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Posts posted by Wynnlake

  1. Puppies in a litter can hump each other from about 3 weeks old onwards. Its one of the ways they determine whos top pup. Its totally normal for a pup who has just left the litter to want to do this with older dogs in their new homes. Dont worry, the older dog will either ignore it or put pup in his place. This might occur up until about 6 months of age or even longer. As long as the pup thinks he can become top dog, he/she will keep doing it.

    My golden retriever did it until she was 5 months old, my border collie snapped her one day and she never did it again.

    Its perfectly normal.

  2. yeah fair call Nekhbet. My girl was 18 months old when doing this as no other method was working. 18 months old is old enough to read your dog and know how she is going to respond, so in that sence, this method worked well for her and me. As for a 5 month old, yeah, maybe not such a great idea. And as Nekhbet said, it is a negative training method. But at the end of the day, if my dog isnt jumping and putting dirty/muddy feet all over my white shirts, im happy.

    Kiki, maybe use this idea as a last resort when the pups a bit older! :)

  3. I have a very excitable border collie. I too had the same troubles with her. I actually read on one of these forums and very good method to stop them jumping up. When your dog jumps up, grab its front paws firmly but not to tightly. Move him around on this back legs so that he is semi off balance and finding it really uncomfortable. Keep moving him backwards and forwards side to side etc at the same time as praising him. Do this until he struggles to get out of your hold. Make sure you do it everytime he jumps up, get your guests to do it also, or alternatively keep him away from them until he has learnt. It will only take a couple of day, and your dog will soon learn that its not fun to jump up on you anymore and hence wont do it.

    My border collie sometimes hesitates and thinks about jumping up, but knows she will be put in an uncomfortable situation if she does, so she doesnt!

    I hope that helps. :)

  4. Dogs and cats that live in the same house often become best of friends in there own time. Each time i have intoduced a new kitten or puppy they have hated each other at first. The cat usually hides out for a few weeks, but gradually realises the dog isnt going to hurt him and only wants to play. Give it 3 or 4 weeks and they will be snuggling together on the couch! :p

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