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Mr R & NR

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Posts posted by Mr R & NR

  1. Mark Foley at Monash Vets. Did TPLO on my Rotty 4 years ago, text book recovery. However I was really strict with confining her to her crate and restricting her exercise for the recommended 16 weeeks, crucial part of the recovery particularly if you have a very active dog as she was at the time. Cost about $3300.00 but that included 12 week xrays, two check up appts and pain relief.

  2. OOOOOh, Gargoyle photos, love those :D

    Well done Carters mum, sounds like he has grown up, which is inevitable but they do change somewhat once that maturity sets in. My girl was the same, she was younger though. Her prey drive kicked in at about 18months, I was lucky to have some really good advice at the time or I don't think she would still be around.

  3. I have seen an improvement in Nellie, just finishing the loading dose and I have noticed she is much better getting up on the couch and the bed (not that we allow that in this house :) )

    She used to take a while to work up to the jump, now she just does it when invited, really happy with that. As I have said before she has very significant problems and I don't expect a cure but very happy with the slight improvment.

  4. Wonderful information, I had no idea how versatile they are. If someone told me they pulled sleds before I saw the vid I would have told them they were mad. Beautiful dogs and great photo's. Not sure I could handle all that timidity though :laugh:

  5. I second Anne's recommendation, Bonofido or something they are called. I have two of these (Rotty and Ridgeback). The Rotty likes to hang out of it even though it is big enough and after at least 3 years it has still not collapsed at the sides, just bounces back. I don't put it in washing machine, the fabric just wipes clean. Only down side is the cushion is not really thick enough so have added another one. Like Dyz I am a bit over the beds business so now I buy cheap pillow from Kmart and use them until they lose their bounce, then chuck them out. For the living room they have bits of foam cut to size, I made covers for them really easy and just wash the covers every couple of weeks.

    I love those Lyrebird beds, if I had my own place I think I would have to have a couple of those. The rotty would not be able to hang over the sides though :)

  6. Definately no pets allowed. I took my Ridgey the first time I went and had to take him home again. :)

    The dogs you see there have either been in a show, demo or breed stand. I loved the Caulfield one, all the stalls and demos but not game to travel to Flemington for it.

  7. I have a rottie with exactly the same issues, she is now 7. She has recently got worse and xrays show more degeneration. She has been on joint supps since she was diagnosed at around 20 months. I find that the combinations, ie. Joint Guard, Sasha etc need to be changed every few months, it is sort of like they get immune. One I keep returning to is Techyflex, I find that always gives a boost. She is on Krill oil or Salmon oil, msm, glucosamine, chrondrointen, etc etc. Just started her on Osteoforte, really don't know if it is helping, only been a couple of weeks. We are also trying monthly Pentosan. She has also had some stem cell treatment, a couple of years ago which I believe relieved her but is not a cure. I guess given the dysplasia she has done quite well but I feel I cannot stop the march of time. I hope you find something to help.

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