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Posts posted by BJ.

  1. I have no idea, I have seen lots of dogs being walked all different breeds and no booties or jackets. Nella's pads are quiet rough but she seems fine. When she gets warm on her walk she sticks her whole head in the snow to cool down. It was minus 23 last week and we had gone out and left her in her outside run. We came back early as we were worried about her being cold. She was asleep in the snow on her back with her legs in the air!

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  2. As some of you know we are currently holidaying in Finland with family.  Here is my daughters husky, Nella, sharing her couch with mt 2 grandchildren. The cat is asleep on the back of the couch. I thought the animals were pretty chilled considering they don't usually have much to do with children.


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  3. Nash who is an almost 14 year old GSP still runs around like a loon. Jumps from object to object without a care but often comes a gutsa. I am so surprised that we haven't had a serious injury yet. The older he gets the more I worry. I have curtailed his free running and we do a lot more lead work now he is getting on. When he was younger that wouldn't have worked as he needed to be able to have a good run. Luckily my parents had stock moving lanes on their property so we had somewhere flat, with no trees and fenced. Once he is going self preservation goes out the window.

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  4. The early news tonight stated that the police believed that Egg had met a violent end but they had no evidence to support this.  The police must be fairly sure to put that in their court report, poor little Egg.

  5. Mita that sounds like my basset, Jester, we get to the door at the vets and he puts the brakes on. He can't be dragged so I have to go and move his front legs run to his back end do those legs, back to the front etc until we are through the door. Once we are inside he complies with all requests reluctantly but he is just waiting for when he is allowed to make an escape. He won't even take treats from the vet, he looks the other way with a look of disdain.

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