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Snatching Toys


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Our puppy Tyson seems to have no manners when it comes to toys. Whenever he sees my other dog with a toy he has to immediately run over to her and snatch it from her! She gets very upset about this and has a bit of a bark and a snap but Tyson doesnt even notice her. If there are a few toys in the yard he will try to get ALL of them in his mouth if he can, Pixie is not allowed any. One time Pixie was laying in the yard with her toy and Tyson ran and pounced right on the toy and onto her foot! Which caused her alot of pain poor girl. My biggest worry is if he tried to snatch a toy from a dog that isnt so friendly and he realy gets himself into trouble.

Should i be correcting this behaviour? If so how?

Thanks in advance :eek:

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my boy cisco used to be the same , the other 2 older dogs seemed to fix him themselfs ,clarince attacked him 3 times and now he wont even atempt to take their toys away , not sure if there is any other way , i tried having him on a lead while they played ,taking the toys off him and giving him a stern NO but nothing worked , sorry i couldnt be much help .

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