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Our Dogs, Our Teachers

Guest Deanna

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Guest Deanna

This is a poem written by a friend of mine for her dog "Darla" that passed recently - hope you enjoy :)

Our Dogs, Our Teachers

Teaching us to enjoy the simple things

True things

Sunshine on our faces

The smell of Spring in the air

A walk in the snow, making fresh prints

Rolling on the grass for the fun of it!

Curling up at the foot of the bed to comfort a loved one

Showing how much they love when a friend stops by.

Showing enthusiasm for a kind word

Exhuberant welcome when you come home

ALWAYS willing to go for a walk

Shadowing your every move and eager to please

And then it's time to let go

Now that's a life's lesson that's hard to teach

They teach about love all through life

And even in death

I think I may have learned the lesson~love ferociously and let go with love.

A poem by - Lydia Pellow

Edited by Deanna
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