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Posts posted by Akayla

  1. Nature provides the canvas, and nurture provides the paint... that's how I see it anyways. You can go all Pro Hart and get a big ass mess - or you can go Leonardo Da Vinci and get something unique and beautiful.


    Love this!

    Agree with what others have said. Nature plays a strong part but nurture does too.

    Depending on the specific trait we are talking about, I believe could be more likely to have come from one over the other.

  2. I will use the crate when ever I need to. One of my dogs sleeps in a crate (but it is quite large and fits his large plastic bed in it too), but its a constant argument between him and the cat about who gets to stay in there. :laugh:

    The other dog prefers to sleep under the table which is fine by me.

    I prefer them to not be in there during the day though unless as others have mentioned injury, their safety etc. I think most people, well I hope most people understand that a dog needs to stretch, sniff, run and play. A dog needs to be a dog. If they are happy to come in at night and snuggle in their comfy beds inside a crate I don't see an issue with that.

  3. I have had two bitches that one day decided it was on. I blame myself. A) For not understanding how anxious the other Bitch was that she would start to see any dog as an issue and B) for telling my other bitch to stop assuming she was the aggressor. Gave the other girl a chance to grab her by the throat. She kept squeezing and choking her out while I dragged her backwards (while she held the other bitch) to the run and slammed the door on her muzzle.

    It was quite scary as I always thought there would be more obvious tension build up but right up until that point she followed the big girl around lovingly and always in a submissive manner. It was like a switch had been flicked. She could never be within eye sight, hearing or smell of the other girl again. She would attack the door if she thought the Bitch was on the other side. When she mistakenly launched herself at me we decided she needed to either be re homed carefully or pts'd. Lucky the perfect one dog home came up through a lovely DOLer.

  4. No worries :) I heard it on a doco once... Secret Life of dogs or something. I thought it especially interesting about how even tiny untrained pups straight away look to our face for cues.

    Today I saw something on fb about domestic dogs actually coming from a common ancestor of the wolf that is now extinct... off to Google and find out more about that :laugh:.

  5. Sounds like a good idea! If I was closer I would definitely hang some art with the group. I used to help the RSPCA in a similar way. Artists usually look at paying 40-60% to a gallery so if you could get some artists on board it could be a great way to raise some funds! Maybe see if you can find some local pet portrait artists as they would no doubt love the attention from people involved in or adopting.

  6. This has been my experience. Except I was on the other end of what was obviously a fictitious report so I was glad that one complaint did not equal a DD declaration. Its a sad state of affairs though that the two such incidence can be in the same basket. In our report there were no injuries. While in this case there is such a terrible result. Hardly seems fair does it.

    I would like to offer some glimmer of hope though that they might be able to reach a middle ground. Where they apply certain conditions on the dogs (like particular fencing, or being muzzled etc) without issuing a DD declaration. I hope this is the case for you and the rest of your community.

    Hope you do get a satisfactory result.

  7. http://m.livescience.com/17763-dogs-communication-intent.html that's one. There was something about how puppies start looking at people's faces from a young age without being taught and that they track left of the face like we do. It was also found though that they did not mind upside faces or inverted (when looking at pictures of people and dogs they know) unlike humans.

    It's just to hard to try find them on the tablet sorry!

  8. I wouldn't be putting hands near your Face. If the dog charges you it will follow the hands. Which If you are raising them to your face...

    I didn't say hands I said arms. To protect your face etc and so if the dog bites/lunges up it will be less likely (hopefully) to get more vulnerable parts. Better they bite your arm than your face.

    The scenario which the OP played out later in the thread though was different from the one I had been envisaging though and as shown here how you react can be different in different situations. I would perhaps react differently to an unsupervised strange dog stalking me when on my own to other scenarios.

    Your hands are attached to your arms. It's the movement they follow. It draws them upwards. I got this info from a source that would know so I will personally be following it. Although he said some men lower their hands to protect other assets :laugh: but the results are not often as bad. If you wanted a dog to go for your arm I would suggest holding it in front of you.

    If the dog isn't rushing in a full rage I would place hands under my armpits.

    After all this advice though I do think you have to use your own instincts. There are so many variables.

  9. Geez Yonjuro, hope you never have to deal with that again. It's scary to think people can get so upset over a husky pup.

    Mind you I had a little ball of fluff GSD pup bail up a woman and her SWF. Workmen had left my gate open and I think she only walked towards the woman because she was acting oddly. So I guess fear is a powerful thing.

    Worst thing has just been people trying to kick her or start screaming and waving their arms around (usually with something interesting like a stick in their hand while at a dog park).

    It didn't worry me much with my old girl as she was hard to upset but I hope no one does anything to my young GSD as he is such a soft soul.

    I have a friend who lives in Korea but came over to study for a few months(we made friends when she asked me how to make a bus stop). Anyway she wanted to meet my dogs as she loved big dogs. However when she met my cat she was terrified as she thought he was huge. I suggested maybe meeting the dogs might be a bit much and she couldn't believe they were bigger (I don't know what she meant by "big dogs" :laugh: She did eventually get close enough to watch them but it took a while. She was scared of birds too. She said you just didn't see animals like that in the city she was from.

    I have had some good experiences though. Especially with Jerry Lee. He seems to have a way with frightened kids and has helped a few local kids get over their fear. I love how surprised they are at how soft his fur is on his ears.

  10. We had a collie growing up (so very tall) who would sneakily approach male visitors from behind. He would oh so gently place his muzzle between their legs (around knee height) and then suddenly raise his muzzle as high as it would go. The poor male guest would raise up on tip toes and Peter would walk off wagging his tail like he had accomplished something marvellous :laugh:

    It was funny till I brought a boy home that I liked :o

  11. That would have been so cute to see :D Puppies are such great time wasters. You could just sit and watch their antics for hours and hours. My GSD seems to really notice pictures. I have had dogs who get worked up over their reflection (Blaez cant walk past the local cafes black wall tiles without trying to interact with that handsome fellow :laugh:) but never notice photos etc till now. Its quite funny when I am trying to paint and he tries to interact with the animal I'm working on.

  12. IMO accidents happen. The most careful and dog saavy can have something go wrong. What it boils down to for me is the owner left and hasnt come forward. No matter whos fault there was a pretty badly injured lady and he left her and took no responsibility. Not very decent of him.

    My mum was out late at night once with her small dog when a mans 3 greyhounds broke free and attacked the small dog. Mums hands were caught in the fight and bitten aswell as her knees being knocked out from under her. If it wasnt for the big czech shep the greys probably would have killed her dog. The man eventually got them back and left without a word. That upset her more than anything. She could shrug and say it was an accident but there was no excuse for him leaving a disabled woman knocked down and bleeding on a dark cold night.

    Same with this guy. Accident or not he needs to take responsibility.

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