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Posts posted by swain

  1. Not sure if anyone reads this still....... i have a German Spitz Mittel nearly 3. She is so loving............ however......... she barks at EVERYTHING!!! We've had her for 1.5 years. Any recommendations on how to curb this a bit. She's very vocal which i don't mind at certain times but it gets a bit old when any little noise outside sets her off. She runs outside with her little Pomeranian friend in tow going off her tree. Worried the neighbours are gonna lose it! 


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  2. My young dog had Legg Perthes operated on about 4 weeks ago. He needs to have a weight on his leg for short periods of time. Any imaginative people out there have any ideas? He's a Pomeranian so that makes it even harder as he's only 3kg. I've googled trying to buy something but can't find anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Thanks :) 

  3. 16 hours ago, PossumCorner said:

    I wouldn't use the trolley three main reasons. 

    1. I am suffering if that's not putting it too strongly from a torn shoulder muscle etc, can mostly put it down to using a trolley to shift hay for horses/alpacas.  The over-use of the shoulder joint is un-natural and asking for trouble, hindsight is magical.

    2.  Dogs in my experience (okay, only three dogs here) can feel a bit insecure in a trolley and can decide to leap out unexpectedly: no harm in-property with a healthy dog, but not so good on hard pavement or near traffic with a dog already a bit fragile.

    3. You can't walk far twisted all pretzel-like watching the dog you are pulling along, and it's when you are not watching it that stuff happens.


    Nothing wrong with having what it takes to step out of the comfort zone and use a stroller.  But neither would I use one of the twee "pet strollers" they do look like a gimmick.  Google sports strollers and consider something with decent size wheels and a bit of intelligent design, the kind sports-minded parents use if they are doing running fitness training and can't leave the baby home.



    Good point about the shoulder....hadn't thought of that. Mum told me about a man that walks around her area with his old dog in a proper kid pram. Most people think it's great that he takes his old dog for a walk....as was mentioned by Dame Danny's Darling, people might just think it's cool my poor old dog is getting out and about.

    What do i care what people think anyway.........................:o

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  4. Man......l swore i'd never be a crazy that bought their dog a pusher. Not actually thinking that one day he may need one :( The trailer thing i can come at a bit more doesn't seem so numpty as Boronia mentioned. I was wondering about the dog getting hot in a carrier. So that's a good point. Little wagon i think maybe the way to go. Thanks for links guys. Love the instagram pic too Papillon Kisses. A few plants to decorate could be cool. I should have kept one of my bike trailers that i used when my daughter was the little....though that is verging on a pusher. I'm going to suss some out. Thanks everyone :clap:

  5. My lil Max is getting on a bit. He's nearly 11 but still likes to come for a walk. After about 10 mins of walking he's had enough and i usually pick him up. Which is no big deal but i was wondering if anyone knows of a comfy dog bag or something (please don't suggest a pram.........i couldn't :laugh:....no offence if you do though) to carry him in?

    I need to go a bit longer than he can manage for my other dog or if we are out and about exploring or going to markets.


    Thanks :)

  6. You need a good come and you need to comb the coat thoroughly ,also don't brush a dry coat spray bottle with water or you could buy one of the show products like reviva coat to place in spray

    It is going to take a for time if ever to get a decent coat back and you will have to deal with a lot of under coat before you get success (depending on how bad the coat is know)

    Keep combing through,when coat change season comes it will hopefully help.

    There is no short cut just good combing through

    Thank you. He's easy to brush so happy to spend the time doing it. Would you use a wider tooth comb? Still use the slicker brush after? Ta for tip about water too :thumbsup:

  7. So i'd like to get my boys fur in lovely condition after getting him clipped the past few summers (before i knew better :o ). Any recommendations on getting the undercoat thinner (or softer)? Would you use a Rake? What is the correct brush to use? I have a slicker brush that i use but it doesn't seem to get the underneath fur out?

  8. We kept our papillon's bed as a backup when Malcolm came along, but the backup quickly became the bed of choice! Or at least the choice when sharing mine wasn't on offer. :laugh:

    I felt a little weird at first? Perhaps a touch of sadness. But I moved on quickly when it came to the bed. It wasn't a treasured keepsake by any means and to be honest, Malcolm responding negatively did not occur to me. It is sweet that you thought of that for your puppy.

    To be honest what terrified me the most was the idea of Malcolm desecrating our old boy's grave, however he has never even walked over it.

    I am sorry for your losses. :hug:

    Thank you Papillon! i just felt a bit strange reusing these items.......but that is definitely a human thing. Oh yes the idea of the grave being dug up or something is a nightmare. Glad Malcom has left it alone :D

  9. I'm sure she will be fine with the bedding you have, and hopefully it will last longer than a few nights. :laugh: (I remember when Minty was a pup, up until aged 3 she destroyed every bed she had, none of them lasted for more than a month or two before they were dismembered, she especially loved old doonas to rip up, she was so mouthy lol)

    And don't forget piccies of your new addition, how exciting. :D

    And I'm really sorry to hear you lost your two dogs so close together, that would have been hard. :hug:

    Thanks Cazablanca! Sounds like you needed to have shares in a dog bed company :laugh:

  10. I still see glimpses of my old girl....though it hasn't been long for us. Aorr of comforting to know that even after 8 years their past life affects you.Thanks Dame Danny's Darling ☺

    What a nice little keep sake RiverStar-Aura....love how it's being passed down from generation to generation ???? Love how it's still Poochies box ☺

    Will post some pics when she gets here....only 1hr 15mins....give or take. Not that we're counting ????

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