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wheres my rock

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Posts posted by wheres my rock

  1. i agree about the experienced sheep also wit connor dave always had one of his kelpies wiht him if a sheep looked at him funy Rosie stepped in and sorted it out actualy she was brilliant she would move the shepep then step back and let connor have a go and only help when he looked in trouble i think she thought he was a pup hehe

    I agree with hesa too the dog may just not have the temprement for sheep the sheep in aust are big and tough and will stand their ground it takes a dog wiht good presence to manage them maybe ducks would be better for a softer dog though they can be quite aggressive if they think they can get away with it

    Id find a vry expereinced person and get themt o help you build your dogs confidence maybe ask herding guy if he knows anyone near you that would suit

  2. we had a similar prob with my sheltie he has good instinct but hes very soft under pressure and one sheep threw him he lost confidence

    Dave took us ut in the big paddock with his kelpe bitch and within a few minutes he was back on track even going after a sheep that broke and headed it and bought it back

    I think in the amller yard the sheep were harder for him to get mving as he doesnt have amuch presence lol but once he found he could move them he got the hang of it

  3. interesting topic

    i think its great to have a look at various sports but it can be hard to be good at all of them and the poor dog trying to learn a thousand different thigns at once

    Personally i love obedience and retrieving and will have a go at field trials one day but that compliments what we already do we do some agility for donfidence building but nothing serious and thats it

    shoey you forgot to add your thinking of tryign trackng you tart

  4. ohh so polo will be an exceptional dog then

    whos the dam and sire i love diannes dogs especially nugget i remember him as a young dog giving russel a hard time lol

    its funny how you know what you like nearly every gsp i have liked goes back to the same lines you have good taste

  5. QUOTE(isiss @ 25th Jun 2007 - 08:27 PM)

    I will vouch for the agility thing though. I think its crap that other people get treated differently and yet you weren't even told 'well done'

    You got NQ on the agilty and got no well done, but the other two NQ did, thats mean

    nah thast just the dog world get used to it it gets worse wehnt hey start thnking your real competition

  6. you get first but they usually dont give out the trophy

    other clubs just dont hnd out prizes to that class as everyone nq'd

    i agree with that if everyone nq''ed then its insulting to the next ring if you got 190 and came second and that ring had all nq's and someone still gained first place

  7. lol least bad like it

    didnt any dog pass all the exercises if not poorly

    hey my dogs one a few classes when hes the only dog in it actually wehn we had horses i remember stewrding for a judge who gave a second to a competitor that was the only entry because he said it wasnt up to a first place

    and in the rider class two entries he refused to give prizes and he said the riders were well below the standard required and shouldnt have been entered how embarrassing

  8. there is a huge difference as i said before between focus and high head heeling i expect 100% focus and i give back the same when we ar wworking but i do not expect my dogs to stare into my eyes and trip over things because they arent looking where they are going rofl

    I remember a few years back watching a dog heel straight into a poo bin not nice

  9. its a amatter of choice and many judges consider it crowing Also be aware that it is unatural and can cause strain to neck and shoulders if not balanced wiht work on both sides of the handler Mary ray also mentions this.

    My sisters sheltie does very exxaggerated heeling head up very high parncing however she also gets a sore outside shoulder a lot personally i like in between i like my dog to be foccussed this does not however mean a dog has to be looking up like that actually a dog can be looking up gazing into your eyes and yet not be foccussedon the job their ears tell different

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