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Matty C

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Everything posted by Matty C

  1. Thanks for all your help. She is picking up on the peeing outside now. I'm walking to a spot in the yard and both the girls follow and once i stop they pee. Who would of thought. We have no carpet in the house, just tiles and fake timber floors, so clean up is very easy. Another thing, she never pees while going for a walk or to the park. Just nerves again i think. Time will tell. thanks again Matty c
  2. Hi All I'm the flat mate with one of the BC sisters, Makybe. Her sister Mayia has no problem and has picked it up really fast that the tree in the back yard is for that. However, Makybe is a bit slower, but sneaky. Trying to catch her in the act each time is hard. we play outside and in and it always seems to be during a supervised play time that she sneaks to a corner, does the job, and continues playing as if nothing is wrong. If we catch her, play time is over and she is walked outside, But she has only been caught twice. Are we keeping them inside too much or is there a simple training technique that can be used on a regular basis to eliminate the No. ones inside Thanks Matty C
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