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Dachie Chick

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  1. Oh yes most definately I will be carrying her down the stairs for her toilet breaks. The main thing I am worried about is when I am at work (FT Worker) and she is in the house alone. Maybe I could just confine her to a bedroom or something that way they are not ALL over the house She does go on command tho (so I just found out!)
  2. I only give her a little tap and I dont hit her on the face, more around the body side. I only used this as something to make her listen to me and let go (those puppy teeth are needle sharp!). No she doesnt get aggressive when we pick her up its more when we are playing and she takes it one step too far, therefore I have to correct her. I have stopped tapping her and just started the "loud growl" to scare her enough then I replace my hand with a toy of hers and praise her. She is much better now and I only have to say "no" once or twice and she realises. Every now and then she'll get cheeky and have a go but then I just walk away. Thanks for the info tho, its always good to hear.
  3. Hello again, Im sooo glad this website is here so I can get all the advice I need!!! he he Anyways my problem is that I have been teaching my little dacshie girl to go to the loo outside, sometimes i take here (like when we just wake up and before bedtime) but otherwise I like to just leave the door open and she goes during the day when she needs to. The problem I am going to face is that we are now moving into a highset house and I can no longer just leave the door open due to the problem with the stairs. Am I best to begin crate training her to prevent mishaps? Or is there some other solution as I dont much like the idea of leaving her in a small box all day when she is used to having full run of the house Thanks again everyone! M
  4. I have had the same problem with my dachie girl where she bites and nips at anything that comes near her face really. I have tried growling and lightly hitting her to let her know this is wrong and sometimes she just gets angrier and starts showing her teeth as well (which is a bit scary) so I try and growl louder (as much as my girly voice will allow) at her and if she doesnt stop I move to where she cant reach me and ignore her. I'm a bit worried that this will start aggression in her as she can get quite fiesty! I have also told my partner to stop "roughing" her up, but that only lasts for a little bit as well Its not making a huge difference in her at the moment...I guess I just have to wait longer :s
  5. I know what you are saying Mel, My Mini Dach bites alot when she is playing too and you say "no" but she just takes it as more incentive to bite! Sometimes she even barks back at me as if to say "dont tell me what to do!" Even though she only has little jaws she can still do a fair bit of damage to your hand! When she is in "play mode" you cant even pat her without getting bitten on the hand. I always use the method of saying no and then giving her one of her chew toys instead of my hand. I havent seen any improvement as yet but im sure she will get it, I dont exactly expect her to know straight away (it would be nice though ) I think its just a matter of keep at it and wait and see. Just like Mel I have no sure fixes as this is just my first pup but I think you are asking the question for a few people
  6. That is very true! Thank you for posting that very useful information, no mater how many posts you read nothing puts it as simple as this
  7. Hello again, I finally found a pic that wasn't too big to add on, sorry about the lateness! Marney
  8. Hello again everyone, Thank you very much for all your replies, they are most helpful! She is a good and beautiful girl but i recognise what xfire is saying in the fact that she is stubborn and demanding. Im sure she will grow out of most of the bad things she is doing at the moment so I guess I just have to wait it out and see (and put in a bit of training ). I cant wait till she is old enough and had all of her vaccinations so I can take her out and introduce her to puppy pre-school and other dogs, Im sure she will LOVE it! I am planning to start crate training her that way she knows she has a safe place that is all hers and if I ever travel i know there will be no problems in taking her with me. Thanks again and wish me luck!!!
  9. Dachie Chick


    Hi, I have just bought a new first puppy (Miniature Dachshund) and am having alot of trouble getting her to sleep by herself. I have tried putting her to bed in her own room but she whinges the WHOLE night. I tried ignoring her, clapping to distract her, telling her to be "QUIET", tapping her on the nose and telling her no, and sitting with her till she falls asleep then sneaking out.....only lasts 5 mins and she's awake again.....and NONE of this can make her stop whining! I have put her bed in our spare bathroom with some nice toys (kong with liver treats in it and some chew toys) and I also had a radio going quietly for some white noise but it doesnt seem to help. It wouldnt be so bad except dachie's must have the loudest and most high pitch whinge/bark I have heard! I didnt get any sleep last night and im worried that this will happen when its time for me to go back to work...I need help now! :D I am open to all suggestions so whatever you have...throw it at me! Thank you very much
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