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Posts posted by Danois

  1. Thanks Oakway - I will look into that.

    It has not been the best weekend - he has had diarrohea most of the weekend - pure liquid despite being fasted and then fed i/d and chicken/rice/pumpkin. Everything is irritated so he has blood in the poo.

    Despite this he is hungry but no food for him!

    We've stopped his medication for now too.

    Its very hard - everytime we seem to make progress we then come to a grinding halt.

    (I should note I have had vet advice).

  2. Thanks guys for your words and the links.

    I had a fantastic day today - he has put on 4kg this week and is now at the heaviest he has ever been and the swelling has gone down by about 2/3rds since we started the new meds this week (response time is very quick). Bad news is that his poor tummy is upset and I am going to remain him Squirt...


    (Just in case you 'avoid' the dane thread!)

  3. Angus has been recently diagnosed with Immune Mediated Poly Arthritis (IMPA from now on in!) and I am just wanting to hear from anyone else who has had this diagnosed as we are having a few teething problems with treatment - but getting there thanks to a fanstastic vet (and vet nurse!).

    Angus is a 15 month old great dane.

    The background is that I had Angus had the vet 4 or 5 times in the first 10 months with a limp (predominantly in right hind but did shift for a period) and stiffness. His right hock was swollen. In July he had a fever and spent the day in hospital on anti-biotics and anti-inflamms. He returned a high white blood cell reading but his temp came down with treatment and he was discharged with a diagnosis of pyrexia (fever of unknown origin). His bloods were not retested by the vet.

    Up until then he had been gaining weight steadily and weighed 45kg aged 8 months. Since July he has put on less than 10kgs and is currently around 53kg. (His brother weighed 68kg at 12 months).

    The vets were determined from day one it was OCD.

    Just prior to Xmas he was limping again and his right hock was very swollen - went to the usual vets and again decided it was OCD. They declined to do a fluid tap as highly sterile conditions were necessary and they could not do it there. Was given rimadyal and told to go back in a week if still swollen.

    After talking with another vet/nurse I went for a second opinion - a fluid tap was done on the spot which came back with a very high white blood cell count. Bloods and xrays were done and a diagnosis of IMPA was made.

    Angs was started on a course of prednisolone (cortisone) of 100mg a day. Unfortunately after 2.5 weeks there was no consistent improvement and despite being on cortisone was not eating very much at all. He is blessed with the common dane sensitive stomach and he had the runs oon and off.

    Fresh bloods and fluid tap showed a white blood cell count of 32,000 which was increased despite the cortisone. No bacterial organisms were found to indicate infection.

    We tapered the cortisone back and he seemed to respond by eating really well and reduced swelling. He had dropped 3kg or so by this time.

    Unfortunately (again!) it flared back again and since mid week he has been back on the high dose of cortisone and also on Imuran too. In a couple of days the swelling has reduced significantly but again, he does not have much of an appetite. Hopefully he holds his weight.

    When he is eating he is having 5 cups of RC Giant Junior twice a day plus 500g or so of mince for supper. He also has fish oil and I mix Thrive d through his food as he gets bad gas and it aids with digestion. He cannot have lamb flaps or roo as it is too rich for his stomach.

    He has been such a trooper - he just stands there and lets the vet stick needles in, rotate joints etc - they only had to sedate him for the xrays rather than GA. I am very proud of my boy but it is very hard to see him unhappy.

    So - thats Angs story and I would really appreciate if anyone else has any experience with IMPA, having a dog on cortisone and/ or imuran and anything else anyone can offer!

    Thanks in advance.

    Sarah & Angus

  4. Get a full work up from the vets including xrays

    Angus had a limp that came and went and stiffness in the leg (there was also swelling in the hock) - he turned out to have immune mediated poly athritis which is pretty serious. This was confirmed with x-rays, blood tests and a fluid tap.

    Hopefully treating him now (at 15 months) will stop it being a major issue.

    My advice - keep looking until you find the cause - do not necessarily just treat the symptoms.

  5. Hey

    Angus is currently on Cortisone too and aside from being the drinking and peeing machine he also had blood in his stools on the weekend much to my panic!

    Vet assured me it was all good and we stopped the cortisone for a day just to give his stomach a break.

    Maybe track down Stormie on here as she is experiencing a dog with allergies, cortisone treatment and elimination diet plus she knows her stuff!

  6. Try dealing with dane sized anal glands that need expressing!!!

    I thought he did his own :D

    Budyjelle - Angus is 14 months old and has never had any problems or required them expressed. My understanding is that somedogs need it, others don't, some express as a routine rather than as necessary.

    I'd say - if you have not noticed a problem - Stormie tells me that as strong fishy smell is an inidcation then I would not be worried!

  7. Look out there is a teenager in the house!

    When I had trouble with pulling on the lead I was told (and followed) that as soon as Angus pulled, I turned around (turning into him) and started walking back to where we had come from, once he settled and was walking at heel then he would be praised with good heel etc and then turned around (away from him) and start heading to where we had been going. If he did it again, we repeated it etc etc. He soon learnt that he was not going to get to the park if he continued to pull and stopped it.

    Go back to the training basics for the sit, come etc

  8. A lot of the policies these days do not have any breed specific exclusions any more - it changed about Oct 2006. Mine is with RSPCA and I have no restrictions on it!

    If you change you *will* be covered for things such hip dysplasia PROVIDED he has shown no symptoms prior to joining.

  9. Cassie - I have only just seen this thread. I am so sorry to hear Oakley has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Without doubt he was one of my favourite dogs on DOL. I was looking at a post of your this morning elsewhere and marvelling at the change from that ball of fluff you first posted a picture off.

  10. Every couple of days - depends on whether he has done his business in the yard or while out in the park.

    I scrub the pavers with hot water, disinfectant and hard broom once a week and throw hot water and vinegar over the riverstones.

    Anything I pick up is picked up like in the park - by hand in the black poo bags and I drop it into the poo bin at the park (right across the road).

  11. I have not read through all the replies but right from when I first got Angus I made the vets a fun place. I am lucky that they are close to home so I would just drop in with Angus (usually to weigh him) or to say hi and he would get fussed over and given heaps of treats. We also did puppy pre-school there.

    He fair on pulls me through the door now - goes up to the counter, puts his paws up, gets his treat and then sits and waits!

  12. A good way of tiring out before work is a 10 minute training session as this will tire her mentally.

    Combine this with a giggle ball or interactive toy for when you leave - when I put Angus' giggle ball down he ignores me leaving as he is rolling it around trying to get the treats out (usually his usual kibble with a few bits of liver included).

    With regards to waiting an hour around food - I have a breed prone to bloat and am not so worried about this timeframe if he was not been zooming around, playing etc and only walking.

    Keep his toys on a cycle so there is an ever changing variety.

  13. I went through the 'first through the door' with Angus 8 weeks ago (aged 10 months).

    He knew sit and stay - he tends to go into a drop which I do not mind. I would then walk ahead and open the door. If he released himself and rushed out I would turn around, call him back and shut the door and then repeat the process until he got the idea. I now walk up to the door and point to the floor and he drops, I walk out the door, put my shoes on and then release him.

    He has learnt that he cannot get to the park if he does not do this.

    I have used the same technique with regards to throwing his ball or stick. He was jumping on me and he has now learnt that 'mine' means he has to drop and wait for it to be thrown.

    Cementing my dominance in these two area has established me as the holder of desirable objects (the park and his ball etc) and he only gets these things on my terms.

    I have now noticed that other areas of his behaviour are even better.

    Good luck!

  14. Hi

    I don't know newfies but I know my dane who everyone tells me is too thin/ I don't feed enough to - does 8 cups of food a day sound enough??

    The best advice I had is that it is better that they are leaner while growing to reduce pressure on the joints.

    Tell the people who think you are under feeding to rack off!

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