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wheres my rock

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Posts posted by wheres my rock

  1. From what ive seen its just as bad in novice and open Theses days there are too many people taking dogs into the trial ring befoer they are truly ready Proof Proof Proof

    SAdly most judges dont intervene and ive had a dog stood over hummped causing my dog to break but whne asked if i can redo the stays the answrer has been the dog didnt show aggression where does it say that in th rule books

    Anyway im not trialling anymore and must say since i stepped out of the scene am much more content lol

  2. Hi guys

    as the contact person for my club i often get calls from distraught epople wiht big dog issues aggression being common one Personally i prefer not to send them down to the local club in hope they dont get themselves into trouble but i find it hard to reccomend a trainer in the area Im looking for someone who has proven themselves as being capable and able to work wiht dogs with behavioural problems and when i say proven i dont mean having cmpleted ndtf someone who has gone further than ducating themselves would be prffferred someone who can wak the walk and talk the talk

    any suggestions of who is arund the area

  3. totaly agree isis its important to find a place where you feel comfortable dogs are so sensitive to our moods

    and pulling legs sounds quite hands on lots of dogs dont like that especially when they are already feeling vunerable yes you wnat your dog to drop everywhere but its better to make it so rewarding that he cant wait to hit the ground thast all im saying but good for you for changing clubs where are you going now

  4. when did dog trinang get so complicated lol

    its funny how opinions come about and how quickly epople will jump on abnd wagon and throw caution to teh wind

    Im so glad i dont have to deal wiht other people and their dogs i think i'd go nuts

    at the end of the day a fad is a fad anad agimmick is a gimmick and the majority of the joe publics arent going to put in the work they really need to to trian their dog they will blame the instructors the mthod the equipment rather than their lack of conviction to trianing their pooch

    i se it all the time at club dogs dragging owners out to clas and back tt eh car marching up and down like little clones of each other regardless of the methd they choose very few use any method well enough to actually get anywhere they seek constant help wanting you to trian the dog for them or tellthm that its ok their dog is untrainable so they shouldnt feel bad

  5. Cool we'll be done by 12 im running the half so should be done by 10.30 should being the operative word here

    So as soon as im done we'll head down the rivr for a peeky at your club and meet you guys is there somewhere we can grab lunch because after running 21.1 kms im gonna pig out lol

  6. yes thast the one you dont have to use the ecollar though just get the drill ideas from it thast what i plan to do hehe

    Wehn we started in obedience it was almost impossible to get books that showed how to teah behaviours wihtout correction so we just ignored that bit and figured it out for ourselves

    so they hve a seris of books then the other book he sugges is by mark lardy total retriever training

    should add im not going to buy either until i see them im tired of wasting money on books that arent what i was lookig for

  7. fro soemone new to dog trinaing that wanted to learn the basics and i mean basics of retrieving ts a good book

    i was looking for something that was more detailed like a chapter on marks first explaining what marking is the types of marking how to build better marking etc

    this book basically is an ad for his workshops and really all hes saying is read the old books that are in detail and he reccomends a few but dont use the ecollar or FF however he doesnt say what to doinstead cept blame yourself for pushing the dog if it makes a mistake and he doesnt deal wiht troubleshooting

    sure the bok would get you a basic begginer dog probabaly able to pass a working gundog test so long as you didnt have problems along the way

    though he does have a yahoo group so i guess you could ask questions there

    I also agree wiht LL he lacks experienece in field and retrieveing his area of trianng is more pet dogs wiht naughty habits

    IF you want a read of it i happy t send it up to you ive read it cover to cover now anyway

    im now after a copy of a book called Tri troncs it apparently has very good rills in it which is what i was looking for

  8. ok books arrived

    Only had time to flick through but was a bit dissapointed half te book is just learning theory and basic obedience etc i was hoping it would be more in depth into retrieving trianing it seems to be a more of a knock the old time trainers rather than an informative book on trianing gundogs

    I was hoping for something wiht lots of drills etc will read it properly tonight and see if there is more n it than i thought but i think i have found more info on retrieving drills etc in the old books i have and it isnt hard to remove forced fetch and electric collar and replace them wiht something im more comfortable with

    good beginner book though i guess

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