sometimes 3 times daily and spraying surface spray on the floors- you'd think that would do the trick wouldn't you? But i am still having the odd flea jumping on me. Why? :( what else can I do to get rid of them? My poor little girl keeps getting bitten by them lots :( :( they don't seem to bite me at all. I'm desperate to get rid of them. Help? :(

  3. I've noticed a few dogs recently listed as being rescued from university. I'm just curious about a few things. Can somebody tell me if it means what I fear it does, like are they using these dogs for animal testing? And also how do they get released? Do you approach them and ask to rescue them or do they approach the rescue group when they have no use for the dog anymore? Thanks in advance.

  4. Just wondering if anyone has had a dog with a hemangiosarcoma on the skin before? My Mastiff x Bully had one removed from his scrotum a few years ago but i have recently found 4 new lesions on his belly/penis :(

    I'm taking him to the vet but bracing myself for bad news. Just wanted a possible heads up on what i am in for and whether they can remove it again ect. Thanks in advance.

  5. Hey all i have to go to hospital next week probably only for a day or two and i have to find a boarding kennel for my dog to go to. I don't have anyone who can look after her or my big dog BUlly (who is a giant sook of a dog with no real issues except will kill a cat or a rabbit given the opportunity). But my girl is very attached to me and was abused as a puppy so not really keen on strangers but won't bite she is just timid and rarely leaves my side. Her nick name is 5 o'clock (-as in shadow lol). Other than that she's very well beahved and toilet trained and stuff.

    I know she's gonna freak when i have to go into hospital but i have no choice :( Can anyone suggest to me a place that would take really good care of her for a day or two? :(

    I live Mt Druitt way..

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hey all. I was at my vets today and they were down one vet nurse and the lady behind the desk said it was because one of the nurses has Q fever. They had a Cat with a c section and all got it somehow. She didnt really explain what it was though but did say that they can imunise against it but normally only abortior (cant spell it) workers need them but now they know it can be transmitted by pets? Do i have this right?

    Can anyone explain what this is? I'm very curious..

  7. Heya she was better on the way home i think because i stopped at Maccas and she ate all of my chicken mc bites lol.

    She is underweight despite eating well so they did a full blood count and tested her for a problem with pancreatic enzyme deficiency or something like that- those results havent come back yet...

    We saw the vet today and her white blood cells are way up.

    She took a chest xray but nothing to see there.

    So now she's on hard core anti biotics atm to see if that helps even though we can't pin point the problem yet.

    She has put on almost a kilo since i took her home on Thursday which is encouraging.

    The vet tested her glucose because it was low on the blood count but today it was ok. We are going to check again next week when she see's the vet again im supposed to feed her at 7 am and nothing untill she sees the vet.

    She is going to Austral vet and they have been most awesome :)

  8. Just a few pictures of Bully :thumbsup:

    And i wanna say a big thankyou to MDBA PACERS who funded Bully's operation for cancer when myself and my 4 children were homeless and organised a wonderful foster carer ~ Madwofter.

    I can't thank you both enough you guys rock :thumbsup:

    Bully has had his op and seems just fine now! You can't even really notice that he's even had an operation. Bully is doing very well in our new houw and has taken up residence on the couch :thumbsup:











  9. What gorgeous puppies! I think the pup will develop more pigment over time, either way i'm keen to see some more pics as he/she grows :eek:

    It'll be interesting to see how he grows up!

    We have a mismarked Australian Shepherd puppy who was born with completely white head (the back half of her body is mainly black). She started developing black eyeliner at about 6 weeks old and now at 4 months it is thick and complete. At about 12 weeks, she started developing black spots on her ears (just the skin - her fur is still white!) and the spots now cover quite a bit of her ears. She has a black spot next to one of her eyes and in the past two weeks one has started to show next to her other eye :o Her eyes have been certified clear (they are light brown) and she appears to have no hearing issues.

    Awww you talking about Ava? She's beautiful!

  10. I just looked it up because i'm interested in flea prevention and stuff but holy crap the side effects sound scary :eek:

    **Important Safety Information**

    The most common adverse reaction reported is vomiting.

    Other adverse reactions reported in decreasing order of frequency are: depression/lethargy, decreased appetite, incoordination, diarrhea, itching, trembling, excessive salivation and seizures.

    Following concomitant extra label use of ivermectin with Comfortis®, some dogs have experienced the following clinical signs: trembling/twitching, salivation /drooling, seizures, incoordination, excessive dilation of pupils, blindness and disorientation.

    Post approval experience continues to support the safety of Comfortis when used concurrently with heartworm preventatives according to label directions.

    Click here for full product label including

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