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Posts posted by PomsNZ

  1. We had a samoyed that attacked him badly, we rushed him down to the vets, but he had severed bruising. its more than likely the samoyed caused the injuries.

    We rehomed the samoyed, he was unsuitable to be in more than 1 dog home, as he showed again, causing damage to a larger dog.

    i feel so bad, we thought we were doing all we could when we had the samoyed, i should never have let him come.

  2. have just got back from seeing him.

    he didnt get up, but wagged his tail for a second.

    nurses say hes the same.

    Still critical. the nurses said can take a week for him to improve.

    im beside myself with worry. i think its going to be another night with little sleep.

    jsut praying to the "gods" that be that he makes it through the night again.


    rung vets at 8 this morning, and hes alive, so we went down to see him.

    Vet said he is marginally better, still critical, but he made it through the night, which he wasnt sure if he would. We will be taking bloods maybe later on, although the treatment wont change.

    tiny steps are good enough for me!

    He is so sore, but he walked out of his crate to come to me, you could see the pain in his eyes, but i think he was happy to see us all.

    Crossing fingers he doesnt slip backwards, and now its all forward!!!!!

    marginally better is still better!!!!!!!!!

  4. i wont know until morning.

    they have someone who will keep an eye on him, check him often, but i cant get through to vets, its gone to after hours emergency ones, and they are rostered by all the vets in our city here.

    i wont know until morning when they open, if hes ok, or if he isnt.

    i dont think i can handle this.

    On this side of the fence it is everything id feared it would be, when freinds went through it.

    BUT i do take comfort from the warm wishes, i know that its all you can do.

    so i do thank you, and thank you for thinking of my sambucca boy.

    im so silly, i asked the vet to sing to him our song, (i was on phone crying so i doubt she understood me) but its

    sam sam bucca man

    whose the cutest?

    yes, you am

    my kids made it up and he jsut loves it, dances to it.

  5. it is confirmed renal failure and pacnreatisits gods i cant spell.

    bryan managed to get in to see him, hes not doing so good. the toxic levels are like 6 times higher than they should be.

    i wont know how he is until morning.

    if he can make it through the night, there is a good chance he will make it.

    make or break time. i cant belive my boy is on deaths door. i can only hope he doesnt go through, i need him so much. selfish i know.

  6. She LOVES walkies.. She will be ok if the owner does it, but if anyone goes to pat her, she gets a bit *antsy*. worse when shes tired.

    She said some days are great, others is like taking a step backwards.

    i wish i could give her a magic cure!

  7. Ok, shes not mine, but i was going to keep her for a while lol

    Name: Alice

    Sex: Female

    Date of birth: 25 May 08

    Age: 10 weeks

    Colour: orange sable

    Breed: pomeranian

    Hobbies: Chasing dad out of her puppy pen, chasing my moon boot

    Loves: Toys, mums tail, dads feet, my feet, shoelaces, the wool human mum needs for her knitting

    Hates: having the wool she bravely rescued from me taken back. Hates dad getting in her puppy pen




  8. Ah, okay, my sincere apologies for misinterpreting it. I've just been hearing a lot of horror stories lately about enforcing alpha status with 'rollovers' and growling at them and such stuff being used on young puppies who don't understand it.

    Oh, i can understand your query, she doesnt do the rollover, or anything like that~ lol

  9. Poms,first cab off the rank would be to see how the lead is actually being put on the pup.I mean the way in which the owner physically puts the lead on.Have others put the lead on and take note if the pup reacts the same way.That will tell a story.sometime's people will carry out a task with a dog in a way that spells out threat to the dog. Tony

    Thats what i thought would be the next step, go up and see how she puts the lead on... We may be able to pick something up.. we thought it might be fear agression, where the pup is *misreading* the situation, and getting like that.

    I do apologise for my bad choice of words! i blame the pain meds im on.. failing that i blame it on the poms distracting me lmao

  10. You could even start with just having the lead on the floor and treating for going near the lead so positive association for the lead. I don't think I'd be trying to grab the dog while its growling it may only excite it further. I'd also be looking at the way the owner is approaching the dog and putting the lead on, the dog could well be reacting to the owner not the lead and has now generalised anyone approaching it to put a lead on. Go slowly starting with positive reinforcement of the lead on the floor would be my first step.

    the person doesnt live in my city, i cant say how she approaches it. i will suggest i come see how she does it. The owner is a vet nurse experienced with *bad dogs* so i would presume shed know what to do.

    But good suggestion, i will ask if i can come witness it. Might be something i see that she doesn't know she is doing.

  11. Could this be the problem? Alpha pack status doesn't apply until they are fully mature adults. Until then, the puppy's status is 'puppy', not 'alpha' or anything else. Maybe he's reacting defensively and scared and freaking out at whatever the 'forcing the issue of alpha' actually means.

    sorry, it did sound rather horrid. Pup is not fed until theyve eaten, waits for them to go through the door first etc... I thought that if she was defensive and freaking out, it would be at every thing, not just that one thing they are doing. Pup is quite happy to wait till she is fed, but she is not allowed to be dominant etc. Pup is still a puppy and owner gets that she is still a baby.

    Forcing the issue is a bad choice of words on my behalf. But she isnt about to let pup rule the household.

  12. 10 week old pom puppy, will bite only when putting on the lead. Owner has tried to reward good behaviour, and is doing really well in other areas, but puppy has drawn blood when the lead goes on. A freind of hers put the lead on the dog today, after her warning her not too, and the pup bit hard enough to draw blood again. Shes fine when on the lead, and lets people pat her on the head and back, doesnt show any other agression, did growl a bit when picked up, but has calmed down now. Dog is fed last, waits for humans to go through doors, and owner is thrilled with the pup, apart from this real agreesive behaviour.

    Owner doesnt know wht else to do, she cant let this behaviour go on, does anyone have any ideas?

    She is really forcing the issue that the dog is not alpha, and the pup gets it, shes fine round people, other dogs, the cats, but its just when she goes to put a lead on. She has the collar on non stop, and owner has tried distraction, pup is getting better when she does it, but now shes gone backwards the owner feels, by biting the other person. Regardless whether its a pom or a 30 kg rottie, this can not be allowed to carry on and shes at a loss as to stop it.

    Please help, i dont know what else to suggest!

  13. Got pom male done, cost me $110, included everything.

    Had c section done last sunday and it cost $617, for after hour emergency.

    My previous vet charges 250+ for desexing a male dog

    and my litter before this one, the c section cost almost $1,500, PLUS they killed 2 pups.

    I feel justified not only because my new bets know more about dogs, they charge way less as well! less than half price!

  14. Breed and age: Pomeranians (3 adult bitches)

    Product name, size and cost: Royal canin maxi juniour i think.. about a 2kg bag under $30.00

    Daily amount fed: free flow

    How long does the bag last: about 2 months..

    Average cost of feeding/week:better than a car that runs on smell of oily rag

    Anything to add they also get cat biscuits when they can get away with stealing them, stolen lil pieces of toast, copious amounts of toe jam, also given bones to chew and cheese for training, lots of luncheon/ham at shows.. when they do well they are allowed anything lol...

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