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Rip Smokey


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About 6 years ago a grey, stray cat started visiting my nans house and Nan started to feed him and he became a permanant resident. Nan would never say Smokey was Her cat and she called him the cat that just lived at her house. But she always bought him the best food and if he wouldnt eat something she'd try and get him something better, then she would have accumulated all this type of food that Smokey wouldn't eat.

But in the last few weeks Smokey hasn't been well at all, he went from a big cat to having every bone in his body sticking out.

His legs started to go and he just looked so miserable, so she decided that it would be best to put him out of his misery and get him PTS. So she went up to the vets to ask about it but she couldnt afford to get him put to sleep there but the Vets said that the council would do it ;) So the council came and took him.

It was so sad when i heard the story. :rofl: But i know he is in a better place now R.I.P Smokey we all loved you :)


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