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Posts posted by kelpiesrule

  1. post-15949-1268142319_thumb.jpg

    Wow, congrats Skyehaven ! I didnt know you could get yellow in Flatcoats ! Cant wait to see them when they get older... Im still wanting to get a pup from you when my circumstances change !! :D

    Yes, but not in breed standard, so not can't show or breed them, otherwise exactly the same.

    Will look forward to selling you a nice one someday :)

    Ahh i didnt remember seeing that colour in the standard.. was it a surprise? I see you have some great matings planned for the future on your website !!!

  2. I've tried again soooooooooooooooo maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe! April 21 all going to plan. Fingers crossed

    Fingers crossed here for you Julie. Same dog?

    Thank you. Do I know you??? :laugh: I know I must as you know my name but I am not familiar with your name! Is this Daisy?? and to answer your question. I did a line breed this time as per Jazzy's breeders ( Barbara ) request so here's hoping :whee:

    And Yes it is DAISY..............sorry lol

    LOL yes it is. Well good luck!!!

    Thanks Daisy.....think we got the timing right this time and the conditions for her are all good............so teh 27th we are off for an ultrasound.....fingers crossed :D :):)

    Oh fingers crossed for you !!!!!

  3. I dont think they need to be hard, but I think they need to be aware what is going on around them and to not take too much of the dog show world seriously. They cannot expect it all to be handed to them on a silver platter and must realise that those much more experienced people were once newbies too. Ive been very lucky, in Group 5 we have a fantastic bunch of people and it is easier to concentrate on the good of showing when you have great friends and mentors. I have more friends since showing dogs than I have ever had in my entire life. There are so many wonderful people in the dog world, dont let the few nasties win :dancingelephant:

  4. Just because a dog is a Grand Champion doesnt mean it is unbeatable. My young boy who is not even a year old yet, is consistantly beating a Grand Champion at the moment.. and I know if I had his mother out in the ring (she is also a Grand) he would be beating her too.

    As Showdog said, most of us love showing our dogs (most of us only have one or two)... it isnt always about the winning, my girl loves to show and it is such a joy to run around the ring with her. I still get excited with every win she picks up. She is now six, and I have two young ones from her to bring along, so she will be semi retired.... but I do miss having her at the end of the lead.

    I also think it would be a loss to the dog world to not keep showing fantastic specimans that are consistant winners. With these dogs, we should not be giving up showing, thinking we will never be competitive with them.. because one day.. we just might be. I always say to my friends, dont give up, dont complain, breed or buy something that CAN beat them :o

    Hang in there... we have to remember our young ones need time to mature, and there is hope they will also be Grands one day too :D

  5. Well.. my little choc girl Sirena (Suthenskys Shameless Scandal) is my new hopeful for 2010 :laugh: she is such a sweet little girl, I only have pics of her at 8 weeks... but will have some more taken this weekend when she will be nearly 12 weeks old.. her first show will be at Alstonville in March. Also my boy Jasper (Suthenskys Single N Luvn It) ... hopefully he will be titled this year. He is now 10 months old and growing into the gorgeous boy I was hoping he would be... he has only been lightly shown so far as I had a break over xmas with Sirena's litter, but he is now on 37pts... his results from his 8 shows out of baby have been promising.. 5 shows gaining points, 2 shows Runnerup dog challenge and the other show he won Minor in Group. The pic of Jasper is not so good, but is recent (taken at 10 months) but hoping to get better pics on the weekend.



  6. oooh I hope this happends in QLD soon... but 3 weeks is a long time to wait for the registrations to arrive.... we get ours back in a week ! Does the online registration give you the number of the pup straight away? that would be good.. although, i guess they have to check the names hey?

    from a geek perspective, checking names should be a 20 second proposition if they set the system up right. Usually they don't set the system up right initially, but if the powers that be invest in digitizing the historical record, it gets better over time, and eventually the 20 second proposition should become something that causes a momentary delay when you submit a name.

    Wow, this is all quite exciting really if it all comes about :)

  7. oooh I hope this happends in QLD soon... but 3 weeks is a long time to wait for the registrations to arrive.... we get ours back in a week ! Does the online registration give you the number of the pup straight away? that would be good.. although, i guess they have to check the names hey?

  8. I am interested in contacting any dog breeders / owners who have been feeding their dogs Cobber. I am a member of a group of dog breeders who have had serious health issues including - abortions, deformed pups, immune suppression in pups, infertility in bitches & dogs, renal ( kidney) failure in pups, rectal prolapse in pups, puppies dying immediately after vaccination, adult dogs dying from de-hydration despite access to good water, pups suffering excessively from heat stress - sometimes leading to death.

    We live in 3 different towns up to 250kms apart.The only common factor is cobber. We are wondering if there is anyone else out there who has had a similar experience.Please post a reply if you have

    I will ask around but a friend of mine always used Cobber and Im not aware of her ever having problems with her dogs... she has been using for many years and her dogs are so healthy its not funny. I have also used Cobber in the past with no problems.

  9. One of the things I did before I started showing was go to as many shows as I could and watch. I was lucky that I had an order in for a puppy with breeders and I sat with them often and bombarded them with questions :hug: I still felt wierd once I got in the ring but I had an idea of what was going on. I also used to show horses so that helped me.

    If you can get yourself to some shows and find someone who looks willing to answer your questions then do it. As Showdog said, tell the Steward that you are new and they should help you out. I also find it helpful to let the judge know, they are usually so helpful and patient with newbies. Dont be afraid to ask if you dont understand something the judge has asked you to do.

    but most importantly, you have borders? then there will be a few breeds on before you.. WATCH !!!! keep and eye on what the judge is asking the previous competitors to do and study your catalogue so that you understand where you are in the play of things. If you have a baby dog, then you will be one of the first in the ring for your breed... are there any other baby dogs entered? are you following or leading? if you have a baby bitch, then you need to be ready as soon as dog challenge has been done. Be ready at the ring so the Steward doesnt have to call for you several times, they will call you absent if you are off chatting with someone and dont answer your call.

    I find being at the ring ready and watching the breed before me go in and those of my breed helps me to relax and get focused.

    Most of all... have fun :) if you win, great ! if you dont, then work out why... could your handling be better? could your puppy behave better? is the other pup better than yours? be objective and honest and dont let the judges opinion on the day spoil things. You are going to be up against alot of people who have been showing for a while... but remember.. they started where you are now, they understand. I have a few border friends and they are all lovely people.

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