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Posts posted by Lynlovesdogs

  1. Thanks for all the advice and the love and the hugs. 


    My last pup (that I actually found through dolforums!) had her first seizure roughly a year after I got her - she was 7. 


    We never did any further testing as she had a heart problem and wouldn’t be able to be anaesthetised for any procedures or scans. 

    We treated her with anti seizure medication as well as her heart meds. 

    She lived another 8 years and we had to let her go when she had a series of very bad seizures and the vet thought at this point we couldn’t do any more for her. 


    She lived till she was 15 and She was the best dog ever!!! 


    I think my sister wants to conclusively find out what her dog has but I’ll keep you all posted on the outcome 


    thanks everyone again xx

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  2. Hi guys


    i have a 7 year old mixed breed rescue who has been with us for a few years now. And she is in good health generally. 


    Last weekend she started having what we thought were leg cramps but didn’t seem to be in pain. 


    Took her to the vet and did all the normal tests and even some bloods and all normal. 


    We put her on some low dose anti inflammatory medication just in case it was a muscle spasm and we thought it had passed as no cramps for a couple of days. 


    Last night she had four. We sent the video to our vet who said she hadn’t seen it before and forwarded it to specialists. 


    You guys helped me last time with my previous dog so I’m hoping you all can again! 


    Any experience of this or advice would be much appreciated! 


    Stupidly just realised I cannot upload videos cos they are too large so if someone can advise me how to do that too! 

  3. Our pup Vinnie has odd behaviour which doesn't happen terribly often. But when it does it freaks me out. 

    The first time it looked like and epileptic fit. 


    After the first time, I thought it looked more like he was humping air. 


    He he has a very confused look like he can't control the back part of his body but he doesn't have the same glazed look my poor hazel had when she had seizures. 


    Anyone encountered this before?

    i have a video but can't upload it cos of the file size!


    also his back legs seem quite weak is this common in the breed? 

  4. Thank you all so much. It means so much when people understand and it's not just 'A DOG'.

    I will post a photo and share with everyone when I get home. It was hard to get up today. And I woke up several times during the night.

    But I keep telling myself. She's not suffering. And she knows I loved her and as selfish as I am and wanted more time with her I know I did the best.

    I just have to keep reminding myself and I go crazy trying to understand why it happened so quickly but it won't bring her back.

    I loved every post here. Dol-ers are like family. If it weren't for this I would not have been so lucky to have found her


  5. Hi all thank you for all your kind supportive words. I found hazel through these forums and we have had lots of ups and downs together. I know I did the right thing as our vet who is the best in the world confirmed that I was doing the only thing that was right for her.

    We shared the day together with her lying in our arms before we went to the GP. She went quickly and painlessly. She looked so tired.

    We cried and cried and I still can't believe she's gone.

    My poor baby Hazel. 11-08-2000 - 22-10-2015. Rip Hazel.

  6. Hi fello DOLers. It has been awhile since Hazel and I have been online.

    She turned 15 in August and since I quit my job in May I have been able to spend more time with her even though she has dementia.

    Over the weekend she had 4 seizures and so I took her to her vet on Monday. They suggested sending her to a 24 hour centre to watch her.

    The prognosis is not good. They think she has an advanced brain tumour and it's been 3 days and she still has partial seizures. Even with meds she has partial ticks and it is so hard to see her like this.

    She's not really there and she can't walk anymore.

    It's probably time and I'm just waiting for other family members to come home before we go to the vet. But I'm just not ready to let go. How do you all do it? She has been my best friend over the last 9 years.

  7. argh!! waiting and waiting for the dang eagle pack holistic select to come in and it's NEVER coming in....

    We shaved Hazel last year and started her on it and she stopped scratching, her hair grew back shiny and smooth and soft. and now we've had her on ziwipeak but her hair is all stringy and with the change of season, she's starting to scratch like a HOBO!!

    Any updates after feeding Canidae guys?

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