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  1. Yes you are right. They are in the house. I have just flea bombed the house and there is a remarkable difference but what i`m wondering is when I take them to the park and the fleas jump on them again what happens once they bring them back into the house?
  2. Thankyou to both of you. Will try advocate. Have tried permoxin aswell but only used it on the dogs. Will try spraying everything else.
  3. Am wondering if anyone can give me some advice on fleas? I am new to this website and it looks really helpful. I have 2 dogs who are absolutely full of fleas and i`m going out of my mind. I use revolution once monthly. Have tried frontline spray and Malaban rinse. I am bathing them every day with a flea shampoo which I know is too often. As soon as I get the fleas off them new ones jump straight back on. I am flea bombing the house tonight. Does anyone have any advice? Is there anything I can use to stop new fleas from wanting to jump and stay on them? Thankyou.
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