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Crying When Oh Goes To Work


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Hi Everybody

First time post and new puppy owner (24 years since last one)We have a 11 week old ACD he has been doing great at everything so far. He sleeps through the night and asks to go outside for toilet. We live and travel in our motorhome so this means we stay in caravan parks while working, he has an outside area approx 3 x 2.5 mtrs where he spends his days until full vacsination. The last 2 mornings when OH has left for work Busta has been crying, howling and jumping on the sides of his pen. I have been on night shift and trying to sleep I don't think he knows that I am here, after 1 hour I went outside and when he settled I bought him inside to his bed he slept for 30 min and back outside with no problems and plays with his toys.

What should I do as I have to consider other people in the van park. He has a crate inside should we try putting him in there until I rise (if he is quiet). My OH feeds him before she leaves and he has a pen full of toys and kongs filled with treats. What about a big bone to chew on

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Can you leave a radio on with talking more so then music ... not too loud but enough for some background noise.

A big tasty bone is also be a good option.

Edited by Tilly
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Some of the bigger bones such as brisket bones or marrow bones (cut long ways down the middle) should be ok - maybe give him one when you are around so you can see how he handles it.

Lamb necks and Roo tails are some others that I give my boys.

Maybe once puppy has finished his needles then OH can take him for a walk and play with him before going to work so he is tired and happy to sleep :)

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