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Posts posted by Danois

  1. Definitely a big No, No, No to Rosemary! It is a neurotoxin (along with oregano and thyme) and can cause seizures in dogs. Having a dog with really bad seizures (she has never eaten rosemary btw), it boggles the mind to think items could actually be added to dog food that could cause them.


    Highly regarded source on rosemary.

    A lot of dry dog foods use rosemary extract in them and as far as I know, there is no scientific support for claim rosemary causes seizures in dogs.

  2. Yet again on FB I saw something about dog thefts, and in particular the "marking" of properties. What I found funny about the post was that a lot of the "markings" that were on the post are used by council and vicroads to mark repairs that are required to roads/footpaths/concrete manhole covers/etc. Some were unique, but others well I think it's questionable as to whether they are done by dog-nappers or if they are just people marking out where work is going to be completed.

    I think there is a lot of hype around dog thefts and a lot of paranoia.

    I think dog thefts happen, but I think there is a lot more hype than actual frquency of dog thefts. To be honest I'm not really interested in why dogs are stolen - there is no doubt a range of reasons and none of them are good. But I am interested to see what the frequency actually looks like! I know we are a closed community in asking this question, but maybe it will give a bit of a snapshot. Maybe I'm wrong maybe it is really frequent and I'm being naive (sp??) about it.

    Anyway interested in poll responses and any thoughts on this.

    I'm always intrigued by this. Don't dog nappers use FB or the internet??

    There was a spate of "suspicious vehicle in area" posts in Canberra not long before I left. Dogs WERE being stolen apparently.

    I asked the ACT Police. If dogs were being stolen, no one was reporting them.

    I honestly think some people get their jollies scaring the bejesus out of dog owners. Yes, it happens. But so do gates left or blown open and dogs that would rival Houdini for escaping.

    That was the case here in North West Sydney too - big noise about dog thefts in the area. Police put out the same statement - if it's happening, no one was reporting it to them.

  3. Oh - I've realised who Country Girl is - Lilysmum.

    Enough said.

    Has she started a new profile...??? Why would you do that?


    Possibly to hide herself from the reputation that she had on this forum. Especially as Dog Horse Girl profile is still active.

    Interesting she speaks of ethics - we all have long memories here and her actions around horses from the dogger sales sticks firmly in mind.

    Skulking back on including introducing herself like a newbie did not go unnoticed by many.

  4. Search this forum it has been discussed at length before.

    It is only illegal to drive with them in your lap.

    It is not illegal for them to be unrestrained in the front passenger seat or elsewhere in the car.

    It is illegal to not have proper control of your car at all times.

    If you have a dog in the front seat unrestrained then there is a risk that police could fine you for not having proper control (ie distraction factor). It would be damn hard for them to impose the same fine for a dog in the rear of the vehicle, especially one that is not leaping about etc distracting you.

    This is national road rules so the same everywhere.

    It is illegal to have them unrestrained on the back of a ute.

    Main reason to restrain them is their own safety - so they don't become a projectile in an accident.

  5. Don't feel bad about missing it - they are awesome that not showing pain/ injury. Mine broke his toe and the only sign was the limping - did not make a sound. As a consequence, he's getting a bit of arthritis in it and as he's getting older too I've just started giving him the Green Lipped Mussel with Tumeric vitamin (human grade) - http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/product.asp?id=72060&pname=Blooms+Green+Lipped+Mussel+500mg+With+Turmeric+1500mg+100+Vege+Capsules+

    Perhaps consider something like this?

  6. What gorgeous photos - this was my stomping ground growing up as we did a lot of road trips and were fortunate enough to have a lot of back country access through my father's connections/ work.

    There is nowhere in the world like the South Island.

  7. Thanks all. :) I got some Royal Canin today, will see how that goes.

    Don't forget that some large petstores have a money back guarantee, eg Petbarn. So you won't get stuck with another bag of expensive kibble.

    Actually it's the food companies that offer this not the pet stores - check the bag of food you buy as there is usually something on there.

  8. Australian Standards always cost to get hold of a copy - regardless of what the subject matter is - because they are licensed documents.

    We have the Standard here and we have comprehensive laws in the Consumer Law re advertising and labelling. And an active regulator who regularly takes actions against companies for misleading and deceptive advertising.

    The US position is rather irrelevant to Australia and maybe you would find more traction raising the issues you are on a US forum.

  9. I couldn't deal with dogs that woke me up! If I have the dogs on the bed with me they both sleep in as long as I do :laugh:


    Actually in the mornings I can get out of bed, get completely ready for work, feed the cat, put dog's food out, get the dog's treats out, grab the rubbish and open the bedroom blinds just as I walk out the front door - open the door and then the dog gets off the bed - oh are you leaving now?!!

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