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Posts posted by Nellie

  1. It's been years since I have posted here so please forgive me for returning with a needy post.

    My oldest cocker (9.5) has had a lump on her back for a year or so. It was checked by our vet and we were told to keep an eye on it. In the last month or so it has started growing, but until yesterday didn't seem to bother her at all. We have been keeping an eye on it and as our dogs are due to be vaxxed in a month I was planning on getting it checked out again when we had them vaxxed.

    Anyway. As of yesterday it started bothering her. So this morning we went to the vet who biopsied it. It was very bloody and she isn't sure there will be anything definitive from the biopsy, however she has booked our dog in to have it removed on Tuesday morning. All of which I am happy with.

    I'm just curious as to what a 'normal' reaction after a biopsy is. My dog is very sore and sorry for herself. She was shivering with - what I assume is - pain earlier and her entire lower back has swollen. It's not excessive, but it is clearly swollen even through fluffy cocker fur. She's very reluctant to move and can't bear touch.

    Having had a biopsy myself recently I know they hurt once the anaesthetic wears off so I understand her being under the weather and generally miserable. I'm just curious as to whether the swelling is usual and what signs I should look for to indicate she needs to go back to the vet (if at all)?

  2. Our cockers all get tear-staining occasionally and our black girl has saggier bottom eyelids than the others and this obviously exposes more' red' but she is fine. They don't irritate her (and she's not one to stay quiet if something is irritating her!) and they wipe away easily.

    Enjoy your gorgeous boy and post some more pics!

  3. We find walking our dogs before work to tire them out really effective in stopping them barking. It's a pain to get up earlier, but it's better than neighbours complaining.

    If your neighbours really are the type to do something to your puppy while you are out, perhaps you should think of a dog door or keeping your puppy inside while you are out?

  4. Walking before 5:30am sounds truly awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone - but when we had a complaint from a neighbour we made sure we walked our three monsters religiously every morning before work and, touch wood, it seems to have made a difference. If nothing else it would mean that the were tired for that 1 hour your charming neighbour has complained about.

    You should definitely contact DAS though with details of when you changed your hours to make it clear that the 4-5mths thing is an exaggeration.

    The other thing someone wise said on here once is that excessive barking to some people is completely normal and reasonable barking to other people.

    Orson and Oi always welcome to come and annoy my neighbour :(:thumbsup: !

  5. No Vac for pets is great - the others have really strong smells that I am not fond of but the pet one really does have just a 'fresh' smell. Doesn't smell like baby powder but it is in that kind of category if that makes sense?

    And it leaves no residue either and dissolves into the carpet really quickly.

    I am not a fan of nilodour at all - but that probably stems to the fact that my parents used to use it to try and cover the smell of possums that died in our garage and nilodour mixed with dead possum is not nice - I'd go so far as to say plain old dead possum is preferable!

  6. How long are they likely to have been in the paw once it swells up? Obviously we didn't find the one that went in, but in between her toes she had a red, swollen lump for about 2-3 days and then it burst.

    Do they swell up immediately?

    I will try the sugar solution if we ever get any more.

  7. It is amazing how quickly they can burrow in. We check our girls daily when they get back from their walk but our baby just had one. Thankfully it popped out quickly before it became infected and we are keeping a close eye on it. I couldn't believe the size of the hole it left! Poor sweetie.

  8. Ahhh, so you use the peanut butter to cover the holes so it takes longer to get the treats out?? Will have to give that a go. Our girls are expert at getting treats out. Have been trying chicken necks this week and Eddie whips hers out as soon as she gets it! Monster! Might have to try chopping them up a bit so they shove further in.

    Might also try freezing some gravy inside them. Although that could get messy as they are inside all day these days .. .

  9. Ours can get outside to go to the toilet so that's not why they wake us up - they know that in summer it means morning walk time and in winter it means morning play time! If they wake us up early enough they can get a good two hours play with us in before we leave for work!

    Haven't yet managed to teach them about weekends yet . . .!

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