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  1. Thanks for your responses.
  2. Hi, I'm after some advise regarding German Shepherds. I've always owned only labrador and golden retrievers. My dogs have been raised with my kids. The kids are used to dogs also. Kids are 12, 9 and 4. My ex is now going to get himself a German Shepherd; a four month old puppy apparently. My kids will be visiting him weekly. As I have never owned a German Shepherd, I'm not sure what I can educate the kids about it. What can I teach them regarding behaving with the puppy? I know German Shepherds are guard dogs. Is the puppy likely to view my kids as intruders/strangers? I have to add, I have no confidence in my ex's skills; with or wihout dogs. Please advise. I'm worried for the kids. Thanks.
  3. Hi, Does anyone know of a self-operated hydrobath in the Wheelers Hill area? Thanks!
  4. I feed Uncle Albers ($27 / 22kg) and I find it to be very good. Nice shiny coats and lot less poos.
  5. Oh! Ok! Never thought of that. Thanks for your replies. ETA: Yes we are in suburbia.
  6. Hi, My Labrador boy has recently started howling in the night. It is not every night, but some nights. He sleeps in the laundry along with my Golden Retriever. I leave the laundry door open for them. Initially I shut the laundry door and he soiled inside. I didn't want him to develop that habit and so left the door open. He goes out into the yard and howls. He does howl if he hears a siren like an ambulance or a car/house alarm. But nothing like that is happenning at night. It is usually around 3-4am. Sounds very eerie and one of the neighbours have already complained. Otherwise, he is a very quiet dog. Does not bark at other dogs or people. Any suggestions as to why this is happenning would be much appreciated. He is 2.5 years old and neutered.
  7. http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/world/6703191...kittens-to-dog/
  8. My two are on Uncle Albers and they are doing great on it.
  9. My dogs were on Supercoat and about a month back I changed them to Uncle Albers; made by the same company that makes Great Barko. I am happy to say they are doing very well on it. My choc labbie boy has a shinier coat and a lot less poo!
  10. I just bought a bag of Uncle Alber's; $27 for 22kgs. My boys had a taste of it last night and wolfed it down. But then they are like that with most foods; being the breeds that they are Will have to wait and see the effects of the food.
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